According to The Information, Micromax “was recently considering whether to launch its premium smartphone brand called Yu in the U.S. sometime next year… [But the company’s] cofounder Rahul Sharma, who runs the Yu subsidiary, said [it] had not decided to do so.” Yu devices sell in India for about $200 and run on Cyanogen’s version of Android. Micromax saw about $1.5 billion in revenue for the fiscal year ending March.
The Informationによると、Micromaxは「来年中にYuと呼ばれるスマートフォンのプレミアムブランドのアメリカでの立ち上げを討中である...[しかし同社の] 共同設立者Rahul Sharma氏は、系列会社Yuの経営者であり、まだ立ち上げは未決定であると述べている」。YuデバイスはAndroidのCyanogen版を採用しており、インド内販売価格は200米ドルである。Micromaxは3月区切りの会計年度において15億米ドルの歳入を記録した。
Those numbers are impressive — we just learned that Panasonic, which is also heavily focused on India, hopes to pull in $2 billion by 2018 from its phone business as part of its planned return to the global smartphone race. Micromax, meanwhile, expects to hit $2.25 billion for the fiscal year ending March 2016. Earlier this month, it said it plans to put out up to 48 new smartphones per year priced up to $150. It’s certainly making an aggressive play and doesn’t look like it will back down any time soon. I’d expect to hear more from this one soon.
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Getting More Than I ExpectedIn the case of Cie Games, we had a limited window of opportunity to take a Facebook game to market. External funding was the only way to make our Car Town game, a reality.While there was an immediate goal that justified VC funding, the transition from a bootstrapped to VC-funded proved significantly more life-changing than I could have ever anticipated. Invaluable lessons transformed my entire view of how to start, manage, and operate businesses. These learnings extended well beyond the boardroom.
予想を超えた収穫Cie Gamesの場合、我々がFacebookのゲームを市場へ出すには限られた機会しかなかった。外部投資が我々のCar Townゲームを実現させるための唯一の方法であった。ベンチャーキャピタル資金を正当化する目下の目標がありはしたが、自己資金からベンチャーキャピタル資金への移行は考えていたよりもずっと、人生を変えるような大きな出来事であった。ビジネスをどう始め、管理し、運営していくのかという自分の見方を根底から変えるような、計り知れないほど貴重な教訓となった。この学びは会議室を優に超えて広がっていくこととなった。
Here are three lessons that became instrumental to surviving the harsh but extremely rewarding experience of being an entrepreneur. While everyone’s individual experience varies, these pieces of advice will help accelerate your growth into a more mature, seasoned leader.1. Time, Not Cash, Is KingWhen Cie Games received its first round of external funding with Signia Venture Partners, all of a sudden cash wasn’t our most limited resource, time was. We had six months to launch our first product and we wanted to be first to market with a car-themed social game.
厳しくも素晴らしく価値のある起業家人生を生き抜くために役立った、3つの教訓をここに記したい。個人によって経験は異なれど、これらのアドバイスはより成熟した経験豊かなリーダーへと成長するための後押しとなるだろう。1.現金よりも何よりも、時間が重要Cie GamesがSignia Venture Partnersとの外部資金の初回投資ラウンドを受け取ると突然、最も乏しい資源は現金でなく、時間となった。初製品をローンチするまでに6か月あり、我々のゲームを、市場初の車をテーマとしたソーシャルゲームとしたかったのだ。
This turned on a lightbulb for me—growing startups wasn’t about investing cash, it was about investing time. For entrepreneurs, a consistent, growing stream of stakeholders–board members, employees, clients–constantly pulls their attention in different directions. Should we do this or that marketing activity? What features should we build and in what order? Which challenge or opportunity should we focus on? These questions can be overwhelming, and the sheer volume of decisions that have to be made can be tiring or even paralyzing
Shifting one’s frame of mind to time as an investment can significantly add clarity to an entrepreneur’s decision making. Time is like cash, and making decisions is like selecting investments. Each has different potential returns and risks, where the goal is to increase the odds of greatest return and to reduce the greatest risks.To maximize your ROI on time, you must ask three questions with any decision, large or small: What are the upsides? What are the downsides? And, what are the odds of each? With proactive, mindful practice, you’ll gain the ability to quickly translate and weigh information to suss out where you should be investing your time and your company’s time.
Telegram delivers 12B messages a day, CEO Pavel Durov says WhatsApp sucksSAN FRANCISCO — Telegram is now delivering 12 billion messages a day through its chat service, according to its founder Pavel Durov. This announcement of a 2 billion increase from August comes with a shot against the market leader WhatsApp, which Durov said “sucks.”
1日120億メッセージ実績のTelegram CEOのPavel Durov氏、WhatsAppへの評価は”最低”サンフランシスコ Telegramは、チャットサービスを通したメッセージ送信数が現在1日に120億に上ると、同アプリ設立者であるPavel Durov氏は発表した。8月からの20億増となるこの発表は、マーケットリーダーであるWhatsAppへの打撃を伴うが、Durov氏のWhatsAppに対する評価は”最低”であるという。
At the TechCrunch Disrupt conference, Durov derided the Facebook-owned chat service, saying that its walled garden doesn’t let users keep their messages across whatever device they’re using. “If you have WhatsApp and your phone goes down, you don’t have access to your messages,” he said. “You can’t send documents and it’s not private. I’m not sure if I’m a big fan of WhatsApp three years ago, and not so sure now.”WhatsApp has over 900 million monthly active users so it’s the industry’s top dog, but Durov isn’t hung up on the whole “releasing numbers” issue. The company last reported in May that it has over 62 million MAUs.
TechCrunch DisruptカンファレンスにおいてDurov氏は、Facebookが所有権を持つWhatsAppチャットサービスの閉鎖的な機能が、ユーザのあらゆるデバイスからのメッセージ管理を妨げているとして嘲笑した。「WhatsApp使用者は、携帯電話の充電が切てしまったらもうメッセージにアクセスができません。」と話す。「文書を送信することができませんし、プライベートな機能もありません。3年前にWhatsAppのファンだったかというと確信が持てませんし、現在はより自信がありません。」WhatsAppは9億の月間アクティブユーザ(MAU)を抱える業界最大手であるが、Durov氏は"公表数"論争には執着しない。同社5月の最新発表では、MAUが6200万を超えると明らかにしている。
Durov also disclosed that one of the things that could be coming soon is a payments API, which would certainly help put the messaging service on par with the likes of Facebook Messenger. He said that Telegram probably won’t build the payments product itself, but would instead partner with third-party providers.
またDurov氏の発表によると、API決済機能が近日導入される可能性があるという。そうなればTelegramはFacebook Messenger等に劣らないメッセージサービスとなるだろう。同氏は、Telegramは自社内で決済システムを構築するのでなく、第三者プロバイダーと提携する見通しであるという。
On the issue of privacy, which seems to be a major selling point for Telegram, Durov was asked about if there’s exceptions to the rule. Specifically, he acknowledged that ISIS is using the service, so does it keep him up at night knowing that terrorists use it? “That’s a good question,” he started. “Privacy is ultimately more important than our fear of bad things happening, like terrorism. If you look at ISIS, yes, there’s a war going on in the Middle East. Ultimately, ISIS will find a way to communicate with its cells, and if any means doesn’t feel secure to them, they’ll [find something else]. We shouldn’t feel guilty about it. We’re still doing the right thing, protecting our users’ privacy.”
A two-year-old company, Telegram hasn’t taken any money from outside investors. The company appears to be bootstrapped through money derived from Durov’s sale of his shares in the Russian social network Vkontakte. He declined to tell how much money he garnered from the sale, although it’s reported that his stake was worth $300 million.Would he ever take outside investment for Telegram? Doubtful, as Durov said the company likes being independent and has enough money to go on for a while.
Telegramは設立から2年の企業であるが、投資家以外からの資金を一切受け取っていない。ロシアのソーシャルネットワーク Vkontakteの同氏の持ち株売却で得た資金により、Telegramは自力で運営を行っているようだ。売却によりいくらの蓄えがあるのか回答は拒否されたが、同氏の取り分は3億米ドルに上るとも報道されている。今後Durov氏がTelegramへの外部投資を受け入れる可能性はあるだろうか?それは疑わしい。というのも、同社は自立状態を好んでおり、しばらくは運営に困らないだけの資金を有しているからということだ。
Thank you for your understanding. We will ship the alternative MMF-3 tomorrow. It should probably reach your nearest post office by October 3rd. We give you the tracking number and the website's URL below. (You can check it from tomorrow)We would like to advise you to confirm the estimated arrival date with the nearest post office by telling them the tracking number, to make sure of its delivery.Thank you for taking time and we appreciate your help.
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DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 ”FEVER” in 市川市文化会館公演終了DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 ”FEVER”市川市文化会館公演も皆さんのおかげで熱く心地良くFEVERする事ができました1人1人が好きなように体を揺らしながら楽しんでいるのがステージから見えて凄く嬉しかったです有難うございましたさぁ本日は静岡県アクトシティ浜松にてLIVEさせていただきます会場で皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしています^_^
DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 ”FEVER” in Ichikawa City Cultural Hall performance finishedDAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2015 ”FEVER”I very much enjoyed the performance with exciting and great feeling at Ichikawa City Cultural Hall, thanks to all of youI saw each of you having fun, dancing in your own way and I loved itThank you very muchNow here comes Shizuoka today I'm going to be performing at ACTCITY HAMAMATSUI'm looking forward to meeting you all there^_^
Photo ExplanationsFirst Photo "Button badges"We have capsule toys in the current tourYou won't know which one of the designs you get until you tryTry and find it out at the venue as a souvenirSecond Photo "A sparrow"It sat on the next table while we were having teaI felt like it stopped moving for us for the cameraWith a sign of autumn in the air, sitting outside at a cafe terrace felt great
サービス開始は2015年10月29日を予定しており、価格は一冊税込2,800円。80枚の写真素材の中から60枚を選択、表紙も中ページも自由に並べ替え可能で、写真一枚一枚にお好きな言葉も書き込めます。最終ページにはなんと!自分の写真まで挿入できる画期的なシステムです。ご注文後7〜8営業日で印刷された写真集が専用パッケージで配送されます。 専用サイトはサービス開始時にここAAAオフィシャルサイトで発表いたします。サービス開始までもう少々お待ちください!
The service is scheduled to be launched on October 29th, 2015 and the price is 2,800yen each, including tax. Choose 60 pictures out of 80 and arrange orders for both the cover and the content pages as you like. You can also add your own words in each picture. What's more, our innovative system allows your own picture to be inserted on the last page! The printed album in a special package is to be delivered to you in 7-8 business days after your order is received.We will release its dedicated website here at AAA Official Website at the launch of the service.Thank you very much for your patience!