yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
音楽 文化 ファッション IT Arts 漫画 マニュアル 旅行・観光 ソフトウェア
yakuok 英語 → 日本語

So, three key ideas/themes you can take from One Piece for your startup: a compelling dream, specialists, and focusing on character development.

Have a brilliant dream that your team would die for

Monkey D. Luffy (pictured with the straw hat), like most Shounen manga, is the main character who has an undying dream to be the pirate king (a part of that is finding the treasure known as the ‘One Piece’). It’s audacious, it’s arrogant, it’s naive, it’s flabbergasting, and it’s exactly what makes little schoolboys and nerds read about him every week. But it’s also what brings his team together. Nobody wants to follow someone without a dream.




少年漫画によくあるように、Monkey D. Luffy(写真で麦わら帽子を被っているキャラクター)は、海賊王になるという不滅の夢を持っているメインキャラクターだ(彼の夢には「ワンピース(ひとつなぎ)」と呼ばれる大秘宝を見つけることも含まれる)。それは大胆で、横暴で、単純で、突拍子もなく、そしてまさしくそれが若い学生やオタク達が彼について毎週読みたくなる理由でもある。だが、それはまた彼の仲間達をつなぎあわせているのだ。誰も夢を持たない者についていこうとは思わない。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

And the real lesson to be learned from Luffy is he’s willing to die for his dream. He battles the military, the government, other evil pirates, and more, all for that dream. He’s resilient. How many startup founders and CEO’s out there do you really meet who have this kind of conviction and audacity? It’s a rare trait. But if you’ve got the real love and conviction for that dream of your product and company will be, your team will work to the ends of the earth for you. Luffy believes in the dream so much that he’s almost always the ones working the hardest on it. It’s the only way to inspire your team. That’s leadership. How big and inspiring is your dream?



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

In One Piece, the Straw Hat Pirates are usually the smallest team but by and large the most effective and well working team. They may lose, but they always rebound because they know to rely on each other. They trust each other. Do you trust your team?

Your team has to want to improve themselves

One of the coolest things about reading One Piece (and a lot of other famous mangas like Naruto and Dragonball) is watching how the characters develop. The most interesting characters are always the one that change, and remake themselves into better versions. It also allows them to defeat other teams and overcome adversity as time goes on.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Command one market, conquer the next

The service provides near total-coverage for all financial institutions in Japan. With 1,400 out of 1,585 financial institutions in the Money Forward fold, even users who have never stepped foot inside of a mega-bank can enjoy top-class service and benefits. The message certainly seems to have gotten out, as the company’s free app for Android was rated the number one finance app for 2013 by Google Play. iOS users are also flocking to the service on iPhone and iPad. In total, Money Forward expects to announce the acquisition of its one millionth user this summer. Tsuji asserted that this milestone will cement the company’s top position in Japan as measured by user accounts.



このサービスは、ほぼ全カバレージの形で日本における全ての金融機関に対し提供されている。Money Forwardユーザ1585の中の1400社の金融機関のおかげで、メガバンクに足を踏み入れたことのないユーザであっても最高のサービスと利益を得ることができる。同社のAndroid向けの無料アプリがGoogle Playで2013年金融系ベストアプリ1位に選ばれたことからも、このメッセージが人々に伝わったのは確かだろう。iOSユーザもまた、iPhoneとiPad向けの本サービスにアクセスしている。合わせて、Money Forwardは今年の夏、100万人目のユーザを獲得したとの発表を行うだろうと予測されている。Tsuji氏は、ユーザアカウントのサイズから言っても、このマイルストーンが日本における同社のトップの位置づけを確実なものにすると明言している。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Tsuji’s aim is high – to turn Money Forward into the number one cloud service for business. Though the functionality is currently limited to just accounting, additional enterprise-focused services for invoices, salary payment, and expense reports are expected to be released in the coming months.

The new services dovetail perfectly Tsuji’s ultimate goal. He says, “I want to make the world [without] manual input. Just connect everything.” Competition in this market is fierce and its burgeoning rival Freee is making strong inroads as well. Seeing if Money Forward has the ability to replicate its success in its intended enterprise expansion bears watching as 2014 progresses.


Tsuji氏の志は大きい。Money Forwardをビジネス市場における最大のクラウドサービスに作り上げることだ。今のところ本サービスの機能は会計処理だけに限られているが、今後数か月のうちに、企業に重点を置いた請求書発行、給与支払、経費報告などのサービスを新たにリリースする模様だ。

これらの新たなサービスは、Tsuji氏の目標に確実につながっていく。彼はこう述べている。「私はこの世を手入力のない世界にしていきたいと思っています。全てをつなげれば良いのです」 本市場での競争は激しく、急成長を遂げている同社のライバルFreeceもまた強気の進攻を試みている。Money Forwardが所期の企業拡大における成功を繰り返すだけの技量があるかどうか、この2014年目が離せない。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

I have most of this last order in stock and ready to ship. We had to special order the S4411X from the factory which might take another week or two. I do have all the rest of the items in stock.

60 in stock
24 in stock
10 in stock
10 in stock
12 in stock
12 in stock
12 in stock

10 SS4411x Still on back order

Also, on our last order I had a back order of the following items. We have a few of these that have arrived

10 in stock
10 in stock

10 still on back order
10 still on back order
10 still on back order

If you want me to, I can ship what I have in stock now in 1 box. Then, we will ship the remaining pieces when they arrive?

Thanks again



60 在庫有り
24 在庫有り
10 在庫有り
10 在庫有り
12 在庫有り
12 在庫有り
12 在庫有り

10 SS4411x 入荷待ち


10 在庫有り
10 在庫有り

10 入荷待ち
10 入荷待ち
10 入荷待ち



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

I have slide problem. I already bought 4 from me Item number
And I order right away and I send you message through eBay
I did check yesterday and was so many available but today they are running out of stack.
They have refurnished only and they don’t have new as was before and what I was posted in eBay.
I know it’s hard to say but I cannot sell to you refurnished instead new. After all I posted new and suppose to be new not refurnished, but if you want refurnished and you give me OK I can do so.
Recently I was speaking with supplier and they don’t have right now new one but they let me know whatever they have but I don’t want you to waiting too long or so.



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

They have warranty but anyway when I call them I cancel order and I want you to write back as soon as
possible and let me know what you want
One option is of course you full refund 2x260 which is 520 in total for two times order total of 8
Another option to wait couple days or so
If you agree with refurnished I can sell for you $60 instead $65 for each individual and of course if something or anything wrong with refurnished I call them and they send you another one no questions ask.
That is all what I can do until I get your message back and I want to say so sorry one more time for this inconvenience.


一つのオプションとして、合計8つの注文の2回分にあたる2 x 260(ドル)、合計520(ドル)分の返金を行うという方法があります。