I have not received an email from FedEx. We have used this FedEx account number many times for imports to Japan by air but have never experienced this kind of situation. Although we have conducted a couple of investigations, we don't know what is causing it.FedEx Japan said there are no need of permission. The transfer company in Japan that I have a contract with holds the account number. Please contact at the following email address if you need a permission from FedEx. Company Name: Please arrange the shipment with this account number.
Sorry for my late reply. I'm not really good at English. Your work is wonderful and I would like to introduce them to Japanese twitter accounts or my followers! I'd be happy to help you spread your work. I would also be happy if you would introduce my YouTubes and twitters.
I'm very sorry for my late reply.I have received the item. Could you please allow me a few days to make a refund?I'm at the hospital as my child is hospitalized.She (He) will be able to come home in a few days. I would appreciate it if you would let me know the total amount. I am very sorry to have troubled you.I understand. I will immediately make a refund as soon as I receive the returned item. I apologize for the inconvenience.
As a professional, I sent the item you had ordered to the shipping address you had designated within the period you had requested.
I got this camera from someone else. I had this camera inspected by a specialized store. I've posted the results at the item page. I've never used this camera by myself.
① The price has been changed to $135. Please purchase it if you'd like.
We are very sorry to have caused you inconvenience for the item you bought from us. We will send you another set of the item. Since we do not know your address, could you please contact us from the purchase history?We would appreciate your cooperation. Again, please accept our sincere apology.
Thank you for shopping at our store many times. You really like Ibanez!We are happy to sell it to you for $1,520. We will send you an invoice later.We have one bad news to tell you. We got swindled for the hard case you had ordered and have received a ordinary case different from the one in the photo. We are still looking for the hard case and it is taking time.Would you be able to allow us a bit more time?Or would you prefer receiving a refund for the case from us and receiving the other items by an ordinary shipment?We look forward to hearing from you soon.
カメラはすでに修理に出しているんですよね? 私があなたにできることは何がありますか?私が思うことは、カメラの修理代を私が支払うか、または、カメラ代の返金をしたいです。よろしいでしょうか?
Have you already sent the camera for repair? Is there anything I can do for you?I would like to either pay for the repair or make a refund for the camera. What do you think?
We have reviewed our sales prices. Please confirm and allow us to resume our sales. If there are any problems, please let us know.Thank you.
Thank you for your heartwarming message. I feel relieved to hear that 〇 has had no problems since then. We will support him (her) at home so that he (she) can stay as he (she) is now. Please do listen to him (her) and believe in him (her). I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity. Unfortunately, I can not visit you for an interview as I've got a flu. I'm very sorry for the time you have spared me. 〇 is going to school in the afternoon on the 〇. 〇's fever went down in a day and has been well.
私たちはあなたに確かにハーモニカを発送しました。残念ながら郵送に時間がかかっているのか、紛失されたのかわかりませんがトラッキングが途中から反映されていない。トラッキングのサイトは http://www.aaaトラッキングナンバー 123456789今回、未着のケースオープンをあなたが行った為、ebayの手順の通り私は返金しました。あなたを失望させたことは残念に思う。しかし、発送はされているので到着する可能性もある。ご理解いただけると幸いです。
We did send you the harmonica.We are not sure if it is taking time or has gotten lost but the online tracking has stopped halfway.The website for tracking is http://www.aaa.The tracking number is 123456789.Since you opened an "Item Not Received" case against us, we have made a refund to you according to eBay's procedure. We are very sorry to have disappointed you.However, as it has actually been shipped out, it may arrive some time in the near future. Your understanding in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
念の為の確認です。"opening order"の意味を教えて下さい。予約注文という意味?初回注文という意味で?初回注文は今月中に行う予定です。注文商品の総重量が70kgを超える場合は弊社FedExアカウントを使用して日本へ直送して頂けますか?この場合はOregonの弊社拠点へ配送する場合より卸売価格が安くなりますか?発送伝票に記入する受取人名:FedEx日本へパレット輸送の送料について確認中です。火曜日には判明します。出来る限りRugの両端の縫製が良い物を送って欲しいです。
We would liket to confirm just to make sure, but what do you mean by "opening order"?Do you mean a pre-order or an initial order?We are going to place an initial order with you within this month. If the total weight of the order is more than 70kg, could you please send it directly to Japan using our FedEx account? In this case, would you be able to give us a lower wholesale price than you deliver it to our Oregon-based location?Recipient name to be indicated on the shipping slip:We have asked FedEx Japan about the shipping cost for pallet shipping. We should receive their answer on Tuesday. We would very much appreciate it if you would send us rugs having fine sewing finish on both sides.
We are afraid it is designed not to reflect the inventory status in real time.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience.At our inspection, we did notice some dusts but not molds. We may have overlooked them. Please accept our sincere apology. As you said, we would like to make a partial refund. Please let us know how much the cleaning costs. If you do not agree to our offer, we will make a full refund. We look forward to your reply.Again, we apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Could I receive a lower wholesale price if I order the item by an increased lot such as 100pcs or 500pcs?
Hello.We are very sorry that the item was at fault. We could not find it at the inspection. Although it is possible to order spare parts for replacement, it will take quite a long time and we can not assure you a correct movement after replacement, either. Would you be able to accept a return and a refund this time?We look forward to your reply. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will immediately remove the item you've pointed out. Just to make sure, could you please let us know the exact item?For your future growth, we will make sure not to list the item concerned and your brand again and will make our team fully conscious of it. We are sorry for the trouble but would appreciate your advise.
The other day, I tried to withdraw $300,000 but still couldn't choose the option "i-BANK". I was informed that the issue would be looked into and am wondering when it will be modified. If possible, I would like you to send $50,000 out of the total withdrawal to i-BANK.Thank you for the trouble.I look forward to your reply.
アマゾンマーケットプレイス出品者のyuuki sawadaと申します。この度は、商品のご注文をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。お品物はいかがでしたでしょうか?お手数をお掛けして大変恐縮ですが、1分程度で完了する簡単な評価ですので、少しだけお時間をいただき、ご協力いただけないでしょうか。
My name is Yuuki Sawada, the seller at Amazon Market Place.Thank you very much for your order. How did you like the item?I am sorry to trouble you but could you please spare some time to give us a feedback?It only takes a minute or so. Your cooperation would be highly appreciated.