In addition to serve as a communication platform of translators, Guokr will also launch a research project focused on Coursera Chinese users in a bid to gain a better understanding of their learning habits.Community translation website Yeeyan also took part in Coursera’s English to Chinese translation project.
I ordered bluetooth noise canceling wireless headphones on Aug 20th. Today one of the earbuds will not play sounds. The noise canceling still works. I would like to return this product or get an exchange. I am disappointed that the earphones broke already. I take very good care of them and have enjoyed them up until this point.I'm sorry, please discard my earlier email. The problem was not with the headphones. Thanks!Is the white Casio ex-zr 1000 "high speed"? Does it differ from the black model?
8月20日にBluetoothノイズキャンセラーワイヤレスヘッドホンを注文しました。今日そのうちの1つのイヤホンから音が聞こえません。ノイズキャンセラーは動作しています。この商品の返品又は交換を希望します。イヤホンがもう壊れてしまうなんてがっかりしています。とても大事に扱っていましたし、今日までは愛用していました。ごめんなさい。先に送ったEメールは破棄してください。問題はヘッドホンではありませんでした。ありがとうございます!white Casio ex-zr 1000は“高速”ですか?黒モデルとは異なりますか?
IdeaboxAs a part of its commitment to support the development of Indonesia’s tech scene, Indosat will launch an incubator called ideabox. ideabox will provide facilities and resources for developers and entrepreneurs, such as co-working spaces. The incubator will be active by the end this year.
I am interested in 8 of your products. What would it be the shipping cost to Mexico? What would be the value you are going to declare for the package? I am asking because I don't know what would it be more convenient if send to package with 4 products each or just one.
Refund a without return.Replacement without return.Previously refunded.Expiration of return period.Cancelled at buyer request.Grocery products cannot be returned.Hazardous material,flammable liquids of gases cannot be returned.Prepaid game card (World of Warcraft,XBOX 360 live,Will Points,etc)cannot be returned.Resized or altered jewelry cannot be returned.Pay as you go(or prepaid)phone card cannot be returned.
返品なしの返金。返品なしの取り換え。以前返金された。返品期間の期限切れ。売り手の希望によりキャンセルされた。食料品は返品不可。危険物又は引火性液体ガスは返品不可。プリペイドゲームカード(World of Warcraft、XBOX 360 live、Will Pointsなど)は返品不可。サイズ直し又は変造された宝飾品類は返品不可。現金で支払ってください。(もしくはプリペイド)テレホンカードは返品不可。
I live in Italy..I'm interested to buy only 3 polo jersey in size Large, one for each colours..wich is the price of that, shipping included?!Thanks
you've wrote that there's a "blemish", but on your picture there's no blemish, we see only an old original refill (I want to you rememebr that the pen is 20 years old).The pen is new, never used and we are sure of that.You've opened a Paypal claim asking for 1000$ of refund; but I ask you: is it for a refill?Do you think that a refill costs 1000$?Please we need to have more informations and clear pictures about your claim before to take any decision. if you prefere, you can return the pen for refund but you have to confirm that it's exactly in the same conditions as received, if you have only opened there's no problem to accept the return.awaiting for your reply,
Thank you very much for giving me this price.I have to told you for your own benefit, because when I ordered product it doesn't include shipping cost.
イギリス①I have just phoned Parcelforce Worldwide on the phone number provided in your previous email.( 0844 800 4466) to inform them of the broken goods.I was unable to do this officially and was advised that it is the sender, not the receiver that needs to complain for damaged goods ( ie, you need to contact them )I was given a phone number that you should call to do this: parcelforce complaints 01924294226Please use the complaint details I filled in on line to do this should you need to give details of the fault.②Please could you tell me where my goods are?
England①前回のEメールで教えて頂いたパーセルフォース・ワールドワイドの番号( 0844 800 4466)に電話をし、壊れた商品について報告しました。正式には私はこの対処をする事はできず、不良品についての苦情は受取人ではなく発送人がする必要があると助言を受けました。(つまり、あなたが彼らに連絡する必要があります。)あなたが電話すべき番号を教えてもらいました。パーセルフォース苦情係 01924294226問題の詳細を伝える際には、私がオンライン上に記載した苦情の詳細を利用してください。②私の商品がどこにあるか教えて頂けませんか?
I have received your payment and the watch will ship today. the tracking number will be available through eBay. as for the message sent to me via paypal I didn't receive it. please send it to me via eBay if it has other relevant information not in these messagesOk.I'd like to buy 5 A products left all.So,Can you make disdount?We have 2 left in stock with several more on order. if you are okay with me shipping the 1st 2 right away and the rest next week I could do that.
Dear yamahaya88102012,Just to clarify:1) grey sword is missing2) cape is dirty3) box is damaged-Dear yamahaya88102012,Hi, can you provide more pictures and any additional detail to the condition of the DVDs and cases? ThanksThank you for being a valued eBay seller! Please take a one-minute survey evaluating your recent eBay Buyer Protection experience for JVC Victor Everio GS-TD1 3D Camcorder + 64GB HD Memory Express Free Shipping.Simply click the link below or copy the following address into your browser:
yamahaya88102012様確認させてください:1)グレーの剣はない2)ケープは汚れている3)箱は壊れているyamahaya88102012様こんにちは。もっと写真を見せて頂けませんか?またDVDとケースの状態について更なる詳細を教えて頂けませんか?よろしくお願い致します。eBayの貴重なセラーになってくださり、ありがとうございます!JVC Victor Everio GS-TD1 3D Camcorder と64GB HD Memory Express Free Shippingに対する顧客保護制度の体験を評価する1分間の調査にご協力ください。下記のリンクをクリックして頂くか、下記アドレスをブラウザにコピーしてください。
It seems that you are not going to response my previous email.I can see you are still selling the famicom disk system with the title "+1 belt".I will report to ebay if not hearing from you in 24hours.
以前送ったEメールの返信は頂けないようですね。あなたがまだ“+1 belt”というファミコンディスクシステムを販売しているのを見つけました。24時間以内にお返事を頂けないようであればeBayに報告します。
Buy from U.S. web stores and get over 80% global shopping savings with! personal shipping service users get exclusive access to their favorite U.S. online stores with their own U.S. shipping address. Your packages are automatically forwarded, fast and easy, with unbeatable discounted rates.Join with your Visa card and you will also...Avoid the $20USD Set-Up Fee Get two free Membership years (a $120 USD value) Save 25% on shipping for first month Save 20% with future shipments Enjoy the best deals from great Web stores like Designer Warehouse, Bloomingdales, Macy’s, Victoria’s Secret, Amazon and more
アメリカのウェブストアMyUs.comで買い物をして、世界的規模の80パーセント以上のお買い得品を手に入れよう!MyUs.comの個人配送サービスユーザー様だけが、アメリカの配送先住所があれば好きなオンラインストアへアクセスできます。お荷物は、圧倒的な割引価格にて、簡単でスピーディーに自動的に転送されます。お持ちのVisaカードでご登録ください。また…20米ドルの設定手数料を免除2年間の会員費が無料(通常120米ドル)最初の1カ月は配送料が25パーセントオフ将来の配送料は20パーセントオフDesigner Warehouse、Bloomingdales、Macy’s、Victoria’s Secret、Amazonなどの素晴らしいウェブストアで最良の取引を楽しんでください。
MRTtrackrApart from guides on road traffic, there’s also MRTtrackr. Launched in 2012, it’s an Android app to guide train riders. In the Philippine capital, there are three train lines: the MRT, LRT-1 and LRT-2. So, the app provides guides on the user’s proximity to the nearest station, and alerts the user when they’ve reached the station and even the time it takes for the next train to arrive.
ukI am just wondering if you refunded me as the money went out of my bank account and after i cancelled i dont have the money back商品は発送前にキャンセルされましたので料金は請求されておりませんのでご安心ください!良い一日を!
uk銀行口座からお金がなくなったのですが返金して頂けましたでしょうか?その後キャンセルしたのですが、お金は戻ってきていません。Please be assured we did not charge a price for the item since you cancelled it before it was shipped.Have a nice day!
I will make them double check we apologize and will figure it out for you don’t worryI will not have an answer until Tuesday
Furthermore, Veritrans’ new API will allow developers to develop applications for the platform. This will allow more features and services to improve the current experience. Launched in 2012, VT-Direct has collaborated with merchant sites like Traveloka, Biznet and Loket.
I wrote to you, you have one unit "ooo" sent back, we will refund you or you can use it for credit for other items we can send to you.
Dear yamahaya88102012,hello, I just opened the case, found there are pieces of broken black belt,it's stiff and melted. So, it means I have to do it myself, but I don't see a new belt anywhere. You forgot to ship the new belt?Eric- helloaiboDear yamahaya88102012,Can you please provide a tracking number? Many Thanks Chloe- chloeash69Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
yamahaya88102012様こんにちは。先ほど箱を開けてみたのですが、壊れた黒いベルトが何点か入っているのを見つけました。堅くて溶けています。これは自分で対処しなければならないという事でしょうか?しかし、新しいベルトはどこにも見当たりません。新しいベルトは送り忘れたのでしょうか?Eric- helloaiboyamahaya88102012様トラッキングナンバーを教えて頂けますか?よろしくお願い致します。Chloe- chloeash69返信するには、メッセージの"respond"をクリックするか、Eメールを使用ください。
Dear yamahaya88102012,In the description you list the following:◆ Gray Sword is out of stock.◆ There is a dirt like the color migration to some of the cloak.Does this mean that the sword that goes in the wargreymon head is missing?Could you post some pictures of the color differences?- kreras