I had a couple of questions for you in regards to your offer. For one - when you say exclusive what do you mean exactly? Do you mean that I will not sell this design on any other site and only sell to you? I need to know specifically what that would mean to you so I can consider the offer.Also, an increase to 500 cases a month would be great, but would also be a lot more than you are currently ordering. So I am wondering what guarantees or strategies you have in regards to that number. If I were only selling to you I would of course need to be making up for the fact that I am not selling to anyone else.
What I was trying to do is disable the telecom network under the vita. But it needs the docomo sim card to do that, otherwise it says No sim inserted. From what I read it will be fine even if the sim card is expired or not active. It just needs a sim that it can recognize so I can turn off the 3g network.Although it would be best to have prepaid data plan. If that is too inconvenient a refund is acceptable, though would it be possible to get a docomo vita sim that is expired? I only need it to turn off mobile network on the vita, without a sim, it will not allow me to go into the network options to turn off.And as they take the money right now when the goodies are only available in March, we decided to give up.
#marcusI have received a response from you about the shaft. I sent you an email with a picture to confirm the shaft that you are looking for please confirm so that I can see if it is available.#Golf XcessI sent you the PROTO (Smaller).I do not remember what you ordered last time.
marcus様シャフトに関する返答は受領しております。お求めになられるシャフトを確認していただけるように写真を添付したEメールを送りましたので、在庫があるかどうか分かるために確認の程よろしくお願いします。Golf Xcess様PROTO(小さいサイズ)を発送いたしました。前回ご注文いただいたサイズは失念してしまいました。
Let me make sure that I understand your query. The customer contacted you, and is asking you to cancel the order.Please note, that only you and not B can cancel this order.This is how you would cancel and order1. Enter the order number in the search bar on top2. You will come to the order detail page, there you just click on the grey button " Cancel order"3. The order has now been cancelled.httpsIf a buyer forwards a cancellation request via his buyer account and you cancel the order for him, it should not effect your stats negatively.
It's in perfect working condition and excellent cosmetic condition. Very clean control panel. Absolutely NO scratchy pots (bad input/output volume control pot is a very common problem among used ●●●). Comes with power cord and a copy of manual.
I would like to introduce a company,their products are of high quality and low price.if you want to do business,they can offer the most reasonable discount to make you get more
We’re writing to let you know about upcoming changes to the eBay Bucks Rewards Program. In order to continue offering meaningful benefits, we regularly look at the program’s performance to learn where changes are necessary. As a result of our latest program review, the eBay Bucks Certificates to be issued for the quarter ending December 31, 2013, will be the last sent for Rewards that total less than $5.00.
eBay Bucks Rewards Programにおける次回の変更点を手紙にてお知らせします。引き続き有意義なメリットを提供するために、当プログラムの性能を定期的に調査し変更が必要とされる箇所を突き止めます。我々が行ったプログラムの最新調査の結果、 四半期最終日の2013年12月31日に交付されるeBay Bucks Certificateがプログラムに対して最後に送られる予定で、その総額は5ドル未満である。
I have a couple questions:1) Are you mirroring many folders, or do you mainly upload files?2) Create a new FREE account and log into it with the desktop software. Does it initialize quickly?If you are not mirroring much and the FREE account initialize quickly, we may consider resetting your account and importing your files into the new account. Let me know the answers above.
Here is a quotation from a talk I gave at a meeting in the Sorbonne, 1948 devoted to the relationship between the theatre and the drama of today and tomorrow. ‘I was particularly struck, on my second visit to Brazil -I had been there for the first time in 1929 -by the presence of three races of mankind: the Indian, the Negro, and the White (Portugese). Their collisions, their contacts, their violent differences made the streets themselves into a veritable theatre. This was apparent the moment we arrived in Brazil.
Thank you for your email. Our compliance department is reviewing the item, to confirm we are able to export it. Could you please provide us with a link and merchant invoice for this item? Best Regards,
When we first release the Gateway Experience it was digitally remastered. When this series was release, we were flooded with requested from the Japanese to please go back to this original master of the Gateway, they did not like the digitally remasted version. So we did away with this version and went back to the original Gateway and to distinguish the two we call it the Gateway Masters. We no longer carry the Gateway Experience and have not don so for the past 4 or 5 years. I am not sure where the 1st version has come from again, but this version is just like the Gateway Masters, but it was digitally remastered.So…
我が社で最初に発売したGateway Experienceはマスターをデジタル処理したものでした。このシリーズが発売されると、我社はGatewayオリジナルマスターに戻して欲しいという日本人のリクエストで溢れ返りました。デジタル処理したリマスター版は気に入られなかったのです。そこで、リマスター版は諦めオリジナル版のGatewayに戻して、2種類を区別するためにGateway Mastersと読んでいます。Gateway Experienceはもう販売していません。ここ4、5年そうです。最初のバージョンがどこから再度湧き上がってくるか分かりませんが、Gateway Mastersと同じものでマスターをデジタル処理しているのです。ですから...
I have some good news. I was able to advocate with management on your behalf and was granted authorization to make an exception for you. The items from ToysRUs have been released to be selected for shipping. We will likely not be able to ship this in the future, though please check with me if you do wish to buy them again as we are still determining the details of the export restrictions. But we are willing to ship this package to you.Now all we need are instructions on what you would like done with the Surefire LED weaponlight in the package from Hobbs. That we will not be able to ship so please provide instructions on returning it to the merchant.
いいニュースがあります。お客様のための対処であると主張することができ、特例が認められました。ToysRUsから船積み用に選択された商品が発売されています。この先特例は認められそうもありませんが、輸出規制の詳細調査は継続しておりますのでまた購入したくなりましたら私に相談してください。喜んでお届けしたいと思っています。当方が今必要なことは、Hobbsの小包に入っていたSurefire LED weaponlightの取り扱いに関するお客様からの指示です。指示なしには発送できないので、返送に関してオーナーに指示をお願いします。
YTG is proud to announce a bonus class for the Winter semester: A two-week theatrical movement class at a special price. Returning students and students currently enrolled in other classes pay only 1500 Yen per class. New students pay 2000. Instructor RTG will be teaching a two week course on movement for actors. RTG's teaching is heavily influenced by the "Viewpoints" technique, developed in the 1970s and 1980s by BBB. This type of movement work will be new to most actors, and RTG's two week class aims to provide an introduction. Beginners and more advanced students are welcome!(for map and directions ::CLICK HERE::)
This surfaced both the strengths and weakness of the products, which ultimately benefited the redesign for the average person as well.In the case of matching people with jobs, why not look at a series of cases of remarkable employer to employee matches, both unconventional and conventional? We could also find answers by examining a series of concrete cases of seemingly ideal?yet failed attempts?to close the skills gap.The third technique takes into account the human experience. You can design the most flawless systems on paper, but without taking into consideration the dynamic and quirky dimension of people, you’ll never get it right. That’s why "human-centered design" is a cornerstone of design thinking.
Dear Shishido,I hope you are well. I am writing from Singapore where I am currently working on an online Art website and i'd love to feature your work on my site for sale. Please do take a look at the draft site, beta.nowandthen.com.sg. The name of the site will be changed to The Artling (www.theartling.com) and will only feature art prints, mainly signed limited edition prints.I'm particularly keen on featuring/selling your Illustration work and aim to have the artists featured on the site marketed in order to reach a wide audience.Please do let me know if you are keen on collaborating. Best,Talenia
宍戸様元気にしてますか?今はシンガポールで美術品のウェブサイト開発に取り組んでいるんだけど、そこであなたの作品を商品として取り上げてみたいの。開発途中のサイトだけど是非とも見てみて。beta.nowandthen.com.sg.がアドレスです。サイトのはThe Artling (www.theartling.com) に変更して、版画だけを取り上げるつもり。作者のサインが入っている限定版のものだけね。特にあなたのイラストをサイト内に取り上げて販売したくてたまらないわ。たくさんの人たちに見てもらえるようにいろいろなアーティストを取り上げたいとも思っているの。協同制作に前向きなら連絡ください。それでは。タレニア