This is regarding to the Mac C26 pre-amp. I have finally had a chance to take a look at the item yesterday and today since I had been on business trip. The problem is no sound comes out from one side when PHONO is on. The same condition persists even after several try. Sound comes out with other amp. This amp's PHONO is totally broken. My main purpose to purchase this item is to be use with PHONO on. I have brought this to audio repair shop and I was told that it will take at least $200 to being the inspection. Can you refund me $200? Without your sincere support, I will be very disappointed and unhappy. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
This special handling is required to verify the correct recipient, delays your package and results in a $5 per package address correction charge. Below is how your address should look on all your packages: Thank you very much for your help in ensuring all packages arrive correctly and completely addressed in order to avoid delays and additional special handling charges. I am your personal account manager and please do not hesitate to contact me, if you need any further assistance with this or any other matter. Best regards,RosieR@MyUS.com
Hello. This is Yamada. Thank you for your assitance all the time. I would like to inform you that last 8 digits of my credit number and security number has been changed. Please kindly find it as following. Please use the new number for next payment.
<about us>Prancing Leopard Organics came from our simple need: we could not find organic activewear that was stylish and comfortable enough to go beyond our yoga, dance and fitness activities so we could wear it throughout our busy, multi-tasking days.We are Sevda and Bert Holland of Prancing Leopard. To us, synthetic blend clothing being sold for yoga practice seemed inappropriate for a holistic practice like yoga, it was confining, felt foreign on the body and was frequently styled as if yoga were a competitive sport.We longed for clothing that would help us live a 360° organic lifestyle - comfortable and stylish enough to go from the cafe to yoga, then to meetings or an evening out without changing.
<当社について>Prancing Leopard Organicは、シンプルな必要性から生まれました。ヨガやダンス、フィットネス活動はもとより、忙しい毎日の中で着こなせるスタイリッシュ且つ快適なオーガニックアクティブウェアが無かったからです。こんにちは、私達はPrancing LeopardのSevda HollandとBert Hollandです。ヨガ用に販売されている合成繊維混合の服は、ヨガの様な心身一体となる運動にはふさわしく無いと私たちは考えます。圧迫するようで、身体になじみにくく、ヨガが一種の競技であるかのようなデザインをしています。私たちは、360度のオーガニックライフスタイルを実現するような服を待ち焦がれていました。カフェでのひとときからヨガへ出向き、それから着替えることなく会議や夕食に出かける事が出来る快適でスタイリッシュな服です。
We also care deeply about the earth’s future and open business practices — and so Prancing leopard sprung to life — organically.Love, care and organic cotton: this is our passion.Our dream is really great clothing that intelligently supports a dynamic lifestyle and a company that endeavors to give back to the society, culture and the earth in every way. Balance.To benefit both the wearer as well as the world, we chose organic fabrics. Our goal was to find the most beautiful fabrics, combining natural organic fibers with comfort and performance. Made with sustainable fibers to support organic farmers and sustainable farming practices.We are passionate about our community.
同時に、私たちは地球の未来とオープンなビジネスをすることにも心から気を配っています。そういうわけでPrancing Leopardはオーガニック的な方法で息を吹き返したのです。愛、気配りそしてオーガニックコットン。それが私たちの情熱です。私たちの夢は、活気あふれたライフスタイルや、様々な形で社会、文化、そして地球へ恩返しをする努力を惜しまない企業をスマートに応援する素晴らしい服を作ることです。そう、バランスです。そういった人々と企業、そして世界のため、オーガニック生地を選びました。自然なオーガニック繊維で作られた、着心地が良く性能の良い最高の生地を見つける事が私たちの目標でした。オーガニック農家が地球に優しい農業手法で採取した、地球に優しい繊維で作られた生地。私たちは、コミュニティーに貢献する事に情熱を掛けています。
<Customer Service>Ordering From `PLO'Visit the online store section or call +1-*** or +1-*** to order your `PLO' items. You may also fax us at +1-***. You may text us at +1-***. `PLO' does direct ship internationally. There will be an additional shipping charge of $19.50 for North American destinations and $29.50 for destinations outside of North America. The customer will be responsible for all taxes, duty and customs processing.If you would like to try on our clothing or purchase locally, please find the partner nearest to you for availability. Tracking Your OrderPlease provide your email address, `PLO' will a send a confirmation of your order when it is shipped with the tracking number.Return Policy
<カスタマーサービス>PLOからのご注文PLO商品はオンラインショッピング、または+1-*** / +1-*** からご注文下さい。また+1-*** へのファックスス、+1-*** o へテキストでのご注文も承っております。PLOは、世界に向けて直接発送致します。北米へは$19.50、北米以外の地域へは$29.50の送料をご負担いただきます。税金、関税、その他税関手続きにかかる費用はお客様のご負担となります。試着、または地元で購入されたい方は、お近くの当社のパートナーをお探し下さい。注文の追跡お客様のメールアドレスをご連絡下さい。ご注文の品が発送された際、PLOより追跡番号のご連絡をさせて頂きます。返品規定
At `PLO', we like to provide our online customers with the best return service possible. If for any reason you are not truly satisfied with our products, please return the item(s) within 30 days of purchase to the original point of purchase for a replacement, exchange or a refund. A restocking fee of $6 will be charged for each item returned, exchanged or refunded (additional charges apply for foreign customers to cover return customs and shipping). Refunds will only be given to customers purchasing from `P.com' or through one of our retailers.If you purchased items from a retailer, please return those items directly to the retailer. If you purchased online at `P.com', please follow the guidelines below.
Wholesale purchases are eligible for replacement or exchange only, and only within 30 days of purchase. There are no refunds for wholesale purchases. Foreign wholesale purchases are not eligible for refund, exchange or replacement. All exchanges sent back to our warehouse are subject to a restocking fee of $6 per item.Instructions for US customers that purchased directly from `P.com'1. If there are any discrepancies with your order or you want to return an item within 30 days of purchase, email our customer care department at `Ad@' and write “exchange” or "return" in the subject of your email. You may also contact our customer service dept at +1-*** Mon-Fri - 8am to 5pm (EST) or +1-*** (Outside U.S.).
卸販売については、お買い上げから30日以内の代替品または交換のみの対象となります。卸販売ついては払戻は致しませんのでご了承下さい。海外の卸販売については、払戻、代替品、もしくは交換は対象外となります。倉庫へ返送された全ての交換品は、一点に付$6の手数料が発生します。P.comより直接購入された米国内のお客様の返品方法。1.注文所との相違、或いは30日以内に商品を返品される場合は、カスタマーケア部の”Ad@”へメールにてご連絡下さい。メールの主題には”交換”(exchange) または"返品” (return)と明記下さい。お電話でも受付けております。お電話の受付け時間は、月曜から金曜日の午前8時から午後5時(東海岸時間)となっております。電話番号+1-*** (海外からの場合 +1-*** )
You may also fax us at +1-***. You may also TEXT us at +1-***. Please include the following:• First and last name• Brief description of reason for return• Invoice number• Style, quantity, color and size of the specific items you are returning• Style, quantity, color and size you would like to receive in exchange• Please indicate if you want prepaid return shipping2. Once processed, you will be issued a return authorization number. Please write the code on the shipping address of the return package. The package your order arrived in can be reused to send the items back to us.
ファックスでの返品のご依頼は+1-*** まで御願いいたします。テキストメッセージでのご依頼は+1-*** まで御願いいたします。ご連絡の際には下記の事項を明記下さい。*姓名*返品の簡単な理由*請求書番号*返品する商品のスタイル、数量、色、サイズ*交換の場合は、交換希望のスタイル、数量、色、サイズ*返品送料の前払いを希望するかどうか2.手続き後、返品承認番号が発行されます。返品する荷物の住所欄にこちらの番号を明記下さい。当社よりお受取になられた梱包を返送用に再利用して頂いても構いません。
3. Clothes must be in their original, unworn, unwashed condition with the tags attached. Be sure not to remove the tags and/or hygienic liners from swimwear and undergarments until you are sure of their proper fit. Accessories and personal care items must be clean and in original condition. The credit card that was originally charged will be refunded. If items are not in original condition, we will return them to you and you will not receive a refund or exchange.
4. Prepaid Shiping Label: If you requested it, you will be issued a prepaid shipping label, either by e-mail. Simply follow instructions for shipping. *:Upon receipt of our prepaid shipping label, $10 will be deducted from your return unless our customer service has approved free return shipping.5. To ship your items without a prepaid shipping label please use UPS, Fed Ex, or US Mail (delivery confirmation). Be sure to get a tracking number and adequate insurance to help ensure the package arrives at our warehouse. `P' will not be responsible for packages lost in transit to our facility and will only assume responsibility once it is signed for by our Receiving Dept. Ship the return package to the address below
4.前払い発送ラベル:ご要望がありましたら、前払いの発送ラベルをメールにて発行いたします。発送には次の手順をふんでください。*カスタマーサービスが無料の返品送料を承認しない限り、前払いの発送ラベルの受取りの際、お客様の払戻金から$10引かせていただきます。5.前払いの発送ラベルをご利用にならない場合は、UPS, Fedex,または配達確認付の郵便局による郵送にて発送下さい。当社の倉庫へ到着を確実なものにするため、追跡番号を入手し、適切な保険をつけてください。”P"は輸送中の荷物の紛失には責任を持ちません。を貨物受取部にて商品受け取りに署名で確認した時点から、商品管理は当社の責任となります。返品は下記住所まで送付のほど御願いいたします。
Article 2 (Agreement of exclusivity)1) First party, as a contracted model, shall request its appearance related in the entertainment business and its management tasks that is stipulated in Article 3 to Second party exclusively and continuingly. Second party shall receive the request promising to execute its request sincerely. However, in the event that First party has difficultly to be exclusively contracted with TCP for any reason, the form of request may be determined upon discussion between First party and TCP.
7. Under SNS such as Facebook that First party use daily, First party shall not abuse TCP, surrounded people, and/or related party(ies) nor use any expression that may cause lower the reputation of related parties during its participation of event and/or activity held by TCP. 9. First party shall contact and consult personal manager of TCP in the event of any business in Hong Kong is agreed at the personal level. For the activity in Hong Kong, personal manager from TCP shall accompany to the job site to manage its activity as a general rule. However, First party may execute the activity on its own depending on the discussion between First and Second parties.
6. In the event that First party shall write an article and/or post any comment under the blog/media that TCP stipulate, First party shall not use any expression or post negative content that may cause lower the reputation of TCP. 8. (7?) Each and every activity in Japan shall be managed by TCP. First party shall not neglect to report and/or consult TCP for any activity in the entertainment business in Japan, which First party accepted personally.
③ TCPを通して、メディア・雑誌・媒体に出演あるいは演技が決定するその度に、TCPは甲と利益の配分の話し合いをするものとする。ただし、利益が発生しない活動については、甲への支払いの義務はないものとする。④ 甲の芸能活動を円滑に進める為のTCPからの連絡事項に対しては、極力早く返信または連絡をするものとする。⑤ 甲はTCPの所属モデルとして、日々の美への追求、マインドの探究を怠らず、ファッションリーダーとしての自覚を持って情報発信するものとする。
3. TCP shall discuss about allocation of profit with First time whenever the appearance and/or performance of media/magazine are decided through TCP. However, there shall be no payment obligation for the activity(ies) that does not generate any profit.4. First party shall contact TPC as soon as possible to message from TPC in order to promote First party's activity in the entertainment business smoothly. 5. First party, as a contracted model of TCP, shall pursue its beauty, not to neglect to be inquisitive its mind, and delivery message having consciousness of being fashion leader.
⑤ 甲の芸能活動に関する出演交渉及び契約締結並びに出演媒体の決定。⑥ その他、甲の芸能活動を円滑に遂行する為に必要な一切の業務。第4条(甲の義務)① TCPが定めるプロモーション活動(ブログ記事の投稿・他インターネット上の媒体による投稿)において、乙はなんらかの理由が無い限り、TCPが定めるPR活動に協力するものとする。② TCPが企画するイベントやあるいは、その他の催事に対して、乙は極力参加するものとする。(事前の乙とのスケジュール調整・相談は大前提。)
5. Negotiation of appearance and/or conclusion of contract and making decision of media appearance of First party's activity in the entertainment business. 6. All other tasks that require for First party to execute its activity in the entertainment business smoothly.Article 4 (Obligation of First party)1. Under the promotion activities (posting article on blog and/or other the Internet media) that TPC stipulates, Second party shall cooperate with its promotion activity unless otherwise there is specific reason not to do so. 2. Second party shall participate the event that TPC plans and/or other special events as much as possible. (It is a major premise to make prior arrangement and consultation with Second party)
第3条(TCPが行うマネジメント業務)本契約に基づき、乙が甲の為に行うマネジメント業務は次の各号のとおりとする。① 甲の芸能活動のスケジュール調整及び管理。② クライアント及びスポンサーに対する甲の宣材資料の作成並びに配布。③ 甲の芸能活動により発生する報酬及び使用料の交渉、請求、受領等の管理業務。④ 甲の肖像及び甲の芸能活動により発生した著作物、商品の管理並びに使用(第三者への使用許諾も含む)
Article 3 (Management tasks executed by TCP)Management tasks that Second party executes for First party shall be provided hereunder.1. Adjustment and/or management of schedule for First party's activity in the entertainment business.2. Creation and distribution of promotion materials of First party to clients and sponsors. 3. Management of negotiation, demand, receipt and other tasks that related to compensation and other fees that are generated from First party's activity in the entertainment business.4. Management and use (including grant permission to use of such items to third party) of portrait of First party and copyrighted works and products that are generated from First party's activity in the entertainment business.
ABC SERVICEでは申請を全てをサポート致します。フレキシブルなESTA申請を申請者に代わり代行手数料税込6,195円にて行います。受付時間は365日間24時間申請を受け付けています。結果については申請結果(申込み控え)メールをお送りします。初めて渡航される方など、ご不安なことなどございましたらメールで無料でご質問にお答えいたします。
ABC SERVICE will support all procedure of the application. We will take care your flexible ESTA application as your agent only for JPY6,195.We accept your application 24/365. We will send you a copy of application as evidence Especially for whom travel for the first time, we will be more than happy to provide answer to your question you might concern via email for free.
The item has arrived. I've double checked the other items and they are also damaged. Please kindly ship another 2 sets or refund for price for 2 sets. You can check the picture as evidence from below URL. If you refuse to take an appropriate action, I will file a claim against you.Thank you very much. I will pay $20 shipping fee. Is this going to be COD?You should be able to confirm the condition of the item with the picture I provided. So, please send me the replacement to below address.
i just got an email back and it's not going to work out. please leave a number and email address where i can find you so we can arrange payment and then shipment. i'll leave my info below as well. i must receive payment before i can ship it.you're going to love the guitar. it's fantastic.