Thank you very much for your quick response. Banks in Japan do no use IBAN code.The information I have emailed you is everything that is available. Please be assured to use the info as it is since I have done many transactions using the same info.
①I just picked up the item from customs and paid almost 100 Euros. Fun with customs - nothing you can do. I inspected the item and I have to say I was a bit disappointed about the condition of the lens.You described the lens as:This item is in Excellent condition.②I clearly noticed the lens fell to the ground or hit something hard. There is heavy sign of use and at closer look there is poor cosmetic repair. with a black pen.I don´t know yet if the lens is within expected tolerances do to the impact it clearly had. I will test this next.Honestly, under this circumstances I would have not purchased. the lens.So, as requested I am coming back to you before I give feedback. What do you propose?Best regards
①税関から商品を引き取りましたが、ほぼ100ユーロ支払いました。楽しいですね。何もできることはありませんね。商品をチェックしましたが、レンズの状態に少しがっかりしたと言わざるをえません。貴方の商品説明では、「この商品はすばらしい状態です」 とありました。②レンズは、明らかに地面に落ちたか、何か硬いものに当たったことがあると思われます。使用した形跡がはっきりしており、よく見ると、黒いペンによる陳腐な修正が見られます。これらの欠陥により、レンズが然るべき耐久性を有しているのかまだわかりません。テストしてみます。正直に言うと、このような状態であることが分かって入れば、レンズを購入しませんでした。ですので、お伝えした通り、フィードバックを書く前に、もう一度ご連絡いたします。何か提案がありますか?敬具
I duno understand cuz' that's my regular adress. I've followed the sending on the JP website. It was correctly sent to Paris but at this point, they sent it back to you : is there any problems with the customs duties ? Anyway, if you could add "chez Mme SARAMITO" the next time u'll send it, that will be nice frome U. (but my postman know where to deliver so I'm not sure that's gona change something).
それが私の通常の住所なので、どうしてかわかりません。日本郵便のサイトで荷物を追跡してみたところ、一度パリに送られた後貴方に送り返されています。税関で問題があったのでしょうか?とにかく、次回出荷の際に「chez Mme SARAMITO」と書き加えていただければありがたいです。(郵便配達人は配達先を知っているわけですので、これを書き加えたところで何か変わるのかわかりませんが。)
Ich habe beim Zollamt am Frankfurter Flughafen angerufen. Mir wurde gesagt dass es durch Mangel an Personal, da zurzeit hier in Deutschland Urlaubszeit ist, zu großen Verzögerungen bei der Prüfung und den Versand von Bestellungen im Ausland, kommen kann. Sprich ich müsste noch eine Weile warten bis mich meine Bestellung erreicht.Eine Erstattung ist nicht nötig, Schließlich ist es ja nicht ihre Schuld dass das Zollamt so lange auf sich warten lässt. Durch ihre schnelle Antwort haben sie mir bewiesen dass sie schnellst möglichst auf ihre Kunden reagieren.Ich wäre ihnen Verbunden wenn sie sich über Japan Post mit der deutschen Post in Verbindung setzen würden. Bitte halten sie mich des weiteren auf dem laufenden.
I'm sorry for my late reply.I was away from the office. This strap belongs to my shop and can not be sold. I would appreciate your understanding. I have finished packing the item and will ship it tomorrow early in the morning.Then, I will let you know a tracking number. Thank you for your patience until the item arrives.
If you send us a correct item after checking the returned item, it would take too long as it is for our customer. As this is your fault, please immediately send us a correct item. We assume that you should bear the shipping cost. Otherwise, we should pay 6,600yen for shipping, which is quite expensive. Alternatively, we would propose that without returning the item, we should place a new order for a Bented type.We would like to purchase it for 176 Euro considering the difference in product prices and the shipping cost. Please let me know your thought on this.
Thank you for your contact. I would like to make an appointment next week, but I have to speak English to make an appointment with the doctor. What should I do?
If everything is OK, please contact Mr. A at this Email address. We will make sure together with all our staff that the same incident will not happen again.We apologize again for having caused you inconvenience.
I love my son.He got some disabilities right after he was born and can not smile even now. Instead, he expresses his feelings using his eyes. Though he is a small child, he tries his best to tell me his feelings, which makes me love him more. To respond to his efforts, I will support him to the best of my ability.
Hello.I purchase a lot of items at your web store.When I talked with you through chat before, you gave me a 10% discount coupon code that I can use anytime. Coupon code: LEX10However, now, it is not possible to use it.Would you please tell me why?Since I will further purchase items from you in the future, I would appreciate if you would issue a coupon code again.Thank you for your help.
About a month ago, we got a message from you that '' 連絡内容''.However, since then, you have not started sales yet. Please confirm this and do take procedures to start sales. Thank you for your help.
I'm sorry for the delayed shipment, while you must be looking forward to receiving it. It will be shipped within 24 hours. After shipping, I will immediately let you know a tracking number. Thank you for your patience.
It is good to know that a driver might bring you to my apartment. There is a key box hanging from the door knob of my room door and you will find a key inside. The code is xxxx.Please be assured that you can check-in anytime even in the middle of the night.
I wrote you about our arriving time on my first e-mail, I know there's no public transport, and we found a driver that might take us to your apartment, we still need to confirm, is still ok for you if we arrive at that hour? Boys will be asleep so we won't make noise when we arrive.
Thank you for the information about the shipping method. Please ship the item by international registered mail.I don't mean to make you hurry, so please do take time for the shipment. Thank you.
PACKAGE ID ○○ について質問です。PACKAGE DETAILS が "Toys and parts thereof" となっていて、何の商品が届いたのか不明です。荷物番号△△を調べてみたのですが、何の荷物なのか確認できませんでした。そのため私は2ドルを支払い写真を確認してみました。しかし、商品パッケージの一部しか写っておらず、商品の詳細を確認することができませんでした。
I have a question about PACKAGE ID 〇〇.The package detail says ''Toys and parts thereof'' and I do not know which item I have received. I checked the tracking number △△, but could not confirm what it is. Then, I paid extra 2 dollars to check the photo of it. However, the photo had only a part of the package and again, I couldn't confirm the details of the item.
I have to apologize for one thing. The item you ordered, which has been inspected and packed, is now ready to ship.However, due to the holiday season in Japan, my delivery agent will be closed until the 16th in Japanese time. Therefore, please note that the item will ship on the 17th.I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Your understanding in this matter would be highly appreciated.
My phone number is 〇〇〇. This is my private cell phone, so please ask the translator to call this number. Also, I would appreciate if you would let me know when he calls me.
I bought the same item on Feb. 21 this year, but can not use it any more because the provided operating pedal has been disconnected. Since it has a 1-year guarantee, would you please enclose the same pedal?If it can not be covered by the guarantee, please charge me for the price of the pedal $24 via Paypal. You informed me that the operating pedal costs $24, so please charge the following address via Paypal. On confirmation, please send it to the following address.
To pay via Paypal, it takes about 4 days for identity confirmation of the credit card. I will make a payment as soon as it is confirmed. I'm sorry to have you wait.Thank you in advance for your help until the end of the transaction.