Dear Olivia,Happy 3rd birthday! You've grown a lot.Have a wonderful day on your birthday!How is it like over there right now? Here in Japan, very hot summer has begun. We have almost 30 degrees C every day. My kids' school and kindergarten will soon be on Summer vacation.I hope you will enjoy this summer playing a lot and smiling a lot!With lots of love from Japan.
ich verschicke sofort, wenn das Paket an der Adresse auch angenommen wird...
Dear先日注文した商品の追跡番号を問い合わせても追跡が出来ないのですが発送されたのかご確認お願い致します。追跡番号:PayPal取引ID:Kotaro Kato
DearI can not track the item I ordered the other day using the tracking number. Please check if the item has already been shipped out.Tracking Number:Paypal Transaction ID:Kotaro Kato
Hello.I'm sorry for repeatedly sending you emails.Can you please send me a quotation for the ball pool that I ordered by email the other day?The details of my order are as follows. Also, please tell me how I should pay. Round-shape ball pool (size 90x30)Color of the pool is light pink. Color of the ball is gray, white and light pink. I would like to order these as a set. Thank you.
Sehr geehrter Herr 〇〇 (女性の場合は Sehr geehrte Frau 〇〇),vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Ich möchte, wie folgt, eine neue Bestellung aufgeben. ・108 Stück von 866・150 Stück von 933Bitte schicken Sie mir eine Rechnung wenn die Waren versandbereit sind. Des weiteres habe ich eine Rechnung für die Produktnummer 966 bekommen. Das Geld werde ich überweisen. Über die Produktnummer 949, ist es kein Problem, dass die Ware nächste Woche ankommt.Bitte melden Sie mir sobald sie ankommt und schicken Sie mir eine Rechnung. Ich kann mir eine längerfristige Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen vorstellen. Vielen Dank.
The paint on the fixture circled in red in the above image is peeling off. I have reported this to you before so please make sure to make improvement from the next time on.As for the image ※1, the joints are extremely standing out. I can not sell the items with such a big joint. I would appreciate it if you would use it. As for the image ※2, there were few items with unnatural lines all around whose rough finish was different from the others. Please make sure that the items will not have unnatural lines shown in the image.
分割払いではなく、一括で支払いが可能になった時に商品を落札して下さい日本の古い時代から現代に至るまでの、様々な実際の硬貨を収録したコレクション一番古い硬貨は1023年東京オリンピックの1000円銀貨や、天皇在位記念の10000円銀貨、その他にも色々な記念硬貨も収録されている※額、硬貨には傷み、汚れがある額のサイズ:83cm x 53cm私のメールは届いているか?念の為にこちらにも送信しておく補償手続きが全て終われば、君は商品代金、送料、手続きの手間代($50)を受取る事になる
I don't accept payment by installments so please bid the item when you are able to pay in a lump sum. Collection of various authentic coins since old days in Japan.The oldest coin is the one made in 1023. The collection also contains 1,000 yen-silver-coins made for Tokyo Olympics, 10,000yen-silver-coins made for the anniversary of the Emperor's reign and other memorial coins. ※There are some damages and stains on the frame and the coins. Size of the frame: 83cm x 53cmHave you received my email? I'm sending this email just to make sure. Once all the compensation processes are completed, you will receive the item price, shipping charge and the handling charge ($50).
This created a loss for both you and us. Having learned a lesson from it, we will make sure to check items by ourselves before shipping. We would appreciate your being patient with our misjudgment this time.
Hallo Guten Tag Ich hätte eine frage zu 2 Dragonball Z figuren. Es handle sich hierbei um die Son Goku und Vegeta Master Star Piece Figur in der Super Sayajin Gott Super Sayajin form *die mit den blauen Haaren .Sind das denn die original banpresto Figuren ?Grund der Anfrage: ZollgebührenWeitere Angaben: Hallo, unsere Kundin möchte gerne, dass die Kosten für ca 50 km Fahrt zum Zoll auch von Ihnen übernommen wird. Außerdem möchte die Kundin wissen, was passiert, wenn er die Sendung nicht abholt und ob es für sie dadurch weitere Kosten entstehen. Danke
こんにちは。2つのドラゴンボールフィギュアに関して質問があります。スーパーサイヤ人ゴッドスーパーサイヤ人形態の、青い髪をした孫悟空とベジータマスタースターピースのフィギュアについてですが、これらはバンプレスト社オリジナルのフィギュアですか?問い合わせの理由: 関税料金問い合わせ内容: こんにちは。お客様からの希望として、税関までの約50キロの走行についても、貴方に費用を負担してほしいとのことです。また、もし荷物を引き取らなかった場合はどうなるのか、引き取らなかったことによって追加のコストが発生するのかを知りたいとのことです。よろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for your purchase. However, I'm afraid to ask you to cancel the order or if it would be OK to send you a substitute.I'm asking this because the ordered item was sold out at my real shop in Japan. You happened to place an order before I had updated the list. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.Your consideration in this matter would be highly appreciated.
Am I going to receive a notification from amazon.com once the refund is processed?Are you going to refund me the total purchase price?
es konnte noch kein Zahlungseingang verzeichnet werden. Liegt irgend ein Problem vor bei dem ich helfen kann ?
I will move to the address that I told you on July 9 so can you please hold on shipping for a while?I will make payment later.
Can you confirm that you will send this guitar WITH a CITES Certificate that you will ask to the relevant Japanese authorities? There is rosewood in the neck so a CITES Certificate is required as per the COP17 and new rules of CITES applying worldwide since January 2, 2017.
私はあなたから「VAT number」について聞かれたので、調べました。結論としては私は「VAT number」を持つ必要がないということです。以下の説明をあなたの会計士に伝えてください。「EU域内から域外に輸出される貨物については、VAT(付加価値税)は0%(ゼロレート、実質免税)です。従って、通常、日本の輸入者がVAT登録する必要はありません。EU域内の取引の場合は、売り手は取引に伴うVAT仕入税額控除の手続きを行う際に買い手のVAT登録番号が必要です。
Since you asked me about VAT number, I have looked it up. In conclusion, I don't need to have a VAT number. Please let your accountant the following explanation. ''For goods that are exported from the EU to non-EU countries, the applicable VAT (Value Added Tax) rate is 0% (zero rate, practically exempted.). Therefore, in general, importers in Japan do not need to get a VAT number. For transactions in the EU, sellers need to get a VAT number as they go through procedures for VAT deductions.
Bestellung nicht abgekommen!Erwarte Geld zurück oder eine neu Versendung der Figur!
Today, I transferred money to the new bank. I suppose you will receive it tomorrow or the day after. Is it difficult for you to prepare a packing list? If so, I will ask the forwarder to prepare one as last time. So far, it has been selling one piece per day. The sales is gradually increasing. Since I am not good at speaking English, I would love to contact you by email. Can you please let me know the minimum lot and the price for the following item(s)?I would like to order a small quantity first to test the market.Would it be possible?
I can't trust you before arrival of the item. If you can not send the item, please make a refund.
Now I can't trust you as what you are saying is different from what you used to say. I will pay $500 upon arrival of the item. If this is not acceptable for you, please reduce the item quantity in the amount of $500 and resend it to me.
今私の近くのWESTERN UNIONは営業時間外です。そちらで300ドルを立て替えておいてください、10時間後に支払います。そもそも、最初から関税の事について伝えておいて欲しいです。私は詐欺にあっているのですか?
The Western Union nearby is currently closed. Can you please temporary pay $300 for me?I will pay it to you in 10 hours. I must say that you should have told me about the customs duty in the first place. Am I being deceived?