3月30日(水)、3月31日(木)予定しておりました、KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2016~Best Single Collection~ (会場:市原市市民会館)ですが、倖田來未本人が3月29日、インフルエンザ感染と診断されました。医師の判断のもとやむなく公演を延期とさせて頂きます。 公演を楽しみにして頂いていた皆様には、多大なご迷惑をお掛け致します事を深くお詫び申し上げます。 尚、4月9日(土)福岡サンパレス公演からは予定通り開催致します。
As for Koda Kumi Live Tour 2016~Best Single Collection~(venue: Ichihra Civic Hall) that was going to be held on March 30th Wednesday and 31st Thursday, Kumi Koda was diagnosed to have developed an influenza on March 29th. We decided to postpone the concert by following determination of the doctor.We deeply apologize that we have caused an inconvenience to those who had been looking forward to her concert.We will hold the concert that is going to be held in Fukuoka Sun Palace on April 9th Saturday as we scheduled.
今後の振替公演の日程、及びチケットの払い戻しに関しては、現在調整中につき、ファンクラブ、オフィシャルホームページ等にて改めてご案内いたします。 現在お持ちのチケットは、振替公演もしくは、払い戻しの際に必要となりますので、正式なご案内があるまで、そのままお持ちいただけますようお願いいたします。 公演を楽しみにお待ちいただいておりましたお客様、関係者の皆様に、大変なご迷惑並びにご心配をおかけし、心より深くお詫び申し上げます。
We are adjusting schedule of the concert that is going to be rescheduled in the future and refund of ticket. We will announce it on homepage of fan club alter.As you need a ticket that you have for rescheduled concert or refund, we ask you to keep it until we announce officially.We deeply apologize to those who were looking forward to the concert and those who were working on the concert that we caused an inconvenience and worry.
私達は山田商店と契約の更新を準備中です。4月中の契約更新の予定ですが、契約条件を下げざるを得ない状況です。つきましては、契約更新に必要なIRS LETTERの取得と郵送をお願いします。参考のために前回取得のIRS LETTERを添付しました。誠にお手数とは存じますが、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。
We are preparing renewal of the contract with Yamada Store.We will renew it in April, but we have to deteriorate condition of the contract.For this reason, would you obtain and send IRS Letter that is necessary for renewing the contract?I attached the IRS Letter that we had obtained last time for reference.We hate to ask you much work, we hope that you understand us.
皆の想い出をシェアして『$$00002$$ BEST』ジャケットを作ろう!ユーザー参加型Twitter企画「Share Your Memory」がスタート!特設サイトからツイートして今すぐ参加しよう!
Make a jacket of "$$00002$$ BEST" by sharing our memory!"Share Your Memory" that is planned by Twitter where users can participate in starts!Why don't you tweet from the special website and join it now!
2001年3月28日に発売され、500万枚以上を売上げた『$$00002$$ BEST』の15周年記念盤 『$$00002$$ BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』発売を記念して、ユーザー参加型Twitter企画「Share Your Memory」がスタートした。
By commemorating the release of "$$00002$$ BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-" that is 15th anniversary version of the "$$00002$$ BEST", which has sold more than 5 million pieces and had been released on March 28th 2001, "Share Your Memory" planned by Twitter where users can participate in has started.
3/30(水) J-WAVE「BEAT PLANET」生出演J-WAVE「BEAT PLANET」生出演日時:3/30(水)11:30~14:00http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/beatplanet/
Appear live in J-WAVE "BEAT PLANET" on March 30th Wednesday.Appear live in J-WAVE "BEAT PLANET".Hour and date: 11:30 to 14:00 on March 30th Wednesday http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/beatplanet/
I have not received the email from Federal Express.We have been exporting to japan by using this account number several timesby air of Federal Express.It is the first time for us to face this kind of situation.We checked in many aspects, but have not found a cause.We contacted the Federal Express in Japan, but they said that we do not need a permission.The owner of account number is a forwarding company in Japan that I have a contract.if you need a permission from the Federal Express, would you contact the email address listed below?Name of company: xxMay we ask you to arrange that we can send by using this account?
As I am not good at English, I apologize to be late in replying you.Your work is so superb. I am going to introduce it to Twitter account of Japanese people and my follower.May I cooperate in advertising your work? Would you introduce my Youtube and Twitter?
If you don't change any thing in draft bill, it will be printed to be BL.And please don't worry about surrender. I always tell the agent that we want surrender BL.It need to be check the information contents.So please check the bill I sent you yesterday if there is anything need to be changed.Now, if we want to change the BL, we need to pay penalty, so please check carefully so we just need to change it 1 time.
<対象商品>2016年3月23日発売 『KODA KUMI 15th Anniversary LIVE The Artist』[DVD(2枚組)] RZBD-86070~1 ¥5,400 (tax out)[Blu-ray] RZXD-86072 ¥6,200 (tax out)※特典は対象商品1枚ご購入につき1枚をプレゼント致します。※対象商品・特典は無くなり次第、配布を終了致します。
<Item>"Koda Kumi 15th Anniversary Live The Artist" that was released on March 23rd 2016[DVD (2 in a set)] RZBD-86070~1 5,400 Yen excluding tax[Blu-ray]RZXD-86072 6,200 Yen excluding tax*As for special bonus, we will give you 1 present per item you purchase.*After completing handing out the item and special bonus, we will close it.
<販売開始時間>各日程によって販売開始時間が異なりますのでご注意ください。販売開始時間の詳細はコチラから!◆お問い合わせ◆0570-064-414 (平日 11:00~18:00)
<Hour of start of the sale>Hour of start of the sale is different on each day.We ask you to be careful about it.Please refer to here for details of the hour of start of the sale.Inquiry0570-064-414 (11:00 to 18:00 on weekday)
『AAAぴあ』、4月2日(土)に発売決定!『AAAぴあ』、4月2日(土)に発売決定! ファンクラブのみなさまにアンケートのご協力をいただきました『AAAぴあ』の発売が、4月2日(土)に決定しました。 タイトル;『AAAぴあ』発売日:2016年4月2日(土)価格:1500円+tax仕様:A4判/オールカラー/132ページ 全国の書店、CDショップ、ネット書店にて発売予定。 以下の書店では特典をご用意しています。数量限定、先着順となりますのでご予約はお早めに。
"AAA Pia" is going to be sold on April 2nd Saturday!"AAA Pia" is going to be sold on April 2nd Saturday!It was decided that the "AAA Pia" ,which fan club members answered questionnaire, is going to be sold on April 2nd Saturday.Title: "AAA Pia"Date of sale: April 2nd 2016 SaturdayPrice: 1,500 Yen plus taxSpecification: A 4 version/in full color/132 pagesIt is going to be sold in book store, CD shop and online shop across the nation.The bookstores listed below prepare a special bonus.As the number is limited, it is on first-come, first-served basis.We recommend that you make a reservation as soon as possible.
今、【倖田組 / playroom】から「キセカエ♪mu-mo」に新規会員登録、または追加コースご登録で、300ポイントプレゼント中!今後も倖田來未のスペシャルなキセカエや壁紙の配信を予定しておりますので、このチャンスをお見逃しなく!!・倖田組会員はコチラ・playroom会員はコチラ※ポイントプレゼントは、スマートフォンのみ対象となります。
We are giving 300 points as a present to those who register in "Kisekae mu-mo" from (Koda Gumi/playroom) as a new member or register in additional course!We are planning to distribute the special kisekae and wall paper of Kumi Koda in the future.You should not miss this chance!Here for members of Koda Gumi.Here for members of playroom.*Point is given as a present only to smart phone.
※「キセカエ♪mu-mo」会員登録は、必ずファンクラブ サイトへログイン後、ダウンロードページよりご登録ください。※対応機種・利用規約 等 サイト上の注意事項を必ずご確認の上ご利用ください。※ダウンロードコンテンツ等は有料サービスとなり、本サービスの通信費はお客様のご負担となります。
*We ask you to register the member of "Kisekae mu-mo" at downloading page after logging in the fan club website.*We ask you to use it after reading the important information on the website such as applicable machine and terms of use.*You have to pay for contents of downloading and communication fee of this service.
※ステージからの近さを保証する座席ではございません。 ※ファミリーシートは倖田組・playroomのみでの受付となります。 ※小学生以上有料 (小学生未満のお子様でも座席が必要な場合は、チケットが必要となります。) ※playroom限定、ピクチャーチケットでお届けいたします。(ピクチャーチケットは第二弾受付のピクチャーチケットは全公演同絵柄でございます。予めご了承ください。)
*It is not a seat that we guarantee the short distance from the stage.*We accept family seat only in Koda Gumi playroom.*You have to pay for elementary school students and those older than them (you have to pay for those who are younger than elementary school students if they need their own seat.)*We will deliver the picture ticket only by playroom.(As for picture ticket, design of the picture ticket that is accepted in 2nd series is the same in all the concerts. We appreciate your understanding in advance.)
京都市では,2020年東京オリンピック・パラリンピックに向けて,更なる観光客の増加が見込まれる中,国内外からの観光客にスムーズに京都観光を楽しんでいただけるよう,様々な受入環境の整備を進めています。 とりわけ観光案内所は観光客の受入環境の先頭に立つものであり,ニーズに合った案内サービスが求められ,ますますその重要性が増しています。
Kyoto City has been promoting a development of various environments where sightseers from Japan and abroad can enjoy the sightseeing in Kyoto smoothly while more and more sightseers are expected to come for Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics that are held in 2020.What is particularly important is that sightseeing office is the top office to accept the sightseers.They are required to provide a sightseeing service to satisfy the sightseers and it will be important more and more.
この度,JR京都駅構内に京都府等と共同で設置している京都総合観光案内所(京なび)に加え,更なる利便性の向上を図るため,「京都市河原町三条観光情報コーナー」を春の観光シーズンに合わせてプレオープンいたしますので,お知らせします。 1 名称及び場所 「京都市河原町三条観光情報コーナー」 (京都市中京区河原町通三条上ル恵比須町427番地 京都朝日会館1階)2 開設日 平成28年4月1日(金曜日)
In addition to Kyoto Sightseeing Office (Kyo Navi) that is set in cooperation with Kyoto Prefecture in JR Kyoto Station, we will preopen the "Kyoto City Kawara-machi Sanjo Sightseeing Information Section" along with sightseeing season in spring to improve the convenience furthermore this time.1. Name and place"Kyoto City Kawara-machi Sanjo Sightseeing Section" (Kyoto Asahi Kaikan 1st floor, 427 Ebisu-cho, Sanjo-Agaru, Kawara-machi dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City)2. Date of openingApril 1st 2016 Friday
3 営業日及び営業時間 年中無休(年末年始を除く) 午前10時~午後6時4 主な機能 観光案内(日・英),観光情報の提供,KYOTO Wi-Fiの設置,修学旅行相談コーナー, 三大祭チケット,書籍等取扱,多目的スペース※等 ※ 多目的スペース(授乳室や礼拝室などに利用可),車いすレンタルなど,段階的に機能を充実させ,4月中を目途に本格オープンする予定です。
3. Business hour and date365 days (excluding end and beginning of a year)10 o'clock to 18:00 o'clock4. Main functionIntroduction of sightseeing (English and Japanese)Provision of sightseeing informationSetting of KYOTO Wi-FiSection of accepting consultation about school tripTicket of 3 major festivals, handling of publications and space used for multi-purposes*We will prepare the space used for multi-purposes (used for breastfeeding baby and chapel) and rental of wheelchair step by step, and open officially in the middle of April.
まっぷる 京都 ベストスポット発行日:2016年3月23日http://ec.shop.mapple.co.jp/shopdetail/000000003521/るるぶ京都ベスト '17発行日:2016年3月30日http://www.rurubu.com/book/detail.aspx?isbn=9784533109867◆京都市内の映画館にてHello KYOTOプロモーション映像を上映中!3月19日より、京都市内の3つの映画館でプロモーション映像を放映しています。
Mapple Kyoto Best SpotDate of issue: March 23rd 2016http://ec.shop.mapple.co.jp/shopdetail/000000003521/Rurubu Kyoto Best '17Date of issue: March 30th 2016http://www.rurubu.com/book/detail.aspx?isbn=9784533109867◇We are going to show Hello Kitty promotion in the movie theater in Kyoto City.We have been showing the film of the promotion in 3 movie theaters in Kyoto city since March 19th.
Please plan to send the payment left so that when we have BL, we will send you soon.And please advice me in making invoice and packing list.