Yuta Nakano (yuta) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
yuta 英語 → 日本語

From Messaging to Games: KakaoTalk Starts Game Center for Korea

When we last spoke to Kakao at Mobile Asia Expo in Shanghai, they alluded to a ‘Game Center’ that was coming in a few weeks time. And just yesterday the Korean company’s game center went live, at least as a beta for Korean users. You can view it at kakao.com/game, and so far its for Android only, although an iPhone version is coming soon as well.

There are a number of games currently available, with titles from domestic developers like WeMade Entertainment and NextApps. Besides this gaming platform, the company also plans to monetize in other areas like advertising and media content, virtual items, and mobile commerce.


メッセージからゲームへ:Kakao Talkは韓国でゲームセンターのサービスを開始

私達が最後にKakaoと話したのは、上海で開催されたMobile Asia Expoでのことだった。そこで彼等は、今後数週間以内に、「Game Center」サービスが開始されることをほのめかしていた。
そしてちょうど昨日、この韓国の企業のGame Centerは韓国人ユーザーへ向けて、ベータ版のサービスの提供を開始した。kakao.com/gameから見ることが出来るが、今のところはAndroidのみの対応となっており、iPhoneへの対応も早いうちに開始される見込みだ。

今現在、豊富なゲームがプレイ可能で、WeMade EntertainmentやNextAppsといった国内のゲームメーカーから提供されているタイトルも遊べる。

yuta 英語 → 日本語

Yaodian100 was taking 30,000 orders per day back in late 2010, it had boasted at the time, with monthly sales worth 30 million RMB ($4.75 million). But things got quieter thereafter, and rumors of massive layoffs, and even possible bankruptcy, were all that was being said of the website by the start of 2012. When we looked at the most recent market share stats for the B2C e-commerce scene in China just last week, we noted that the top five sites had consolidated their lead upfront, and now accounted for about two-thirds of the entire nation’s e-tailing business.

We’ll update if the site reappears; or if we can officially add it to the deadpool.




yuta 英語 → 日本語

For the first time in years, each one of our employees is critical to the business, engaged in their role, and passionate about what they do. This didn’t come because we were lucky or stumbled onto it. In the beginning we were just as passionate. We had just as much hunger for growth. We weren’t aligned though. We didn’t know what the company was and how it could serve the masses. We had to hone our tools and find a place in an industry where our talent could play. Of course it ended up being in an industry that was mid-collapse and a genre that didn’t really exist. From what I’ve read though, that couldn’t be a better scenario.

Lessons we learned along the way (and are still learning):




yuta 英語 → 日本語

Engage. Find a way to engage daily/weekly/quarterly. For us it started with a quarterly retreat hosted by one of the team members. We covered travel and food costs. We talked shop, played games and just got to know one another. The first one was sloppy because it wasn’t the right combination of people. The second one was amazing. This has grown to a private Facebook group for all our staff, permalancers, and freelancers. We interact multiple times a day and it’s totally self-policing. The quarterly retreats are slowly becoming a place to bring some of the outside staff in to play and get to know the company. The core team finds other ways to meet as often as it needs to band some heads together.



yuta 英語 → 日本語

Thailand’s MyColorscreen Makes Your Mobile Phone Look Gorgeous

Thailand-based startup, MyColorscreen, is a site that provides you with gorgeous-looking mobile wallpaper. It’s all user-generated and you don’t have to buy them. Users who upload them will share with the community, thereby showcasing various designs, effects, and typographic styles. Just like this one here, for example.

To date, the site has more than 19,000 wallpapers for iOS and Android phones and has about 46,000 users. It was founded by Peachanan Rojwongsuriya last year who is proud that he bootstrapped his way up, from the site’s design to coding the whole thing. Peachanan shared more on why he created MyColorscreen:




「マイカラースクリーン」は2011年Peachanan Rojwongsuriya氏が、全てのデザインと設計を手がけることで生まれました。
Peachanan Rojwongsuriya氏はより多くの人々に「マイカラースクリーン」の素晴らしい経験をシェアしてもらいたいと考えています。