【TNCC第34次現地報告1 戸別農家型バイオガスシステム1号、順調に稼動】TAUP実験農場に2010年6月19日に設置されたバイオガスシステムは2011年1月16日の訪問時「設置以来順調に約8ヶ月稼動している」とTAUP代表の農業高校校長から報告を受けた。牛2頭の排泄物を等量の水とかき混ぜて投入すると6時間分の燃料用メタンガスと有機液体肥料が産出される。朝昼夜の食事時の炊事に活用するほか飲用の湯茶を沸かしている。液体有機肥料は農業高校の実験農場の野菜畑に使用している。
【The 34th TNCC Field Trip Report I: Home Biogas System for Farmers I is in good operation.】The TAUP head and principal of the agricultural high school told us that the biogas system installed in the TAUP experimental farm on June 19, 2010 has been operating well for 8 months since its installation, when we visited there on Jan 16, 2011. With mixture of manure of 2 cows and the equivalent amount of water, the system produces methane fuel worth the amount for cooking for 6 hours and an organic liquid fertilizer. The gas has been used for daily cooking for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and also for boiling water to make tea. The liquid organic fertilizer is used for the vegetable garden at the experimental farm in the school.
●There was a patent foramen ovale and trace mitral,tricuspid, and pulmonary insufficiency. Testsfor hypercoagulability (including a test for lupusanticoagulant; functional tests for antithrombinIII, protein C, and protein S; and an assay forresistance to activated protein C) were normal,with no evidence of a factor V Leiden mutationor lupus anticoagulant.●Constipation, withbloating and abdominal cramping, and hypoactivebowel sounds developed.●The two-chamberview from the same sequence, obtained duringsystole, shows increased ballooning of theleft ventricular apical aneurysm that is markedlyabnormal as compared with the remainder of theleft ventricular myocardium (Fig. 3B).
Atrioventricular block, including complete heart blockSinus-node dysfunction, often presenting as sinus bradycardiaPrimary T-wave changes, abnormal Q waves, or bothDysrhythmiasVentricular premature beats, often multiformNonsustained ventricular tachycardia, often polymorphicVentricular fibrillationAtrial fibrillationMyocardial abnormalitiesIncreased cardiac weightDilated left ventricle, right ventricle, or bothSegmental left ventricular dysfunctionDiffuse left ventricular dysfunction, right ventricular dysfunction, or bothDecreased left ventricular ejection fractionDiastolic dysfunctionVentricular aneurysmsIntracardiac thrombusPericardial effusion (during the acute phase)
Table 1. Causes of Ventricular Aneurysms.Congenital Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Right ventricular dysplasia Congenital left ventricular aneurysm Congenital left ventricular diverticulum Submitral left ventricular aneurysmAcquired Myocardial infarction (various causes) Takotsubo cardiomyopathy Chagas’ disease Myocarditis (various causes) Sarcoidosis Bacterial endocarditis TuberculosisTraumatic Blunt trauma Penetrating trauma (pseudoaneurysm)Iatrogenic (pseudoaneurysm)Table 2. Cardiac Abnormalities Associated with Chagas’ Disease.Conduction-system dysfunction Sinus-node dysfunction, often presenting as sinus bradycardia
日本三大急流の一つ九州のパドラー天国行程約11キロ九州山地の宮崎県境の水源より八代までの全長約115km。 人吉盆地を穏やかに貫流した流れが、この区間に入ると一気に川幅が狭まりパワーのあるホワイトウォーター (急流)となることから九州随一のパドリングエリアになっている。年間を通じて水量が安定し、観光遊船「球磨川下り」が運行されているので、 増水時を除けばヤバイ所もなく安全。
One of the three fastest streams in JapanPaddler’s paradise in KyushuCourse distance : about 11 KmThe river is 115 km long in total from its source in the Kyushu mountains to the Yashiro Sea. After running gently through the Hitoyosi basin, the river turns to powerful white-water by running down to this much narrower area, attracting paddlers as the prime paddling destination in Kyushu. The water volume of the river is stable throughout the year, and there is also a turist attraction, Kumagawa Boat Tour, so it is quite safe area without dangerous spots except flooded seasons.
清流の導きは台風・梅雨の季節にやってくる普通じゃ物足りないあなたにはアドレナリン全開のこのツアー! 台風、大雨後の大増水の時のみラフティング可能なスペシャル爆流ルートへ、弊社のカリスマガイドがエスコートいたします。
Clear streams come in rainy and typhoon seasons. You are NOT satisfied with standard tours? Looking for excitement? Join this tour to feel the adrenaline flow through your body! Try out super-angry torrents, which are available only when the river gets swollen dramatically by typhoons and heavy rains. Our charismatic guide will show you the way.
【※チップ100ポイント※】-国立研究機関 サイエンティスト-情報システム構築/先端技術担当-新規事業立案/事業推進担当-中国系コンサルティング・ファーム 総経理(CEO)-シンガポール系コンサルティング・ファーム コンサルタント
*State research institution: Scientist*Information System development: Developer for advanced technology*New business development: Business promoter*Chinese-affiliated consulting firm: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)*Singapore-affiliated consulting firm: Consultant「先端技術担当」「事業推進担当」の部分ですが、それ以外はすべて職名で書かれているので、それに合わせようと思って、先端技術担当→先端技術分野の開発者、事業推進担当→事業推進者 と訳しました。が、「先端技術担当→先端技術分野の開発者」ですが、開発者という訳が間違えていたらすいません。ちなみに、ちょっとスタイルが変わりますが、この2つをそのまま訳した場合は下記の通りです。*Information System development: In charge of advanced technology*New business development: In charge of business promotion
Joined company A and engaged in consulting work in the SCM field of manufacturing industry. Presently concurrently serves as division director for BPO business at a domestic consulting company and president of a/its affiliate company in Dalian of China, supervising overall business management of a/the China-based affiliated company. Supports Company B for its business expansion in China, by making the most of personal expertise in healthcare environment in China.大連子会社ですが、国内コンサルティング会社の子会社かどうか分かりかねましたので、a/itsとしておりますが、もし国内コンサルティング会社の子会社でしたら、its を、そうでなければ a にしてください。また中国現地法人が大連の子会社のことかそれとも別なのかも判断できませんでしたので、a/theにしましたが、おなじであれば、the を、別会社であれば a にしてください。あと、主語がわかりかねましたので、3人称にしておりますが、それでよろしかったでしょうか?
A社を退職し、現在はシンガポールの現地コンサルティング会社でIT中期戦略立案業務などに従事。素材・化学メーカー等の基幹システム構築に精通。現地医療系メーカーで勤務した経験や、海外の高度医療サービスを受ける立場からB社に対し支援を行っている。 シンガポール拠点 責任者/Webマーケティング担当参画メンバー(発起人/アルバイト含む)---------------------------------------------------------------------
After leaving Company A, currently engages in work including planning medium-term strategies for the IT field at a local consulting company in Singapore.Familiar with developing mission-critical systems for raw materials and chemical manufacturers. Supports Company B by using the working experience at a local healthcare-related company as well as the personal experience of overseas advanced medical treatment.Singapore’s outlet: Responsible official/Web marketing staff Participating members (the founder(s)/including part-time worker(s)) 「海外の高度医療サービスを受ける立場」の部分ですが、現在サービスを受けておられるかどうかわかりませんでしたので、上の翻訳文では、すでにサービスを受けておられる場合を想定していますが、もし将来的に受けられるという意味でしたら、「現地医療系メーカーで〜」以下の文を下記のようにしたいと思います。Supports Company B by using the working experience at a local healthcare-related company, and from the standpoint of future recipient of overseas advanced medical treatment.
Can you send goods to Japan?What is the shipping charge to Japan?
This page is designed to introduce Japanese chain restaurants to visitors from overseas. If you come to Japan and want to know thoroughly about the Japanese food culture, we strongly suggest you to eat at Japanese chain restaurants. That’s because Japan is said to be one of the countries that are famous for fine food and Japanese chain restaurants offer you the best food with the least budgets, although the service in chain restaurants is no match for the one in high-end restaurants, of course. Please do take a look at information posted on this page, when you have a chance to come to Japan.
Finally, do you have anything you want to tell J?Along with images of C running around in a large place and a car, I sensed C’s feeling of gratitude, saying “Thank you for taking me for a walk and drive all the time, and I have a great time with you.” I also received two more messages. The first one is that C wants J to pay extra attention when she trims his nails of the front left leg, since he seems to be a bit scared. And the second message is that he loves J and her family.
During this communication, I learned a very important lesson from the animal (dog, C), and through the process I realized that the animal (dog, C) has a very high quality of a teacher. I told the client about this, and she agreed with me. At the same time she told me that the recent eye disease could be a message for her to restart lessons of healing or energy work therapies which J first started studying a couple of years ago. So I also suggested her to take the lessons again. 「動物から学び」、「この動物は」のところですが、今までの流れから、急に「動物」になってちょっと距離感を感じますが、それが意味することであればいいのですが、一応選択肢として、dog もしくは C としてもいいかなと思いました。当然、C にすれば、親近感がでます。客観性を持たせたいのであれば、the animal よりは the dog ですが、個人的には the dog の方がいいと思います。
クライアントは、セッションのおかげで気持ちが軽く、明るくなった、またヒーリングやエネルギーワークを勉強し始めようと思うようになった、と話していました。今回はCore Essence、Likes and Dislikes、Main Subject ごとに区切ってコミュニケーションをしましたが、それぞれ45分、20分、50分の時間がかっており、Core Essence を受け取るのに特に時間を要する事が分かりました。Core Essenceにかける時間を短くしたいです。
The client told me that she became light-hearted and positive thanks to the session, and that she came to think about starting to take lessons again for healing and energy work therapies.This time, I conducted the communication sessions separately for Core Essence, Likes and Dislikes, and Main Subject, and they took 45 minutes, 20 minutes, and 50 minutes respectively. I found that it took a long time for me to complete an Core Essence. I would like to reduce the amount of time I spend for an Core Essence.
動物のCore Essence をなかなかつかめずにいた時、自分の中で気がつかない内に、体の小さなワンちゃんに対して、対等な意識をもっていなかったことに気がつきました。そのブロックに気がついたとき、動物と自然と繋がることができました。今回のケースを通して、いかに自分が無意識のうちにjudgmentalに陥りやすいか、ということを知るとともに、何事に対しても常にnon-judgmental でありたい、と改めて思いました。
When I was having a difficult time to capture the core essence of the animal, I realized that I hadn’t been treating the little doggy as an equal. After I realized the problem, I was able to connect naturally with the animal. Through this case, I not only realized how easily I could become judgmental without knowing but also thought once again that I want to be non-judgmental about anything.
私はネジが奥まで入らないクレームの件で、客先と打ち合わせをしました。 あなたが説明したように、internalのreliefが無い事が、今回の問題である事を説明しました。そして、今後はこのような問題は起きないことを約束しました。 打ち合わせの中で、一点別の問題を指摘されました。日本の会社では、通常、ネジゲージを使ってねじのオスとメスのかみ合いの合否判定を出します。我々は、問題のあった製品(18個)をネジゲージを使って調べました。
We had a meeting with our customer regarding the complaint that the male part does not go all the way in. As you explained to us, we told our customer that the fact that there is no internal tread relief is the cause of the problem. We also promised them not to repeat the same problem in the future. Our customer pointed out another issue during the meeting. Japanese companies, in general, decide whether or not screws meet with standards by measuring the engagement between male and female screws with a screw thread gauge. We took the measure of 18 pcs. of screws with the problem by using a screw thread gauge.
その結果、雌ねじは全て規格内で問題なかったのですが、雄ねじは3個は完全に不良品で、5個に関しては、不良だと思われるレベルでした。上記結果から、この製品には二つの問題がありました。 internalのreliefについて、改善策を立てていると思いますが、それに加えて、テストゲージを使用して、検査するようにsupplierと打ち合わせをして頂けないでしょうか?
As the result, while all the female screws we inspected met with the standard, 3 male screws were found to be defective without question and other 5 male screws were found to be considered as defective ones. As you can see, we found out from the result that there were two kinds of problems among the products. We think you are exploring or have explored the ways to improve the products regarding the internal relief. However, in addition to your improvement plans, would you please discuss with the supplier to inspect the products with a testing gauge?
弊社では、3つの大きなコアバリューを導入しております。これは スタッフ一人ひとりが自分が何をすべきか、どう行動すべきかに関して常に持つべき行動指針です。大切なことはスタッフ全員が弊社の経営理念を共有し、共通の目的に進み続けることです。弊社には様々なキャリアや多様性を持ったスタッフがいます。コアバリューとは、全員が一体感を持って進む際の意識の核となる物です弊社では単に最高の業績を残すだけではなく、誰からも称賛され、魅力あるビジネスパーソンとなることをスタッフ全員に求めています
Our company maintains three important core values. These are the principles that all of our employees should keep in mind all the time in regard to their activities, such as what each of them should do, and how they should act. The important thing is that all of our workers support the management principles of our company, progressing to achieve our common goals. Our company boasts many versatile people and those who with diverse carrier backgrounds. The core values are the center of consciousness, with which the entire staff goes forward as one. All of our staff members are expected not only to achieve great performances but also to become an business person who is stimulating and admired of all.
The value of the Indonesian pharmaceutical market was calculated tobe IDR30,258bn (US$2.92bn) in 2009,according to composite figures from the Association of the European Self-Medication Industry (AESGP), IMSHealth Asia, and the Indonesian Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (GP Farmasi). Prescriptiondrugs accounted for IDR18,407bn(US$1.78bn), with patented drugs accounting for IDR11,539bn(US$1.11bn) and generic drugs accounting for IDR6,868bn (US$663mn).In the same year, the OTC medicines market was valued at IDR11,850bn(US$1.14bn). Despite its sizable and fast-growing population, Indonesia is unlikely to achieve its full pharmaceutical growth potential due to economic and political difficulties.
欧州大衆薬協会(AESGP)、IMSヘルスアジア、インドネシア製薬協会 (GP Farmasi) の合算データによると、インドネシアの製薬市場価値は2009年度に30兆2580億ルピア(29億2000万米ドル)になると査定された。内訳は、処方箋薬が18兆4070億ルピア(17億8000万米ドル)、特許薬が11兆5390億ルピア(11億1000万米ドル)、後発医薬品が6兆8680億ルピア(6億6300万米ドル)である。同年の一般医薬品市場は11兆8500億ルピア(11億4000万米ドル)と評価された。インドネシアの人口規模はかなり大きく、しかも急成長しているにもかかわらず、インドネシアは、経済的および政治的困難から、製薬市場の潜在的可能性を最大限に伸ばすことができないようだ。
The low purchasing power of the population means that the marketplace for medicines is restricted to arelatively small consumer base. This situation is compounded by the fact that many local generics – alow-cost product in most countries – are often prohibitively expensive. The high price of these drugspartly results from the domestic industry’s reliance on imported inputs, making final prices sensitive tocurrency movements. On a positive note, exports – driven by GMP certification gained by localmanufacturers – will continue to increase steadily, mirroring the trend over recent years.As leading domestic manufacturers gradually gain strength, the sector’s prospects look positive.
国民の購買力が低いために、医薬品の販売は比較的少人数の消費者に限られてしまう。 現地には多くの後発医薬品が流通しているが、かなりの高値で売られていることが多く、こういった事実が市場の状況をさらに悪化せている。医薬品が高いのは、国内産業が輸入商品に依存しているためで、最終価格は為替の変動に左右されるからだ。プラス面としては、適正製造基準(GMP)認定を受けた現地メーカーによる輸出が近年の傾向を忠実に反映して今後安定して伸びていくことが挙げられる。国内の主要メーカーが徐々に力を増すにつれ、業界の展望は明るくなっている。