Weixin debuted its open platform earlier this year, 3rd party developers can plug their service into the platform and then share all kinds of contents – messages, audio, video, URL, pictures and check-ins – among a user’s connections.Leveraging on Weixin is a decent step forward for Jiepang, as the former has turned itself into the No.1 of its kind in China. Weixin to date has more than 100 million registered users and more than 50 million active users. A rich land waiting to be tapped by 3rd party apps like Jiepang.
After the heated year of LBS in 2010, the sector now gradually calms down with few players survived while many others either failed to weather the winter or pivoted itself to other service, for instance, Digu just found itself a new life in the form of Pinterest.
Jiepang which just celebrated its two-year anniversary has long explored in the realm of O2O with creative thinking and initiatives like virtual loyalty card and a system to help local merchant gain more customer insights. The company is also an early-adopter of new technologies like NFC. It teamed up with Nokia to promote NFC last year, where users can check in by scanning NFC stickers in local merchant’s window with Nokia’s NFC enabled phone. It makes check-in easier and more fun, one doesn’t have to open the app and then search for the location, it’s all done at just one touch.
[Simply Business] Startup Launch ChecklistLaunching a new startup is one of the most exciting time of the startup life cycle. It’s the time when you are finally ready to show your baby to the world, the one that you have developed and nurtured for months and maybe years. It is definitely exciting, but it is hard nonetheless.Doubts will rise as whether or not your product is ready for public use, have you gotten everything right, etc. Well, as someone that is in the middle of launching a new startup as well, let me share you a startup launch checklist. This is my checklist so I would expect some differences, and also hope that if I miss anything then you guys can correct me as well. So here goes:
[Simply Business] スタートアップ立ち上げのチェックリスト新しいスタートアップを立ち上げることは、スタートアップのライフサイクルの中でも最もエキサイティングな時である。自分が数ヶ月、あるいは数年に渡り養い育んできた新生児を世に披露する時がいよいよ到来したのだ。興奮しないはずはないのだが、同時に骨が折れる事でもある。自分の商品が果たして一般の人々に利用してもらえるような代物であるのかどうか、用意周到かどうか、などといった疑いを抱くようになる。そこで、同じく新しいスタートアップを立ち上げるべく準備中である私のスタートアップ立ち上げのチェックリストを、皆と共有したいと思う。これはあくまでも私のチェックリストであって、異なる意見が出ることもあるだろう。そして、何か私のチェックリストに漏れなどあれば皆に指摘してもらえればと思っている。早速だが、以下が私のチェックリストだ。
1. TEST EVERYTHINGThis is obvious but test everything, not just the success scenario but also the wrong ones. Test for malicious inputs (sql injections, weird characters, etc). Make sure you got the flow right, speedy return and easy to understand language.I usually ask about 10 random friend outside of the company to test a couple of scenarios from different browsers, OS and countries to identify problems. You will not get everything but at least you’ll get a couple of squashed bugs just enough to get it launched. After that, if you’re an e-commerce, test your purchase, customer service and return policy procedure and make sure they work nicely and as promised.
Don’t forget to test from mobile and tablets as well. For mobile development you can use TestFlight or HockeyApp to invite beta testers and monitor crash logs.2. Recheck your solid first-traction planOk you’re ready for a launch, have you gotten yourself a solid first-traction plan? You know, the plan on getting your first one thousand users? Do you have a budget for marketing?Think about how you can gain traction. You can advertise on media, make a campaign in social media, do a funny video promoting your website.You can also launch on a big event like Echelon, Startup Asia or Popcon Asia to get initial offline traffic. Events like that does not cost much and is pretty effective on gaining early adopters.
モバイル機器やタブレットを使ってのテストも忘れずに行うこと。モバイル開発には、TestFlightやHockeyAppを利用し、ベータテスターとモニタークラッシュログを誘引することができる。2.手堅い初回牽引プランの再確認さて、立ち上げの準備は整ったが、確実な初回牽引プランは立案済みだろうか?そう、最初のユーザー1000名を獲得する計画のことだ。マーケティングに費やす予算はあるかどうか?牽引力を得る方法を考えてみよう。メディアを通じての宣伝、ソーシャルメディア上でのキャンペーン、自分のウェブサイトを宣伝する面白い動画の作成などがある。また、Echelon、Startup Asiaや、Popcon Asiaのような大きなイベントを開催し、まず最初にオフラインでトラフィックを獲得すると言う手もある。このようなイベントは、さほど費用がかからず、最初の受容者層を得るには非常に効果的な方法と言える。
3. Recheck your terms and conditionThis is usually the most overlook part of the site. Terms and condition, Rules of usage and Privacy Policy is very important as this is your top shield on any user complaints or (worse) legal litigations. It is important to recheck to your legal department or consultant to make sure that you’re safe legally.After launch, you are obligated to tell all your members whenever you make changes so be careful on this.
4. Re-Contact all your launch partnersOk now YOU are ready, but what about your partners? Assuming you’re launching with partners like how Bouncity launches with their merchants, you need to recheck with them on their readiness and availability in implementing your plan together. Recheck the flow and make sure they are as ready as you are.Sometimes the mistake is not yours, but it is your mistake for letting it happen.
5. Be ready!When you have checked everything and everything is right, be ready for launch. Make sure that your server can withold the load and your staffs can handle those overwhelming request and purchase orders.Get your heart ready as well if your startup idea does not work and people don’t get what you’re trying to do. This is also a possibility.That is it from me and good luck launching your new startup!
Aria Rajasa is the CEO of gantibaju.com, a clothing startup backed by a very strong designer community. His passion in entrepreneurship has gotten him to establish a number of companies in technology and design industries since leaving university.
Aria Rajasaは、非常に強力なデザイナーコミュニティにより支援されている衣類系スタートアップのgantibaju.comの最高経営責任者である。大学卒業後の彼の起業に向ける熱意が、テクノロジー産業とデザイン産業内でいくつもの企業を設立させることになった。
Hello, Thank you for your email. This package arrived here with an invoice that listed a quantity of 2 however, only 1 lantern was included in this package. I do see that there was another package that arrived with 1 lantern from the same company. It looks like the company may have shipped the complete order in 2 packages. If this is not the case, please contact the company directly for a resolution. I am removing the hold from this package in your account. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can assist you with. Best Regards,
DDcoupon, a mobile coupon app under the care of DDmap, has attracted nearly 10 million downloads across Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Symbian platforms so far. The app claims to have over 50,000 coupons ranging from food to beauty for users to download across 40 first and second tier cities in China.
DDmap傘下のモバイルクーポンアプリであるDDcouponは、これまでに、Android、iOS、Windows Phone、そしてSymbianプラットフォーム全体でおよそ1000万ものダウンロード数を獲得している。このアプリ上では、中国第1・第2都市圏のユーザーがダウンロードできる、食べ物から美容製品に至るまでの様々な製品を取り扱う5万以上ものクーポンを提供しているとされている。
While group-buying deals are on the down side, digital coupons look to be gaining momentum. A similar startup in India, Freecharge.in, announced its $4 million funding round earlier this year. Coupons apps aren’t the sexiest business to be in but it’s undeniable that users still enjoy deals. I think most users would prefer not to go through the hassle of the group-ordering process and at times feeling disappointed with the sub-par offering from group deals merchants who are looking to reduce losses.
Hotel Finder Adds Budget Hotels, Hostels, Across ChinaLast year we were so impressed by the Hotel Finder app that we made a video demo of it (embedded below). And today we learn that the location-based e-commerce service is expanding even more, now adding 20,000 hotels to its catalog to bring the total up to just over 50,000.
Hotel Finder、低予算で宿泊可能な中国のホテルとホステルを追加我々は昨年、Hotel Finderのアプリに深く感銘を受けたため、(以下に埋め込みの)デモ動画を作った。そして我々は本日、この位置情報Eコマースサービスが、さらに拡大されることを知ったが、今度は2万もの新たなホテルを当サービスのカタログに追加し、それにより当サービスが取り扱うホテルは5万件強となる模様だ。
With this, the startup app – made by the Innovation Works-backed IkaMobile – has more places to crash than are offered by either eLong (NASDAQ:LONG) or Ctrip (NASDAQ:CTRP). The new additions are mostly budget hotel chains and hostels, such as the one in the above screenshot which has dorm beds for as little as 30 RMB (US$4.70) per night. Indeed, nearly all new hotels – 800 of which are in pricey Hong Kong – listed within Hotel Finder have rates of less than 300 RMB ($47) per night. It brings a welcome plurality of choice for Chinese travelers, and also caters for the needs of growing numbers of local backpackers.
これは、Innovation Worksによって支援されているIkaMobileが開発したこのスタートアップアプリが、eLong(NASDAQ:LONG)やCtrip(NASDAQ:CTRP)が提供するとしたホテルの軒数より多くのホテルを取り扱うことを示す。新たに追加されたのは、そのほとんどが、上のスクリーンショットにも見られるような低予算のホテルチェーンやホステルで、寄宿舎風のベッド付きで1泊30人民元(4.70米ドル)から宿泊が可能だ。新しいホテルのうち800軒は値段が高いことで知られる香港にあるが、Hotel Finderにリストアップされている新しいホテルのほとんどが、1泊300人民元(47米ドル)以下の価格設定となっている。中国人旅行者に喜ばれる多くの選択肢を提供することができ、また、増えつつある現地のバックパッカー達のニーズにも応える内容となっている。
Hello are you may have small helmets has the uniter because missing me 3 of the first series.Envoyé de mon iPad
こんにちは。ヘルメット(小)の在庫はありますか?当方、最初のシリーズのものが3つほど足りず、探しています。iPadから送信↑ 原文内に英語の漏れ・誤りなどが多々見受けられましたため、あくまでも推測にての訳になります。ご了承ください。
Hi, yukika=))) Sorry please, I know , that your daddy is ill, but my friend ask me about parcel, I sayd ???? that you need 2-3 days, but she wants to learn exact terms.. Thank you very much!))
ユキカさん、こんにちは =))) ごめんなさい、あなたのお父様がご病気なのは知っているのですが、私の友人が荷物について聞いてきたので、あなたは忙しいので2,3日待ってほしいと言ったのですが、実際どのくらいの日数が必要なのかを知りたいそうなんです。よろしくお願いします!↑ 前後のやり取りが分かりませんので、"exact terms"部分が、「どれくらいの日数が必要なのか」、「実際の条件」、それとも「はっきりとした荷物発送日」なのかが不明です。とりあえず、「実際にいつお返事が頂けるのか」との推測にて訳してみました。以上ご了承ください。
If you choose Lay away we will not ship your item until it is paid for in fullIf you prefer to pay in full and have immediate shipment, than I recommend you checkout normally with payment in full from the beginningIt's all up to you
iTwin, the secure Dropbox, launches new files permission feature. Claims 5-figure unit annual salesiTwin launches files permission feature for enhanced security and better access control.Earlier on Father’s Day last weekend, iTwin rolled out a new update which reads: iTwin now supports files permission. If you are unfamiliar with the product, iTwin consist two USB dongles that connect to each other through a dedicated hardware interface. Once paired with each other, these act as keys to enable access to shared files on the computers into which they are plugged in. e27 had previously provided coverage on them.
Dropboxの安全版 - iTwin、新たなファイル認証機能をリリース。年次売上数が5桁に。去る先週末の父の日に、iTwinは新しいアップデートをリリースした。それには、iTwinがファイル認証対応に、と記されていた。この製品をよく知らない読者のために説明すると、iTwinは、特定のハードウェアインターフェイスを通し、2つのUSBドングルを接続させる。互いに接続されると、これらのUSBは、ユーザーがプラグインしているコンピューター上の共有ファイルへアクセスするための鍵となる。e27は、過去にこの製品について取り上げている。
Social publishing platform FashionSpace secures second funding round for regional expansionsFashionSpace receives second round of investment from initial investor Crystal Horse Investments and another private investor to execute regional expansion plans.
ソーシャルパブリッシング・プラットフォームのFashionSpace、事業展開のため第2ラウンドの資金調達を受けるFashionSpaceは、地域的な事業展開を行っていくため、初期の投資家のCrystal Horse Investments、また別の個人投資家から、第2ラウンドとなる資金調達を受ける。