With EMS, it takes 4 to 6 days to get from Japan to the destination in South America. With ePacket, it takes 6 to 8 days. Depending on the situation of postal service of your country of residence, the arrival of the package might delay. According to our experience, a delivery to capital areas is relatively on-time, but if the postal service situation is not so favorable, it may be faster if you could go to the post office to receive the package. Also, they always do customs inspection on EMS, and in many cases charge you customs duty.
Now we are in April. Do you have any news for me? If you know anything about the next estimated date for the arrival of goods, please let me know. I will be waiting for your reply anxiously.
The rice ”Uonuma Koshihikari" is surprisingly distinct in its taste and texture from the ordinary rice you buy from Wall-Mart. "Nishiki-goi" are carps that are also called "Swimming Gems""Nihon-syu", or Sake that matured in deep snow."Hanabi-Taikai (Firework Festivals)" that launch 48-inch gunpowder-balls to the sky."Matsunoyama-Onsen" is counted as one of three most famous medicinal hot-springs in Japan.We are from Niigata Prefecture in japan with these various attractions. We can ship you many products that can only be found in Japan with careful wrappings. The fact that you have ordered these products all the way from Japan, will certainly makes you proud too!
Three products that you have entered have sold. I will pay you 3$ as promised. Please let me ask you a question, for this is an important issue. Do you mean you want to work with me as full-time?I make a contract as full-time only with those who will become a manager. A manager is responsible for the education of contract workers for me, among many other tasks. I have lent you Terapeak to see if you are suitable for a future person in charge. Please let me know specifically, which part of this job is hard.
Buenos días,Gracias por su compra con nosotros.Averiguando antes del envío, descubrimos que no habían existencias en la bodega.Lo siento mucho. Por que hacemos ventas en otras tiendas en línea, prestaremos más atención para que no suceda el caso semejante en el futuro. En esta ocasión, porque era antes del envío, no va a ver la solicitud del pago. Así que no se preocupe.La cancelación del pedido se puede solicitar desde el Historia de Compras en la página de su cuenta.Lo sentimos mucho por no haber podido ayudarle.
Como cancelar su pedidoInicie la sesión a BEn la Historia de pedidos, elija, cancelar o devolver artículosEso es todo el trámite.P.D. le mandamos un vale-regalo para sus futuros compras. Esperamos que algún otro día podemos ayudarle. que tenga buena suerte!
#marcusThe TPHDe shafts are not available until May, sorry.Also, please only email me at this address. I receive your emails each time, but I need to time to find out the availability before I can respond. So, there is no need to also message me through the website and ebay. I will get back to you as soon as I can when I receive your emails.
#marcus"TPHDe shafts"は五月まで入荷しません。すみません。それと、このアドレスにのみ私宛のメールを送るようにしてください。あなたからのメールは毎回受け取っていますが、返信する前に在庫を確認するための時間が必要なのです。という訳で、ウェブサイトやebay経由で私にメッセージを送る必要はありません。あなたのメールを受け取って、お返事ができる状況が整い次第すぐ、返信させていただきます。
#willGot it Kenichi, thanks for the business I shipped today. Would you be interested in any of these RBZ tour Driver heads, they have a retail serial and a +, no spec sticker but I can measure the specs for you. They would be brand new in the wrapper and come with a tour adapter. I can do them for $100 each. Hey Kenichi, any interest in the new pro series? They are fujis newest shaft, mid to high launch, low spin. Same price as the fuel. I could do $70 each on 10 or more, if you just wanted one or two i could do them for 75 each. Let me know! These will be a good seller.
#Willケンイチさん、了解しました。毎度ありがとうございます。今日発送いたしました。これらのRBZ Tour Driver Heads(RBZ ドライバーヘッド)に興味はございませんか?小売り用シリアルナンバーとa+がついています。スペックを示すタグはありませんが、ご希望でしたら私がはかります。未開封の新品で、ツアー・アダプター付属です。一つ100ドルで承ります。ケンイチさん、それと、新しい Pro シリーズに興味はございませんか?Fuji(おそらくFujikura?)の最新のシャフトで、打出し角は中間から高め、低スピンです。Fuel と同じ値段です。10本以上なら一本70ドルで承ります。1、2本のご注文なら、一本75ドルで承ります。お知らせください。お買い得の商品となっております。
今日、ニュースでチリ沖にM8.2の地震があったと聞きました。大丈夫ですか?心配しました。 被害は少ないようですね。アカデミーに関しては、今はあまりオープンにしてませんので分からないと思いますが、心配ありません。総代理の件は考えて頂けましたでしょうか?まだ色々な条件を決めて行く事はありますが一定の期間だけでもいいので私達に任せて頂けませんでしょうか。良い知らせを期待しています。
I heard today that there was an earthquake with Magnitude 8.2 off Chile . Are you okay?I was worried. It seems the damage wasn't so big.About the Academy, I suppose you wouldn't know much about it, for we are not being so open about it right now. But please do not worry. Have you given a thought about the issue of the general representative? There are still several conditions to decide on, but please do consider about entrusting it to us, even if for a limited period of time. I will be expecting to hear good news from you.
評価 クレームこんにちはご連絡ありがとうございます。この度はあなたにご迷惑をかけてすみません。あなたに商品が無事に届かなく私は本当に残念です。あなたの力になれずくやしいです。再発防止に全力に取り組みます。全額返金は完了しておりますのでご確認をお願いします。あなたに幸運がありますようにPSお願いがあります。全額の返金は完了しましたのでBへクレーム(評価1)の撤回をお願いできますでしょうか?どうぞよろしくお願い致します
Evaluación Reclamo Buenos días.Gracias por su comunicación.Lo siento por su molestia en esta ocasión de negocio. Siento mucho que no le ha llegado el artículo a usted. Me da mucha pena por no haber podido ayudarle. Me haré mi mejor esfuerzo para que jamás ocurra un caso semejante.Ya hemos terminado el tramite de devolver la suma total de su pago. Por favor Averigüelo.Le deseo buena suerte.P.D.Tengo un favor que quisiera pedirle. ¿Sería posible que usted pueda revocar el reclamo(Evaluación 1) a B, ya que hemos terminado el tramite de devolver la suma total? Le agradezco sinceramente de antemano...