sosa31 翻訳実績

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These moments can only be facilitated by a dedicated team of Community managers such as the one at HUBBA, where we know everything about everyone so that we can always make the right introductions and referrals. Unfortunately, this will never occur if you work out at home or in a coffeeshop.

Thirdly, coworking spaces are full of crazy, self-motivated people hell bent on changing the world, disrupting businesses as usual or creating killer apps for people. When any startup joins a space, catching the co-motivation or co-ambition bug is inevitable, since entrepreneurs by nature are competitive people.




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Lastly, co-working spaces can help tech startups go regional fast just by exposing themselves to the global startup community. At HUBBA, 50 percent of our members are expatriates from places such as Silicon Valley, Boulder, New York, Singapore, Japan and Korea. Not only do these startups get the chance to practice speaking English daily at co-0working spaces (which is unsurprisingly a crucial skill to be able to go regional yet one sorely lacking among Thai entrepreneurs), startups will get to learn and experience first hand of the startup ecosystem in other countries and what it takes to take their business regionally.



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Can you share more about the people and team behind HUBBA?

HUBBA team’s profile and surprisingly non-technical yet highly entrepreneurial. Three are co-founders: Charle Charoenphan, Amarit Charoenphan and Kanadej Thamanoonragsa, while three are Partners (Chalermyuth Boonma, Ming Mahakittikun and Fasai Pongpitaksopon).

With two of our members (Charle & Ming) having starting or cofounded three companies each, Amarit with almost two years of social enterprise incubation experience, Note who is an active community builder with his TechMeetup Bangkok events, and Kanadej as our Finance Director and concurrently a Fund Manager for a Private Equity firm.




メンバーの二人(チャールとミン)はそれぞれ3つの会社を起業か共同設立した経験があります。アマリットは2年近く社会事業の起業支援に携わっていました。カナデジュはTechMeetup Bangkokなどのコニュニティ-創出活動に積極的に関わっており、我々のファイナンス・ディレクターであると同時に、プライベート・エクイティでファンドマネージャーもやっています。