From Messaging to Games: KakaoTalk Starts Game Center for KoreaWhen we last spoke to Kakao at Mobile Asia Expo in Shanghai, they alluded to a ‘Game Center’ that was coming in a few weeks time. And just yesterday the Korean company’s game center went live, at least as a beta for Korean users. You can view it at, and so far its for Android only, although an iPhone version is coming soon as well.There are a number of games currently available, with titles from domestic developers like WeMade Entertainment and NextApps. Besides this gaming platform, the company also plans to monetize in other areas like advertising and media content, virtual items, and mobile commerce.
メッセージからゲームへ:Kakao Talkは韓国でゲームセンターのサービスを開始私達が最後にKakaoと話したのは、上海で開催されたMobile Asia Expoでのことだった。そこで彼等は、今後数週間以内に、「Game Center」サービスが開始されることをほのめかしていた。そしてちょうど昨日、この韓国の企業のGame Centerは韓国人ユーザーへ向けて、ベータ版のサービスの提供を開始した。から見ることが出来るが、今のところはAndroidのみの対応となっており、iPhoneへの対応も早いうちに開始される見込みだ。今現在、豊富なゲームがプレイ可能で、WeMade EntertainmentやNextAppsといった国内のゲームメーカーから提供されているタイトルも遊べる。このゲーム用プラットフォームに加え、広告やメディアコンテンツ、バーチャル上のアイテム、携帯端末を介した商業などの他の分野でも、この韓国企業はビジネスに乗り出す計画を持っている。
Despite Over $50 Million in Funding, E-Tailer Yaodian100 Vanishes OfflineThat was quite a vanishing act. The Chinese e-commerce site Yaodian100 – which has, over the years, received over $50 million in funding – has gone offline, leaving users and even industry insiders wondering what’s going on. The site now redirects to its official Sina Weibo account (see it here) – but that hasn’t been updated since July 17th.
五千万ドル以上の資本金を集めたにも関わらず、インターネット上の小売業者であるYaodian100は、オフラインの彼方へ姿をくらました。それは完全な裏切り行為であった。中国のインターネット上の買い物サイトであるYaodian100は、数年に渡り、資本金として五千万ドル以上の提供を受けていたが、ユーザーを置き去りにし、関係者でさえも、何が起きてるのか分からないまま、姿をくらませてしまったのだ。現在Yaodian100のサイトへ進むと、Sina Weiboのアカウントへ転送されるが(こちらから見れます)、七月十七日から更新が途絶えているのだ。
Before going offline on July 28th, Yaodian100 posted a short notice saying that it would be down for an unspecified duration due to its “relocation.” After three whole days, concerns are growing that the rumors earlier this year that the company was near the point of bankruptcy were actually true. QQ Tech and several other Chinese tech blogs have tried to contact several senior executives at the company, but with no luck so far.
七月二十八日にオフラインの彼方へ姿をくらます以前、Yaodian100は短い注意書きを掲載しており、そこには曖昧な「移転先」での継続について書かれていたのだ。三日後には、今年の初頭に出回った、「会社が倒産の危機に面しているという噂が本当になったのでは?」といった心配の声が膨れ上がり、QQ Techやその他様々な中国のブログが、経営者達との接触を試みたが、今のところ何の音沙汰もない状態だ。
Shanghai-based Yaodian100 was started up in 2009, and was one of the earliest specialist B2C e-commerce sites in China, selling mostly cheap clothing. It wrapped up a major first-round of funding of $40 million in August 2009, led by Qiming Venture Partners. That was followed by a round in May 2010 that was worth 60 million RMB ($9.5 million at today’s rates), courtesy of Chinese search engine Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) and local shoe brand Daphne. Intel Capital later led a smaller series C investment.
上海を拠点とするYaodian100は、2009年に起業し、中国では企業と消費者の間の取引に特化したサイトの、先駆け的存在の一つであり、主に低価格の衣料品を扱っていた。2009年8月に、Qiming Venture Partners主導による、四千万ドル規模の最初の資金提供が行われ、それに続いて2010年の5月には、中国の大手検索エンジンBaidu社(NASDAQ:BIDU)と、靴メーカーのDaphneにより、六千万元(現在のレートで950万ドル)の資金提供が行われた。Intel Capitalは後に、これより小規模な一連の投資を行なった。
Yaodian100 was taking 30,000 orders per day back in late 2010, it had boasted at the time, with monthly sales worth 30 million RMB ($4.75 million). But things got quieter thereafter, and rumors of massive layoffs, and even possible bankruptcy, were all that was being said of the website by the start of 2012. When we looked at the most recent market share stats for the B2C e-commerce scene in China just last week, we noted that the top five sites had consolidated their lead upfront, and now accounted for about two-thirds of the entire nation’s e-tailing business.We’ll update if the site reappears; or if we can officially add it to the deadpool.
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The Trend Boutiqueであなたが注文された商品は、無事発送されました。ご利用頂き誠に有難うございます。配送状況の確認には以下のリンクをクリックして下さい。その他質問がある場合は、service@shopthetrendboutique.comへメールで質問をして下さい。宜しくお願い致します。あなたの会社への配送も承っております。配送が完了次第、メールが届きますので、ご確認をお願いします。
How to inspire accountability in your (virtual) startup teamFor those of you who don’t know, my company is virtual. This means we run a completely distributed team of people. For a long time, this in and of itself presented a large challenge. How do you keep people who work all around the country engaged? How do you keep them on task, informed, and accountable? In hindsight I think our challenges were placed in front of us because there were lessons that had to first be learned in order to earn the team we currently have.
For the first time in years, each one of our employees is critical to the business, engaged in their role, and passionate about what they do. This didn’t come because we were lucky or stumbled onto it. In the beginning we were just as passionate. We had just as much hunger for growth. We weren’t aligned though. We didn’t know what the company was and how it could serve the masses. We had to hone our tools and find a place in an industry where our talent could play. Of course it ended up being in an industry that was mid-collapse and a genre that didn’t really exist. From what I’ve read though, that couldn’t be a better scenario.Lessons we learned along the way (and are still learning):
Be aligned with your mission. Make sure everything you do can successfully pass through that filter. If it doesn’t feel right, then it isn’t. Let it go and keep the space for what does.Love your people. Take time to get to know them. Learn what they love to do. Figure out what ignites them. Even if it’s completely unrelated to your industry, you’ll be surprised how it can wrap around the block and tap you on the shoulder.
Don’t be afraid to lead honestly. When everyone understands what the business is going through it’s easier to invite them to join the fight. Earlier this year we released our Profit and Loss statement from 2011 with a little narrative about the companies current state and our objectives for 2012. We invited questions. We have no secrets. That does amazing things for breeding trust.
Engage. Find a way to engage daily/weekly/quarterly. For us it started with a quarterly retreat hosted by one of the team members. We covered travel and food costs. We talked shop, played games and just got to know one another. The first one was sloppy because it wasn’t the right combination of people. The second one was amazing. This has grown to a private Facebook group for all our staff, permalancers, and freelancers. We interact multiple times a day and it’s totally self-policing. The quarterly retreats are slowly becoming a place to bring some of the outside staff in to play and get to know the company. The core team finds other ways to meet as often as it needs to band some heads together.
Thailand’s MyColorscreen Makes Your Mobile Phone Look GorgeousThailand-based startup, MyColorscreen, is a site that provides you with gorgeous-looking mobile wallpaper. It’s all user-generated and you don’t have to buy them. Users who upload them will share with the community, thereby showcasing various designs, effects, and typographic styles. Just like this one here, for example.To date, the site has more than 19,000 wallpapers for iOS and Android phones and has about 46,000 users. It was founded by Peachanan Rojwongsuriya last year who is proud that he bootstrapped his way up, from the site’s design to coding the whole thing. Peachanan shared more on why he created MyColorscreen:
マイカラースクリーンで、あなたのスマートフォンを美しくタイ生まれの「マイカラースクリーン」は、美しい壁紙を提供するサイトです。壁紙は全て無料です。ユーザーは壁紙をアップロードし、シェアすることが出来ます。それにより私達は様々なデザインの壁紙を手に入れることが出来ます。これはほんの一例です。現在、iOSとアンドロイド向けに19,000以上の壁紙、そしてユーザー数は約46,000人。「マイカラースクリーン」は2011年Peachanan Rojwongsuriya氏が、全てのデザインと設計を手がけることで生まれました。Peachanan Rojwongsuriya氏はより多くの人々に「マイカラースクリーン」の素晴らしい経験をシェアしてもらいたいと考えています。
China’s Dangdang Launches E-Reader, Sells It for Under $100A long time after its rumored April launch, Chinese e-commerce site Dangdang (NYSE:DANG) has just unveiled its own e-reader. Called the Doucon, it has a Kindle-esque e-ink screen and is tightly integrated with Dangdang’s own e-book store which launched in December of last year, supporting the purchasing of e-books from within the Doucan device.
Dangdang’s e-reader will sell for 599 RMB (US$95), though the first 10,000 units are being let go for just 499 RMB. Here’s its product page on Dangdang. As for specs, it will be a tiny bit smaller that the Amazon Kindle, yet 10 grams heavier:・6-inch e-ink screen・800 x 600 pixels resolution screen・Android 2.2・4GB of onboard storage・8.5mm thick body・230 grams
Dangdangの電子書籍リーダーは599元(95USドル)で売られ、さらに先着一万個は499元になる。これがDangdangによる製品の詳細である。AmazonのKindleより僅かに小さく、重量も10グラム程重いだけである。・6インチ 電子ペーパースクリーン採用・800 x 600 ピクセル・Android 2.2・4GB内蔵メモリ・8.5ミリの薄型ボディ・230グラム
It also comes pre-loaded with 500 e-books, including the entire top 10 list of bestsellers on Dangdang’s e-bookstore. But since it seems to support all sorts of formats, users can always side-load a bunch of PDFs or ePub files from wherever – such as search engine giant Baidu, and its online library of e-book titles.
The Dangdang Doucan will be up against the Shanda Bambook, the Fan Shu Yambook (in which Baidu invested last year), and a whole host of minor brand manufacturers. Amazon’s Kindle has never launched officially in China, so that’s not really a factor.Recently we looked at a survey which claims that Chinese consumers think e-books should cost a mere 3.5 RMB (50 cents) each, making it a tough proposition to make money from an e-bookstore.
DangdangのDoucanはShandaのBambookやFan ShuのYambook(昨年Baiduが投資した)、その他いくつかの競合機種との争いに直面するだろう。中国ではAmazonのKindleは公式にサービスを行っていないので、競合することはないだろう。最近では、中国の顧客は電子書籍は一冊3.5元(50セント)程度であるべきと考えているという調査結果が出ている。この結果は電子書籍ストアで利益を得ることが難しい現状を示している。
With 1 Million Diners Served, Singapore’s Chope Looks to Hong KongChope, the Singapore-based online restaurant reservation startup, has served its one-millionth diner this week. Just to give you a little perspective, that’s about one-fifth of the country’s population.The startup was founded in June of last year and to date has more than 150 restaurants using its platform to manage reservations requests. The vast majority of the restaurants, for now, are from Singapore.
Report: Almost Every Chinese Adult Netizen Has a Weibo AccountHow popular is Sina Weibo in China? The Chinese Twitter-like service saw a penetration of more than 88.8% among China’s digital populace aged more than 20, according to a report by DCCI, a Beijing-based Internet think tank. The whopping penetration means that almost every Chinese netizen has a weibo account.As of this June, according to statistics by CNNIC, China Internet Information Center, China has more than 538 million Internet users and 388 million mobile Internet users.
レポート:中国人インターネット利用者の成人のほぼ全ての人々がWeiboのアカウントを持っている件について中国ではSina Weiboはどれほど人気があるのか?これは北京を拠点に活動する集団が作り上げた、中国におけるTwitterのようなサービスで、DCCIのレポートによれば、二十歳以上のインターネット利用者の88.8%以上に浸透しているという。これはほぼ全てのインターネット利用者が、Weiboのアカウントを持っていることを意味している。今年6月の、CNNIC(中国インターネット情報局)による統計によると、現在中国には5億3800万人以上に及ぶインターネット利用者と、3億8800万人以上に及ぶ、モバイル端末からインターネットを利用する人々が存在するという。
Thank you for your response. Yes, we can refund the prorated shipping costs of the damaged merchandise. Also, please provide a NEW claim form, as the tracking number of the shipment you entered does not match the correct tracking number above. Please complete a new claim form with the correct information and your claim cost, so we can proceed with the claim process. I look forward to your reply.This is the same claim form you sent before. We need the CORRECTED claim form please, as you entered as tracking number of the shipment 9452084666 when it should be 9450324251 based on the information you gave us.