I feel relieved that you received the goods. It made it even during holiday season!Oh, you know the founder of Roland. It is a nice brand that makes electronic musical instruments.And you are friends with many well know musicians! My wife loves Electone, and I love music very much.Is TV door inter phone popular over there as well? I'm very glad to get to know you, and I wish you and your family happy new year.
With the shift in media consumption patterns, the Internet has allowed many online media outlets to start from a clean slate to disrupt the incumbents. Here’s an opportunity for journalist and writers to create world-class content on the internet and we’re already later than our American counterparts.I personally think the work of Singapore’s technology publications like TechinAsia, e27 and SGE are important as their success would mean that future technology startups in Singapore can disseminate information at a regional level and gain a head start. I’m heartened that many are working on multi-lingual dissemination and local partnerships with regional markets to grow their readership base.
メディアの消費パターンの変化により、インターネットは、多くのオンラインメディアが現職を混乱させるため、白紙の状態から始めることを可能にした。ここで、ジャーナリストや作家にとって世界トップクラスのコンテンツをネットで作る機会であるが、我らはもう私たちのアメリカの対応より遅れている。個人的に私は、TechinAsia, e27 and SGEのようなシンガポールの技術刊行物の仕事は彼らの成功と同じように重要だと思う。彼らの成功はシンガープルで未来の技術のスタートアップが地域レベルで情報を発信し、幸先の良いスタートを得ることができることを意味する。私は多くの人々が読者層を増やすために、地域の市場とマルチリンガル普及と地域の連携に取り組んでいることを勇気づけています。
Online media in the region is now a mad land grab and those who have the lion’s share will influence the next generation of consumers. It would be silly for any venture capitalist to miss out on the opportunity to back a growing internet media outlet with such aspirations. So who’s backing the next Wall Street Journal and Monocle?
地域におけるオンラインメディアは今土地横領に盛り上がっていて、最大のシェアを持ってる人は次の時代の諸費者に影響を及ぼすであろう。そのわけで、成長しているインターネットメディアを大望でバックアップする機会を逃すのはベンチャーキャピタリストにとっては愚かなことでしょう。さて、誰が次のWall Street Journalとモノクルをバックアップするのですか?
I would like to purchase the exact same product that I purchased at ebay and extra two items. Of course it's up to the prices. If we go with the list that I represented earlier, it would be like a direct dealing of total 5 items. In case I purchase them, please let me know how much it would cost in total including shipping fee. I will purchase if it meets the budget.
ブルーベリーチーズケーキ味香ばしいウエハースにブルーベリー風味のチーズ入りクリームをサンドして、全体をチーズ風味のホワイトチョコレートで包みこみました。ストロベリーチーズ味香ばしいウエハースにストロベリー風味のチーズ入りクリームをサンドして、全体をチーズ風味のホワイトチョコレートで包みこみました。 信州りんご信州の清らかな恵みの水と、澄み切った空の下で育った「信州りんご」。そのさわやかな風味と甘みを、香ばしいウエハースと一緒にミルクチョコレートでやさしく包み込みました。
Blueberry Cheese Cake TasteOn the savory wafer, put blueberry taste cream, and wrapped the whole parts with cheese taste white chocolates.Strawberry Cheese TasteOn the savory wafer, put strawberry taste cream, and wrapped the whole parts with cheese taste white chocolates.Sinshu Apple.'Sinshu Apple' was grown under the clear sky and by clear water from Sinshu. With that fresh and sweet taste, added savory wafer and nicely wrapped with milk chocolate..
紅いも沖縄・南九州エリアで親しまれている鮮やかな色合いが特徴の「紅いも」。その上品な風味を香ばしいウエハースとホワイトチョコレートで包みました。あまおう苺福岡で生まれたいちごの品種「あまおう」。その芳醇な風味を、香ばしいウエハースといっしょに、ホワイトチョコレートでやさしく包み込みました。 ルレクチエ新潟名産の西洋梨の一種「ル レクチエ」。その芳醇な香りとコクのある甘みを香ばしいウエハースといっしょにホワイトチョコレートでやさしく包み込みました。
Red PotatoRed potato is well known for its neat color and it is a specialty of Okinawa, South Gyushu. I added that with savory wafer and wrapped with white chocolates. Sweet Strawberry, Amaou strawberryAmaou is the specialty strawberry of Fukuoka. On the delicious savory and tasty sweetness, I added savory wafer and wrapped nicely with white chocolates.
北は東北、南は沖縄まで、日本各地、ご当地限定の‘キットカット’の味が楽しめます。あずきサンド味東海地方の喫茶店の定番メニュー「小倉トースト」。その味わいにヒントを得て、あずき入りクリームを香ばしいウエハースでサンドし、ミルクチョコレートで包みこみました。 柑橘黄金ブレンド温州みかん・レモン・すだちをこだわりのバランスでブレンドし、ホワイトチョコレートで包みこみました。甘みと酸味のバランスのとれた爽やかな味わいをお楽しみください。
From the north of Touhoku to the south of Okinawa, you can enjoy the special Kit Kat flavour of every region of Japan.Azuki bean flavour'Kokura Toast' is one of the regular menus of cafe in Toukai region. Got the idea from the flavor, put the azuki bean cream on the savory wafer and wrapped with milk chocolates. Golden tangerine blendBlended Onshu tangerine, lemon, citron with particular balance, and wrapped with white chocolates. Please enjoy the refreshing savor of well balanced sweetness and sourness.
ずんだ風味「ずんだ」とは、枝豆をすりつぶした東北地方の郷土料理です。郷土の風味豊かで素朴な味わいを、キットカットでお楽しみください。 ラムレーズン独特な風味を持つラムレーズンの味わいのチョコレートに、クラッシュしたビスケットを練り込み、おしゃれな味に仕上げました。 田丸屋本店わさび静岡を中心に人々に愛され続ける「田丸屋本店」のわさびとキットカットがコラボレーション。厳選された本わさびの上品な辛さとホワイトチョコレートのまろやかな甘みの絶妙なハーモニーをお楽しみください。
Zunda Flavor'zunda' is a meshed pea which is one of the specialty cousins of northeastern region. Please do enjoy the natural and simple flavor with Kit Kat.Lamb RaisinOn the unique flavor of lamb raisin's savory chocolate, put crashed biscuits, and made up with the fabulous flavor. Tamaruyahonten WasabiCollaboration of Tamaruyahonten's wasabi which has been loved by many people around Sizuoka and Kit Kat. Please do enjoy the miraculous harmony of light sweetness of white chocolates and marvelous happiness of carefully selected hon wasabi.
That is fantastic... thank you very much! I will help you in anyway I can with the build.... don't be afraid to ask.I would be glad to send any pictures or information you need. If you come to LA and have some extra time, I will come get you and show you our shop in San Diego. You would need a full day because travel to a from LA is slow. My Japanese is Zero!!... so you have me beat on the language barrier! Merry ChristmasMike
それは素晴らしい。本当にありがとうございます。建設に関しては私が出来る限り力を貸します。気がからず尋ねて下さい。喜んであなたが必要とするどのような写真や情報を送ります。もしあなたがLAに来て、時間の余裕があれば、私はあなたをピックアップしてサンディエゴにある当店をご紹介したいです。 LAからの旅が遅いので、丸一日が必要になります。私は日本語ぜんぜん喋れないんです!...だからあなたが言語にとっては勝ちました。メリークリスマスマイク
At first, since the goods is not arrived yet, I would like to apologize from the heart.It seems like the baggage which was sent on 17th hasn't been passed the custom in USA.I think you purchased it as a Christmas present. I'm terribly sorry.What I can do for you is that to return the shipping fee.And I will return the money in case you want to cancel the order.I understand that it is not okay whether or not return the money, but please do tell me if there is anything I can do for you.
Dear Shigetaka This is an unusual request but I wonder if you could help us.We made a mistake with the order for our customer Eiji Mizuno who is copied in on this e-mail.Lucy sent him the wrong helmet in error.After a delay we did send him the correct BMW helmet and visor.We think that Eiji is asking for a refund but we do not understand why. Please could you e-mail him in Japanese to find out exactly what the problem is.Please reassure him that if there is a mistake in any way we will of course put this right. Kind regardsDavid
Time constraintWhen a friend shares a photo, your eyes and brain can immediately decide how much time and energy to invest in that image. Perhaps glance over it for barely a second, or pore over it and opt to ‘like’ it and leave a comment. Video content, however, inherently takes more time, and is much more likely to be a let-down. From one preview image in the video player window (usually a blurry or badly-lit one) you have to decide whether it’s worth 10 seconds – or three minutes or whatever – of your time and attention.
I had bought a seiko watch as retail from ebay, and I found you while l was browsing seiko's home page. I will purchase in bulk every month from now.Would you sell me seiko's products at wholesale prices? I will pay by credit card or PayPal.I have sales of 300 million per month in Japan.I'm willing to increase number of orders after I purchase your products. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for replying me early in the morning.I understand if it takes time to reply because of the time difference between the US and Japan. Please take enough sleep. I made payment just now. Please make the baby doll without the earrings this time. But I do want magnet decorations. I think sleeveless style of Victoria age is so adorable. White and long gown is not desirable. I want a cute dress. I like the baby dress like the item number 120. Please engrave the name as Kory.
Inquiry It is the inquiry about the flight. I'm looking for the cheap around tickets from Japan to Puckett, Thailand.I'm planning to leave at late night on Dec 30, 2012 from Japan (Narita or Haseda) and return with the morning flight on Jan 13, 2013 from Puckett.The departure should be after 23:00 on Dec 30, and I want it to get Puckett at the earliest time. If it is hard to find a ticket on 30th, please look for the earliest flight on the next day.I'm also considering to have set of one way tickets that of one way ticket to Thai and return ticket to Japan.Thanks
Hi, Thanks always.Also, I didn't get the package yet. When can I expect the package?Since it has been more than a month, I will ask for the refund to PAYPAL if it takes longer than this.However, I do want to purchase the goods from you.If you think you can make it, I will waitIf you think it takes time, please refund the money for now.I would like to make purchase once again when you have it in stock. I do need your product.I'm looking forward to have a long-term business partnership.I like you very much! Thank you.
I got it.Thanks for the cell phone case. I have a question.Is the newest PRADA phone unlocked? May I have the list? I care less about the sim.Besides, It wouldn't be any problem if it's unlocked. Please, do find unlocked cell phone from your warehouse. If you do have it, I will buy in bulk.I admire your diligence and kindness.I would love to have long term partnership with you.Thank you.
お世話になっております。現在御社のHPに接続できない状態になっております。サーバーが混み合っているからでしょうか?今まで一度もなかった現象です。またSmartyにも接続できません。下記の様なメッセージができてしまいます。" ●●"大文字・小文字も間違っていないのですが、何故でしょうか?お返事お待ちしております。
Thank you very much for your hospitality. It is unable to access your company's website. Is it because of the over access to the server? It never happened before. Furthermore, it is unable to access to Smarty either.The following message pops up." ●●"What is the occasion? I didn't make any mistake of spelling, not even capital or small letters. Please reply me ASAP.
私がもらった資料の内容を要約しました。資料は荷物に同梱します。私にこの資料のコピーをくれたのは、若い頃に版画集の制作に関わった一人、長谷川英一さんです。ーー虻や蜂等の変形凧で有名な愛知県安城市の桜井凧製作者 岩瀬仙松さん宅にて大正・昭和初期の凧の版木が発見された。コミュニティの人々は、これらの凧絵を後世に残すため時間をかけてこれらの版画を墨一色で刷り上げた。刷る作業は手先だけにチカラをこめるだけでは足らず、上半身の体重を馬連にのせ、素早く均等に刷るため大変だった。
I did summarize the materials I received.I enclosed the data in the package.It was the Mr. Eiichi Haseawa who gave this copy of the materials. He's the one who was involved in the production of the prints collection The wooden printing blocks of Taisho and early Showa have discovered at Mr.Iwase's house, who is famous for his horseflies and bees kite painting, in Sakurai Anjo, Aichi, People in the community took a time to print out the paintings with one color ink in order to preserve the painting for the next generations.It was hard work that required not only the power of the fingertips but also the upper body weight to baren which should be made quickly and evenly.
"A"に興味があります。いくつか質問がありますので、お手数ですか教えてください。Tour Issue(Tour選手限定品)ですか?" T tour serial numbers"は何桁ですか?Shaftはついていますか?それともHeadのみですか?"Tour department"で購入されたヘッドですか?それともTour Playerから得たものですか?もし写真があれば送って欲しいです。宜しくお願いします。
I'm interested in "A"I'm sorry for bothering you, but please answer to my questions.Is it a Tour Issue? (Tour Limited Edition)What is the "T tour serial numbers"?Is it come with Shaft or only Head? Is it the one purchased at "Tour department?"Or is it the one obtained from Tour Player?If you do have a picture, please send it to me.Thanks