Thank you for your email.I'm really sorry for not informing the tracking number.If the package doesn't arrive by the certain date, we'll refund S20.Thank you for your email.Regarding the product, it is compatible with 100V. Please don't worry, I enclose the conversion plague for 220V as a bonus.Thank you for your email.Delivery option is only Japan post because we have contract with them.If you prefer another option, we can arrange but we will charge you extra.
皆さんお久しぶりです! 花子です!あっという間に7月も終わり、もうそろそろ8月になりますね!日本の夏は暑いですが、私も他のメンバーもアイス片手に頑張っています!8月には、日本のオタク業界ではとても大きなイベントがあります!そう、Comiketです!これは8月10日から8月12日に行われる、日本最大級の同人誌即売会です!38年前から続いているお祭りが、今年も開催されます。★Comiketはこんなところ!★最新アニメから昔のアニメまで、色々なタイトルの同人誌やグッズが販売!
It's been a while! This is Hanako!July really flew by, and August is coming!Summer in Japan is really hot, and I and other members are surviving this weather eating ice cream!Very big event for Otaku in Japan in August!Yes, it is "Comiket"!This is the biggest Doujinishi selling event in Japan, which is held from Aug 10 to 12!38years long-running event will be held this year again!★This is what Comiket!★You can buy a lot of Doujinshi and goods, and introduce recent anime and old anime!
夏の最新アニメである「○○」、「○●」や「●●」を始め、 「△△」、「▼▼」や「▼△」など様々なジャンルの同人誌やグッズが販売されます!貴方が興味を持っているアニメのグッズもあるかもしれませんよ?会場で最大級のコスプレが開催中!会場内では、ファンによるコスプレが可能なスペースがあり、交流会をしていることがあります!昨年の様子は 「Comiket コスプレ」でgoogle検索すると見る事が出来ますよ!ちなみに昨年「△△」のコスプレをしていた可愛い女の子を、私は忘れられません…
Not only from the newest anime in this summer "○○","○●" and "●●", Many Doujinshi and goods will be sold from various genre of "△△","▼▼" and "▼△".You must find goods from the anime you're interested in!The biggest Cosplay wil be held at the same time!In the venue, there's a space where fans can do cosplay, and they're networking sometimes!You can check last year's picture if you google "Comiket コスプレ"!By the way, I cannot forget about the pretty girl who was in cosplay of "△△" last year...
Mobile’s share of web traffic is expected to continue rising as more individuals move to mobile for their primary personal device and away from desktops. Over half of our survey respondents in Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines access the internet via mobile to make purchases, with numbers projected to rise again next year. The implications this has for e-commerce are highly positive, as companies can expect to see growth in Asia Pacific’s emerging markets, which were previously left untapped.”Instant feedback, instant rewardsGiven the prevalence of mobile devices, Anurag says mobile-based research is very much relevant and businesses get good feedback and results from this activity.
多くの人々の主要なパーソナルデバイスがデスクトップからモバイルに移り変わるに伴って、モバイル機器からのインターネット通信のシェアは上昇し続けることが予想できます。ベトナム、インドネシア、フィリピンで実施した私たちの調査対象の半分以上の人は、何かを購入する際にモバイル端末を通じてインターネットにアクセスします。そしてその数は来年さらに増える見込みです。これは、今まで触れられなかったアジア太平洋の急激なマーケット拡大に伴い、eコマースが成長していくことを示唆しています。すばやいフィードバックと、すばやい報酬モバイル端末の普及を受けて、 Anuragはモバイル端末を使用したリサーチは大変重要で、企業はその結果に良いフィードバックを得る事ができると話しています。
Co.Lab by Silicon Straits: Singapore-based Co-working space with a fab lab. Company does software development and startup investments too.Karkhana: Based in Kathmandu, the makerspace’s mission is to catalyze a culture of experimentation in Nepal.Startups and companies3D printer makers/ open hardware service providersDFRobot: Besides making 3D printers, it operates an online store selling all sorts of open hardware parts.Makible: Hong Kong company selling 3D printers from USD 200.Pirate3D: Singapore-based 3D printer maker which raised USD 1.43M on Kickstarter, 14 times its initial goal.Portabee: Cheap 3D printer based on open-source design RepRap Wallace. Based in Singapore.
Slilicon StraitsのCo.Lab : シンガポールに拠点を置くfab lab. Companyが運営するコワーキングスペースは、ソフトウェア開発とスタートアップ投資を行っている。Karhana: Kathmanduに拠点を置くmakerspaceのミッションは、ネパールで実験の文化を触媒することだ。スタートアップと企業3Dプリンタメーカー/ オープンハードウェアサービスプロバイダDFRobot: 3Dプリンタを生産する傍ら、あらゆる種類のオープンハードウェアパーツを販売するオンラインストアを運営してる。Makible: 3Dプリンタを$ 200から販売する香港の企業。Pirate3D: シンガポールを拠点にする、3Dプリンタメーカー。Kickstarterにより、当初の目標の14倍である$1.43Mの資金集めた。Portabee: オープンソースデザインのRepRap Wallaceに基づく低価格3Dプリンタ。シンガポールが拠点。
Thank you for your order, but, we are run out of stock unfortunately.It's because we also sell products in our actual shop.I'm so sorry about this.
Please let me know when yo finish building the website.And, what kind of handle do you want for the knife?We can also make custom made knives.We have made paper knife, knife for meal, sickle, and cutting tool for farming or industrial use besides various kinds of knife.It will be very helpful if you can share your image and purpose of use.
I'll request a new case for you. We need to request from MR model and I cannot confirm when can they send it to you. For Aventador roadster White, it will be ready by month end. We are rushing MR Model for it everyday.
How is the contract document going on?Could you please send me the data with your signature when you agree.Also, it seems you're not selling our products on your EC site in full-scale, I'd like to know the progress of it.Please let me know you have any feedback from client in Sweden, I'm curious.We're looking forward our art works to being known by a lot of people.
Thank you for taking time and your prompt reply.I understood the product was made by another person.And the URL you told me was useful.I'm really interested in the product, so I'd like to contact the maker.I live in Japan, and please email me anytime if I can do something for you.Thanks a lot.Best regards,
DE①There are at least always 2 persons at home and there are really no exceptions to that, so this is a sign that DHL is too lazy to do their work during a heatwave. There was even no message in the mailbox. This is really not funny anymore.Sorry for my message 10 minutes ago, but the package has already arrived in perfect condition but not with DHL but with BPOST International. I have already given you a possitive feedback on 19 july 2013. It arrived the same day after I had send you an e-mail. Sorry for the confusion but I expected an answer from another Japanese seller where I bought also a PVC figure from Good Smile Company.
UK①Please confirm if you have send this book out to my address? I would appreciate your quick reply, thank you in advance.With Regards
UK②No it is not because I was absent. They have not tried to deliver it to me. It is still at Gatwick Airport. They are awaiting charges to be paid online before they release the package for delivery. It is being held until the charges are paid. Please read the photo of the letter I sent you. Please check the tracking details for my order, it should tell you that my package is being held at customs awaiting payment of charges.I would like you to reimburse me the charges of £43.38 so I can pay them and finally have my package delivered.This is a screenshot of tracking details www.parcelforce.com I looked up today.Please respond promptly, I am eager to receive my package.
#12:19: For me there are some fundamental things I do for any new thing. I ask myself, am I fully committed — both to myself and to team members or partners. Putting in solid time and money behind it. If you don’t do that, you are reducing chances of success. Build a good team for yourself. It’s an invaluable asset that will see you through. Be careful you you choose, because there are risks, but it is important. Also, don’t be too in love with you idea. Adapt, be ready to chance. Evolve, because your ideas will look very different when you are successful.
#12:19: 私には、新しいプロジェクトの基盤となるものがある。全力で取り組んでいるのか、と問うことだ―自分にも、チームのメンバーやパートナーにも。そこに多くの時間と資金を費やすのである。もしその問いをしなければ、成功の可能性を減らすことになる。自分のために最良のチームを作るのだ。それが貴重な資産となるのである。リスクもあるが、とても重要なことだから、何を選択するかに注意するのだ。そして、自分のアイディアを大事にしすぎないことだ。臨機応変になれ、チャンスをつかむのだ。進化せよ、成功をつかんだ時、自分のアイディアは全く違うものになっているはずだ。
#12:16: How committed to you to your own venture? How much money have you put in. If you’re a student and its $5000, that’s commitment. But if you have a full time job, and [the venture is secondary], then that’s not commitment. Finding strategic investment is not difficult. If you can find justification to do a project with you or back it up with investment, but please do avoid the pitfalls of giving over control. Negotiate higher valuations, don’t give over board seats and you should be fine.
#12:16: ベンチャーににどれだけの力を注げばよいか?どれだけの資金をつぎ込めばよいか。もしあなたが学生で5000ドルをつぎ込むとしたら、それは大きな投資である。しかし、もしあなたが会社員(ベンチャーが副業であるの)なら、それは大きな投資ではない。戦略的な投資を見極めることは難しいことではない。そのプロジェクトを遂行する理由や投資する理由が見つけられるのであれば良いが、自分でコントロールできないほどの危険は避けなさい。そして、さらに高い価値を求め交渉し、自分の立場を譲らないことでうまくいくはずだ。
Thank you for contacting us. I have attached our Cruiser Accessory list and if you could email me something that shows you are a Dealer for our files. Once you decide what you might be interested in I can give you prices and availability. I do want to let you know that we have made new guards for the Suzuki GSXR 600 (2008-2010) and the Yamaha R6 (2011) photos attached.
ご連絡ありがとうございます。クルーザーアクセサリのリストを添付いたしました。ご登録済みのディーラーである証明ができるようなメールをいただけますでしょうか。ご購入を検討される商品が決まりましたら、価格や在庫状況をお知らせいたします。また、写真を添付しておりますGSXR 600 (2008-2010) とYamaha R6 (2011)向けの新しいガードを開発しましたことをお知らせいたします。
Most phones come with flimsy manuals with complicated language and jargon. These books, which can live on a bookshelf actually contain the phone.Each page reveals the elements of the phone in the right order, helping the user to set up the sim card, the battery and even slide the case onto the phone.The second book is the main manual – the phone actually slots into this and becomes the center of attention.Arrows point to the exact locations the user should press, avoiding confusion and eliminating the feeling of being lost in a menu.
Thank you for your interest in doing business with St. Paul Harley-Davidson. Due to our policy agreements with Harley-Davidson Motor Company we are prohibited from selling items to known resellers. Due to this fact, when we receive emails or orders such as yours, we require a written statement proving you are not reselling the product and it is for personal use. If you can supply such documentation we will revisit and reevaluate your request. Again, I thank you for your interest in St. Paul Harley-Davidson and wish you well.
By the way, Thai food is popular in Japan, too!I love Tom yum goong and Khaosoy. I want to enjoy the real taste of Thai food!
こんにちは!今日EMSで君にCDを送ったよ!楽しみに待っていてね!EMSの追跡番号を教えるので、下記URLから検索してね。それと、FataのREMIX音源と君のNew trackを是非聴かせて欲しいな。うまく行けば僕の新しいレーベルから4月頃リリースしたいと思ってる。そして君のEPも作りたいと思ってるよ。君さえ良ければ新曲と"Mili Mola"と"Recursion"も含んだEPにすることも出来るし。是非検討してみてよ。
Hi! I sent you a CD by EMS today. Wait till it arrives!I'll give you the tracking number, so please search from the web below.And, I really want to listen Fata's remix CD and your new track.Hopefully, I want to release them from my new label around this April.I also want to produce your EP. It can include your new song, "Mili Mola", and "Recursion" if you like.Please let me know how you think about it.