steveforest (steveforest) 翻訳実績

5.0 9 件のレビュー
5年以上前 男性
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
技術 旅行・観光 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー
steveforest 英語 → 日本語

Almost nothing we eat today exists in nature.
Take this carrot for example. Yes, this is a carrot. A wild one in fact, and possibly quite close to what the Ancient Persians had in the BCEs. This carrot is bitter, dry and woody, its roots supplying just enough nutrients in case times got rough.

Mother nature provided the prototype, but humans formed the final product.

Early carrots were grown for their leaves and seeds, much like their relatives the dill and fennel. But somewhere along the line, someone decided it would be much more fun to chew on its roots instead. So after a few odd centuries of furiously clicking the skill tree, this is what we find in 6th century Constantinople.



steveforest 英語 → 日本語

The salmon that aren’t killed, typically die off in their original pools

Their bodies are then broken down by fungi, which turn salmon into a more liquidated form that can be sucked up by the tree roots.

Ever notice how most grass/tree fertilizer has a lot of nitrogen in it? That’s because nitrogen is what allows plants to convert light into energy.

Salmon is packed with nitrogen. Every dead salmon that is rotting on the ground in that forest is like a vitamin for the surrounding trees.

The availability of nitrogen is often what places the upper limit on how a forest will grow.
This is part of the reason that Alaska has such an abundance of large trees near these streams.

Nothing in this circle of life goes to waste.



steveforest 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

That’s why old fashioned hairbrushes are so soft and useless-looking…they weren’t designed to untangle or style, they were designed to remove dirt and soot and excess grease while distributing the rest of your natural scalp oil down, down down, through your long hair. The comb was for damage control and yes, lice (nit) removal.
Women cut their hair for two main reasons. Becoming so sick that they were bedridden and couldn’t take care of it…making it a tangled dreadlock full of lice. Or in extreme poverty, because wigs were very popular and a nice head of hair went for a good price (see Gift of the Magi).
And in both cases it indicated a woman was deathly poor or deathly ill. Not attractive.


だから昔の櫛はソフトで使い物にならない感じがしたのであった。それはらは、絡んだ髪を梳かす或いはスタイルを纏めると言ったものでは無かった。主目的は汚れを除き、そうシラミを取り除く事だった。女性は2つの理由で髪を切った。病気などで寝たきりになった時、手入れが出来ない。シラミだらけで、髪がシラミで絡んでドレッドヘアーになってしまう。もっと貧困層だと、かつらは人気があったが、かなり高価だったと思われる( Gift of the Magiを参照のこの)。これらが示すのは女性は致命的に貧困で死を意味するということが言える。全く持って魅力のない事だった。