I am interested in people of Philippines and want to start business.I run a restaurant and beauty business in Japan. As there are many people who are interested in starting the business in the Philippines, I want to be a role connecting the Philippines and Japan.
下記の商品ですが、発売後3ヶ月で商品レビューが100個以上ついています。ランキングも低い商品なので、過去の販売数も少ないはずです。購入数から考えてレビュー数が異常に高く、明らかに偽レビューをしている商品ということが明らかです。御社はこうした商品に対し、何も対策を取らないのでしょうか? "AAA"で検索したところ、こちらの商品は上位に表示されています。明らかにステルスレビューをしている商品が上位に表示されるのは消費者にとって大変不利益です。
Regarding the item listed below, there are more than 100 review in 3 months after the release.As it is ranked at low, it has not sold well.It is clear that number of the review is too high by considering number of purchase and the review is fake.Don't you take some measure for this kind of Item?I searched by "AAA", and found that this item is ranked at high.It is very unprofitable for consumers that the item where steal review is made is ranked at top.
こんにちは。VARAD EXPORT のエプロンとクッションのサンプル発送は、どうなっておりますか。早めに、発送の手配をお願いいたします。また、こちら商品のFOB価格もご連絡をお願いいたします。INFINITIとINDIA BUYINGのサンプルの完成はまだですか?こちらも納期を至急確認お願いいたします。宜しくお願いいたします。
Good day!How is sending a sample of apron and cushion of Varad Export going?Would you arrange for sending it soon?Please let us know FOB price of this item.Has sample of Infinity and India Buying been completed?Would you check its delivery period immediately?I appreciate your understanding.
・フィールドが大量にある場合のパフォーマンスについてとあるアプリの設計中です。必要なフィールド数を試算したところ,少なくとも 35000 以上必要であることが分かりました。1ドキュメントでこれらのフィールド全てを使うわけではありません。1ドキュメントで,最大で300フィールド使用され,残りの 34700 フィールドは使用しません。このような使い方は検索やソートなどのパフォーマンスに影響するでしょうか?もし影響するのならどのような代替案が考えられるでしょうか?
Performance if there is a large volume of fieldI am designing an application. I calculated the number of the necessary field as trial, and found that I need at least more than 35000.I do not use all these fields in 1 document. I use 300 field in 1 document at maximum, and do not use remaining 34700 fields.Does this way of using it affect performance such as retrieving and sorting? If it is affected, what kind of alternative idea do we have?
・1つのクエリでhogeに出現する値を一括変換employee_name というフィールドを作成し,それをhoge属性としています。ここで,フィールドの値の一部であるMr.SmithがMr.Brownに変更になったとします。Mr.Smithが仮に100万ドキュメントに出現していたら,100万個の削除クエリと更新クエリを発行する必要があるのでしょうか?1個のクエリで済む簡便な更新方法はないでしょうか?
Convert values appearing on hoga all together by using 1 queryI create a field called employee_name, and use it as attribute of hoga.If Mr.Smith that is part of the value of the field is changed to Mr.Brown, do I have to issue 1 million deletion queries and updating queries in case where Mr.Smith appears in 1 million documents?Do we have a simple way of updating to use only 1 query?
If you allow for the matter this time, would you forward this email to email address listed below?**@****If our handling is not enough and you do not allow us, please let us know about it. We will handle it with full effort until you allow us. May we ask you to let us know about it in this email?
Thank you for searching it.I have a question.What will be label color of shoe box?Will it be coral pink?I want to see the picture of the shoes.I want to purchase this purse.May I have 20 percent discount?Thank you for your understanding.As I changed my mind, would you refund me?I apologize to you.
Among the 3 types, what we request must be "Shiraki Powder".But we are sorry to say that we have to have a sample to see what kind of fragrance it is.If minimum order volume is 3 tons, it greatly exceeds the volume we are considering.As we do not mind if the price is high, may we ask you to order 100 kilograms as trial?As we might be destined to meet each other, we would like to establish a good relationship with you.We appreciate your understanding.We listed the specification and order volume we request below.
I am sorry to be late in contacting you since it was a national holiday in Japan last week.I will send drawing of A where clarification is reflected.Regarding B, we are discussing to reduce the cost by making diaphragm sandwiched type to make the container smaller like the one attached. We will probably submit an estimate within this week.If you have a problem about this way of designing, please let us know.How about negotiation from xx?As it does not mean that your company cannot sell, we apologize to you if we made you misunderstand.
■ご親切なお申し出有難うございます。ホテルは自分たちで予約できました。とても楽しみにしています。■配送のピックアップは5月24日に設定しました。■フライトスケジュールをご連絡します。2018/05/14(月) 11:40 ソウル/金浦空港 着2018/05/17(木) 12:05 ソウル/金浦空港 発3名+遅れて1名でお伺いします。直接会場に向かえばよいですか?待ち合わせ場所を指定してください。よろしくお願い致します。
Thank you for your kind offer. We reserved a hotel. I am excited about it.I set that item is picked up on May 24.Arrive at Kimpo Airport in Seoul at 11:40 on May 14th Monday 2018.Leave the same airport at 12:05 on May 17th Thursday 2018.3 people will go there and 1 person will join us later.May we go to the hall directly? Please designate a place where we should meet.Thank you.
I am sorry.As image of bag of xx is a little different, I am checking it to the customer.Would you send only shirt of xx in advance? First please charge only the shirt.I will send an email about the bag of xx as soon as I check it.I apologize to have made you work much.
Dear person in charge of itThank you for your prompt handling.I can check by the "name of brand".They are all lovely items.Regarding program, I would like to participate in it.I appreciate your understanding.
1. Thank you for paying the amount by order number xx today.I sent it by EMS today.2. Regarding order number xx that has not been paid yet,our company is going to be on holiday from tomorrow May 3rd to 6th sincewe have Golden Week (consecutive holidays).For this reason, if you pay after 16:00 today (Japan Time), we will send it after May 7th.We appreciate your understanding.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
お世話になります。写真拝見いたしました。有難うございます。1か所、気になる点がありましたので、添付ファイルにまとめました。お手数お掛けいたしますが、修正お願いできますでしょうか?仕上げは、Natural finish でお願いします。①左の画像の赤丸部分となりますが、溶接部分がとがってしまっているのが、気になります。下記画像青丸部分のように、少し丸みを帯びた仕上げにしていただけますでしょうか。②こちらのスツールの裏側の写真(脚の溶接部分)もいただけますでしょうか?
Thank you for your support.I saw the picture.Thank you very much.As I am concerned about 1 point, I summarized it in attached file.I hate to ask you, but would you correct it?Please finish it by natural finish.①Regarding red circle of the left image, I am concerned that welded part is so sharp.Like the blue circle in the image listed below, would you finish it a little round?②May I have a picture of back of the stool (welded part of the leg)?
I will send an item with defect next week.As for A, there is only 1 supplier that can make the parts of internal. As the supplier is busy with making the parts, it takes time to make it.I am also looking for another supplier.As for delivery period of B, I am asking the factory to make it immediately.When do you need 1 set? Would you tell me deadline of its delivery?As for A to Vietnam, I will classify its details since another company is negotiating it.
We can send them together. In this case, shipping charge is discounted. Would you arrange for purchasing at eBay, and have an invoice from us where total amount is listed without making a payment at PayPal?After checking the invoice, please pay the total amount at PayPal within 3 days. We will arrange for sending the item after checking the payment you made. If you cannot work on the process listed above and pay the total amount without discount, we will refund you. Please do not worry about it. As we refunded the difference in your account of PayPal, may we ask you to check it?
Amazon.com Seller Performance Teamご担当者様この度はご迷惑をおかけし誠に申し訳ございません。今回、出品用アカウントが停止された原因は、先日申請された「A-to-z」に起因するものでしょうか。申請された原因は、輸送中に商品が運送会社により紛失されたことでした。私たちは、申請のあった購入者に対応し、申請を取り下げてもらいました。購入者は返金ではなく、交換を希望されたので、私たちは商品の再送手続きを行ってます。購入者とコミュニケーションをとり、
Dear Sir or Madam in charge of Amazon.com Seller Performance TeamWe apologize to have caused you an inconvenience this time.This time was account used for listing an item stopped by A to z you had filed a few days ago?The reason you filed is that the item was lost when transportation company was delivering it.We asked the purchaser who had filed to withdraw the filing.As the purchaser requested not refund but exchange, we are arranging for sending the item again.We are communicating with the purchaser
トラブル解決にむけ、誠心誠意対応しております。また、今回のようなことが再び起こらないように対策を考えました。購入者様に、・商品が日本郵便に引受 ・日本交換局発送 ・海外交換局到着 ・通関保留 ・通関検査中 ・海外配達局到着 ・配達完了が行われた状況を、随時メッセージで報告するような仕組みを作り、現在、実践しております。出品用アカウントを元に戻すために必要なことがこの他にもありましたらお知らせください。ご迷惑をおかけし申し訳ありません。ご連絡をお待ちしております。
We are working to solve the trouble conscientiously.We considered a measure to prevent it from happening again.We made a measure to report each situation listed below to purchaser at any time by message, and are carrying them out.Japan Post receive an itemJapan Exchange Station sends an itemAn item arrives in exchange station abroadStored in customs clearanceBeing inspected in customs clearanceAn item arrives in exchange station abroadDelivery is completedIf you have another item to return the account for listing to before, please let us know.We apologize to have caused you an inconvenience.We are looking forward to hearing from you.
この度はご迷惑をおかけしまして誠に申し訳ございません。今回の「A-to-z 」の申請をいただいた商品についての状況を報告いたします。こちらについてですが、商品は追跡可能郵便で発送しております。下記サイトより確認いただけます。日本郵便のSAL便で送っており、平均すると2週間程で購入者様に配達されます。また、到着予定日も、2018年5月2日 - 2018年5月17日となっており、まだ到来しておりません。
I apologize to have caused you an inconvenience this time.I will report about the item that you has filed for A to Z this time.Regarding this, I sent it by the system with tracking function.You can check it at the website below.I had sent it by SAL of Japan Post. A purchaser will receive it in about 2 weeks on the average.The expected arrival day is between May 2nd to 17th 2018.These days are a few days later.
また、紛失などで購入者様に商品が到着しない場合は、必ず返金致します。最後まで誠意を持って対応します。もう暫くご猶予いただけないでしょうか。「A-to-z 」の申請を取り下げていただけないでしょうか。お忙しいところ恐縮ですが、ご確認よろしくお願いいたします。
If a purchaser cannot receive it by reason such as loss, I am sure that I will refund you.I will work on it until the last stage conscientiously.May I ask you a patience?Would you kindly withdraw the filing of A to Z?I hate to ask you a favor while you are busy, but appreciate your confirmation.