Tourmaline (tourmaline) 翻訳実績

約9年前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
技術 法務 サイエンス
tourmaline 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

I am not discussing the condition of the coin when you bought it. I am discussing the spot on coin that I was not aware of when was sold to me? I needed to be informed about it initially to make my decision? not sure what do you mean by saying "it is in the case"?

I do understand your point completely. Also I don t want to escalate this matter any further. Just want to clear my point: it s okay to have a coin with spot/s. However, I needed to be notified with this before the transactions so I could have decided accordingly. Hope u understand my point!
Over all, I am not pleased with this transaction, however,I would rather to stop at this point as I can t see any progress planned ahead from ur side!


あなたがコインを買ったときのコインの状態のことを言っているのではありません。私に売られたときにコインの点に私が気づかなかったことを言っているのです。私が決めるまえにそのことを告げられるべきでしたか? あなたが”それはその場合”と言っている意味が分かりません。
