yyokoba 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
yyokoba 英語 → 日本語

The second method is through its marketing, which has led to Xiaomi being called the “Apple of China”. The company has leveraged viral word-of-mouth marketing like few companies have. After all, the company does not make flashy Superbowl ads or rents massive billboard space. Instead, its goal is to create fans of the brand by being exclusive. Which is why in many parts of the world, you can only buy Xiaomi phones on its online stores and often, most models are sold out with a long wait list for incoming models. Xiaomi fans, known as MiFans, are similar to Apple’s famously evangelical fans, in that they treat the brand almost as a lifestyle choice.



yyokoba 英語 → 日本語

Another big part of the event was the giveaways including phones, routers, smart TV boxes and, best of all, two Xiaomi TVs which are not available outside of China. Each giveaway was received with rambunctious applause by the sea of orange shirts that filled the hall.

We then asked Barra what would happen at the next MiPop with this one doing so well, “We’re not going to grow (the event) too big; we are a small company. We like to keep it like a big family event.” To end it off, Barra said to Singaporean fans, “We love you very very much and are so excited to be here.”


