I got the list of available Dump truck units. We can not choose from the list nor from pictures because we don't know or we can not determine by pictures if the units are in good running condition. That is why we asked you to go to Nepal and test the units if in good running condition. We will rely on your judgement and capability to determine the engine, under chassis and others if in good condition. We will buy what you have chosen.
We'd like to ask you a favor.You should receive a request for investigation from EMS.Could you please submit it to the delivery agent?For our business in the future, we would like to know if there were any problem. You cooperation in this matter would be appreciated.
11月15日日曜日に、3箱受け取りました。・AR-1421×5・AR-5890×2 AR-5905×3・AR-2434×43箱とも全て紙テープで封をされていて、問題はないように思えたので間違えて4個入れたのだと思いました。いつも1箱に5個入っているのでおかしいと思いました。添付した写真のように空いている場所にAirCapが詰められている状態でした。また、注文の支払いですが、お伝えしたとおりペイパルで支払いたいです。$2045.50で良いですか?良ければ請求書を送付して下さい。
I received 3 boxes on Sunday, November 15.・AR-1421×5・AR-5890×2 AR-5905×3・AR-2434×4They were all sealed with paper tape and looked OK, so I thought you mistakenly packed 4pcs in one box. I thought this was strange because you always pack 5pcs in one box. As shown in the attached photo, the vacant space was filled with air caps. As for the payment, I would like to pay via Paypal as I have already informed you. Should I pay $2045.50? If it's correct, please issue and send an invoice to me.
The ear cushions and stainless steel headband are covered in luxurious Alcantara, for exceptional wearing comfort for long listening sessions. MOMENTUM On-Ear is available in a range of fresh pastel and traditional colors carefully selected by an international team of fashion designers. MOMENTUM On-Ear will complement your sense of style while making a statement about your passion for sound quality.
イヤーパッドとステンレススチール製のヘッドバンドは、高級素材アルカンタラで覆われ、長時間の使用における快適な掛け心地を可能にしています。MOMENTUM On-Ear は、ファッションデザイナーの国際的なチームにより厳選された、フレッシュなパステルカラーからベーシックカラーまでのカラーバリエーションを揃えています。MOMENTUM On-Ear は、音質へのこだわりを示しつつ、スタイリッシュでありたい方に最適です。
MOMENTUM On-Ear. Stunning sound and sensational style. Beautiful and compact, the MOMENTUM On-Ear embodies the style and substance of Sennheiser's critically acclaimed MOMENTUM headphones in a smaller, lighter, refreshingly fashionable approach. Designed specifically for use with phones, tablets and laptops, MOMENTUM On-Ear is the perfect choice for "on the go" music enthusiasts seeking superb sound quality. MOMENTUM On-Ear employs precision 18-ohm transducers using powerful neodymium magnets. They deliver exceptional detail, superb dynamics and solid bass response. The smooth frequency response has a slightly elevated emphasis in the bass, delivering a full bodied, warm sound.
MOMENTUM On-Ear。驚異的サウンドとセンセーショナルなデザイン。美しさとコンパクト性。MOMENTUM On-Earは、業界で高い評価を得たゼンハイザー社のMOMENTUMヘッドフォンを小型軽量化し、ファッション性をもたせたヘッドフォンです。電話、タブレットおよびラップトップ用に特別にデザインされ、卓越した音質を求める”行動派”の音楽ファンの方々に最適なMOMENTUM On-Earは、強力なネオジウム磁石を使用した高精度の18オームトランスデューサーを採用。並外れたディテール、優れたダイナミクス、立体的な低音域レスポンスを再現します。スムーズな周波数レスポンスにより、低音がわずかに強調され、深みのある暖かいサウンドを伝えます。
1. Guten Tag.Ich möchte 2 von diesem Artikel.Könnten Sie bitte die Versandkosten reduzieren? Der Versandort ist Japan.Über Ihre Antwort würde ich mich freuen. 2.Vielen Dank für Ihre Rückmeldung. Ich möchte das kaufen.Vielen Dank. 3.Vielen Dank für Ihre Rückmeldung.. Diesmal möchte ich das nicht kaufen.Vielen Dank.
◆Please add Tower C in the shipping address, because we have 4 towers for this address, I forgot to do so in the first place. My apology.◆Hi,I have moved to China for work and I don't see any problem with my PayPal account. The payment is clear and everything looks fine. If you are not willing to ship the item, please make the refund immediately.
宛先住所には4つの棟がありますので、Tower 4と追加してください。最初に書くのを忘れてしまいました。すいません。こんにちは。仕事のために中国へ引っ越してきましたが、Paypalアカウントに問題はありません。支払いははっきりしており、全て順調です。出荷したくないのであれば、早急に返金をお願いいたします。
すべてのアイテムが届きました。しかし、MA202のWeightが2つ不足してます。私は4つ必要と最初のメールで伝えました。届いたINVOICEには数量2、Unit price$4と記載されてました。私はその後、正式な注文書に以下のように記載してメールで送りました。2つのWeightを早急に届けて下さい。発送済みなのになぜTracking #が分からないのですか?もう絶対届かないと思うので、早急に新しいRugを再発送して下さい。11月18日までに必ず届けて下さい。可能ですよね?
I've received all the items. However, I don't find 2 weights for MA202 in the package.I had told you that I needed 4 in my first email.The invoice I received says the quantity is 2 and the unit price is $4.I had made a note on the official order form as follows and sent it to you by email. Please immediately send me the remaining 2 weights. Why don't you know the tracking number although the item is already shipped out?I'm quite sure that it won't reach me any more. Please send me another rug again at once.Please also make sure that it will arrive by Nov. 18. It's possible, isn't it?
Hallo.Haben Sie diesen Artikel im Moment vorrätig?Wäre es möglich, ihn nach Japan zu verschicken?Kann ich mit Paypal bezahlen?Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort.
Dear Roger,I made a remittance for your products. Please check your account and confirm the receipt by return. Thank you and best regards,
スイス ベルニナ製の、とても有名なコンピューターミシンです。家庭用とは思えないほどパワーがあり、これ1台で実用縫い、各種飾り縫いも縫うことが可能です。★他機のコンピューターミシンと違い、本格的&実用的な商品です★フットコントローラー、付属品等、すべてケースの中に収まります★実用的な機能が満載で、更に簡単に操作できるのが本機の特徴です★フットコントローラー操作で、両手を使って作業できます★縫いの種類は下記の通りです ⇒画像の縫い見本を参考になさって下さい①直線縫い
This is a very famous computerized sewing machine made by BERNINA in Switzerland.This machine for household use is very powerful and is capable of practical sewing and various embroidering.★Compared to other similar sewing machines, this machine is more professional and practical. ★Foot controller and accessories can be stored in the case. ★The distinguishing features of this machines includes various practical functions and easy operation. ★Foot controller allows user to use both hands freely. ★The following are the kinds of sewing the machine is capable of. ⇒ Please refer to the sewing samples in the photos. ① Straight sewing
If you have the listed items in stock, please immediately send me an invoice. (Are the prices in the list OK?)I will pay for it at once. If there are items you don't have in stock, please immediately put them on backorder. Please proceed with it promptly so that it won't take more than 10 days to obtain them. The earlier the items arrive, more beneficial it is for me. The items should be sent to a warehouse in Oregon.
(Normal Sen-cha 30 to 60 sec. Fukamushi-cha 60 to 120 sec.)In the case of Fukamushi-cha, the cells of tea leaves will soften because of its long steaming time, which enables the extract and intake of its special ingredients. (Patent possessed by manufacturer)The processing method makes it different!When processing Ten-cha into Matcha, stone-ground Ten-cha is put through a 100 mesh shifter. In this way, Matcha will soften and have more aroma. ●Special feature of Kakegawa-city.Kakegawa-city has the lowest cancer risk rate in Japan and they say "Kakegawa Fukamushi-cha" has much to do with it.
利尿作用、虫歯予防、抗菌作用等様ような生体調節機能があることが明らかにされています。●他の抹茶と弊社の抹茶の違いは? 栽培方法が違う! 収穫の2~3週間前に茶畑に覆いをします。 覆いをすると、日光が遮られ旨味成分のアミノ酸の一種、 グルタミン酸が豊富になります。 また、覆いをすることで直射日光が当たらないことから、 水色が鮮やかな冴えた緑色になるのです。 製造方法が違う!深蒸し茶とはその名の通り、製造工程の最初で茶葉の蒸す時間を通常の2~3倍かけたものです。
It is revealed that Matcha has various physical control effects such as diuretic effect, cavity prevention effect and antibacterial effect. ●What is the difference between our Matcha and others'?The cultivation method makes it different! The tea plantation is covered for 2 to 3 weeks before harvesting. By shutting out the sunlight, the tea leaves will be rich in glutamine acids, a kind of amino acids that brings a delicious taste. Furthermore, by avoiding direct sunlight, the tea will have a vivid green color. The manufacturing method makes it different!As the name suggests, Fukamushi-cha is made by steaming tea leaves two or three times longer than normal green tea at the beginning of the manufacturing process.
●What is Matcha?Matcha is powdered green tea made from Ten-cha.Ten-cha is obtained by steaming young soft tea leaves and drying them in a special dehydrator called "Ro".After removing stems and leaf veins, Ten-cha is grounded to a powder using a grindstone.●What is the difference between green tea (Sen-cha) and Matcha?Sen-cha is made by brewing tea leaves in hot water and the ingestion rate of its active ingredients is only 20%.On the other hand, Matcha is made by dissolving powdered tea leaves in hot water and thus, its active ingredients can be ingested 100%.●What is the organic tea?Our Matcha uses organic tea leaves.
Thank you for your offer for a refund.There are only a few damaged items and it is no problem. I would appreciate it if you would pack items with care next time.
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We are very sorry to inform you of a bad news.Your order shipped on Nov. 6 was broken during transport and thus, returned to us. We checked it and found 3 cases of the figures got badly deformed. Japan Post will compensate for it but since the set of 5 different figures are currently not available in Japan and they can make a refund only for the purchased price.We would like to acquire them one by one and send them to you but unfortunately, we can not say exactly when. For now, could you please cancel the order and make a request for refund to us?Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.