Violet (violet) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
violet 英語 → 日本語

If you have shipped the item out already please wait until the item is returned back to sender and once you have received it and evaluate that it is in the same condition that you sent the item out in that you can refund the seller adequately. You have the option on not refunding the Buyer for the Shipping Price but that will be left up to you, just please be aware that a buyer can open an A-Z claim to up to 90 days and leave Negative feedback up to 60 days. Amazon always provides excellent customer service and we expect our third party sellers to do the same, my recommendation to you will be to offer the buyer a full refund and ask them if they can kindly place a new order with the correct shipping address.



violet 英語 → 日本語

If you ship the item and the buyer states they did not receive the item and open a A-Z claim on the order the buyer will win the claim even if the order has tracking information and signed confirmation. Seller performance will see that the order was not delivered at the address we provided you and will grant the case to the buyer.

We highly recommend that if the buyer will like the order shipped to another physical address that they cancel the order and edit the shipping address before placing a new address. I know this would be a hassle for the buyer to do so but it protects the seller in case the buyer claims that they did not receive the item.




violet 英語 → 日本語

Instead of 2500 drachmas 5000 were given; instead of two legions only, the entire eight were to be paid.Octavian was appointed to make the distribution instead of the ten commissioners,and he was allowed to be a candidate for the consulship while absent.Messengers were hastily despatched to tell him these things.Directly after they had left the city the Senate repented.They felt that they ought not to be so weakly terror-stricken, or accept a new tyranny without bloodshed, or accustom those seeking office to gain it by violence, or the soldiers to govern the country by the word of command. Rather should they arm themselves as best they could and confront the invaders with the laws, for there was some hope that,


2500ドラチマではなく5000ドラチマが与えられた。軍隊は2つの代わりに8つすべてが与えられた。Octavianは10人の理事の代わりに分配役を指名され、欠席の間は領事の候補者になることを許された。メッセンジャーはそれらを彼に伝えるために急いで出発させられた。彼らが出発したあと、 Senateは後悔した。恐怖におびえるべきではなく、流血なしに新しい専制政治を受け入れるべきではなく、暴力によってそれを得るための職や命令によって国を統治する兵士を探すことになれるべきではないと彼らは考えました。むしろ彼らは最大限に武装し、侵入者には法律で立ち向かうべきで、そこにはまだ望みがあった

violet 英語 → 日本語

I haven't a clue as to what goes wrong and have spent days working on my computer to see if it were the problem. When I try to view the photos on the addresses below I keep on getting a page full of what I think is machine language, a bunch of diamond shaped symbols I even went so far as to open other .jpg files to be sure I could. Worked fine I don't know if I am running against some sort of eBay control, but I know thhis sould get throug. You might wish to see if you can send mail to victor 1959 using as the carrier, anotheer seller thhhhhhhhhougt it sould get through if I leave out the at in it. Sure hope thhis works as I'd love to see the photos!Look forward to hearing from you,


どうなってしまったのか分からず、私のコンピューターに何か問題があるのかどうかを数日かけて探しました。下のアドレスのところで写真を見ようとすると、ダイアモンドの形をした記号など機械文字のようなものがページいっぱいに表示されます。それから他の.jpgも開いてみて開けるかどうかを確認しました。私のしていることがeBay決まりか何かに反してしまっているかわからないのですが、これはどうにかしないといけないと思います。ほかの販売人であるcomcast.netのvictor 1959 を通じて写真を送ってもらうのはどうでしょうか。もちろん、うまくいって写真が見たいです!お返事お待ちしています。

violet 英語 → 日本語

Others hinted at the truth. As things had turned out contrary to his expectation, Octavian was at a loss what to do. Hoping, however, to retain them by persuasion rather than by force he yielded to their requests, and sent some of them to get their arms and others simply to their homes. Concealing his disappointment he praised all the assembled multitude, gave them fresh presents, and said that he would reward them still more generously, for he made use of them for emergencies rather as the friends of his father than as soldiers. After he had spoken these words, he influenced 1000 only from 10,000 to remain with him, or perhaps 3000, for accounts differ as to the number. The rest then took their departure,

