steveforest (steveforest) 翻訳実績

5.0 9 件のレビュー
5年以上前 男性
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
技術 旅行・観光 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー
steveforest 英語 → 日本語

Women didn’t cut their hair because they accepted it as much a part of their bodies as their breasts. Meaning some women primped and prettied it as much as they could, and some thought it an obstacle to be worked around.

Bobbing hair didn’t become fashionable until there was a way to make it distinctly feminine (permanent waves, Bakelite barrettes and bobby-pins, make-up to balance the sex appeal)…or at least coy and boyish, as was the style of the 20’s. And it wasn’t popular until there were national movie stars to make it socially acceptable (the humiliation of Bernice Bobs Her Hair by Fitzgerald is actually a great quick fictional study into the trend…not everyone could carry it off).


ボビングヘアーは女性らしさを前面に押し出す程の人気にはならなかった(パーマ、ベークライトの髪留め、ヘアピン、性的魅力をバランスをとるメークアップ)。少なくとも内気でボーイッシュ。20世紀のヘアスタイルの様に。国民的なムービースターが登場するまでは、それは人気が無かった。(the humiliation of Bernice Bobs Her Hairというフィッツゲラルド映画は傾向を追い求める架空の追求を描いたもの。どんな人でも出来るというものではなかった)。

steveforest 英語 → 日本語

In media, "cavemen" or prehistoric peoples are shown with messy and dirty hair. Would prehistoric peoples have groomed their hair?


We’ve got two threads of evidence about this. One is ethnographic evidence of recent hunter-gatherers and other technologically unsophisticated peoples. They don’t have the conditioners and gels and blow dryers and such that we do, but they definitely did all kinds of grooming. They might braid it in various ways, shave parts of their head, put together headdresses of various kinds, and so on.

The other thread of evidence is a handful of prehistoric figurines showing people. There are some interesting things going on with their heads:



steveforest 英語 → 日本語

Knocker uppers would sometimes also use ‘snuffer outers’ (these names are sounding fairly obvious) to extinguish streetlights that were lit at dusk and needed to be put out at dawn.
Some knocker-uppers even used pea shooters to wake people up, blowing peas at windows in order to make enough noise to wake someone up.

They would be paid a few pence each week and wouldn’t leave their client’s windows until they were sure they were awake.

The job was usually done by elderly men and women—but sometimes police officers on duty would also do the job on their morning shifts for extra pay.
It’s interesting to think that less than 200 years ago, there was an entire job dedicated to waking people up.


Knocker uppersは時々 ‘snuffer outers’(この名前は中々的を得ている) を使う。暗闇を照らす街灯と夜明けと共に消灯するということを区別する。幾つかのknocker-uppersは人々を起こすのに豆鉄砲を使った。窓に豆を吹き、他人を窓こしに起こすのだ。