Thank you for your reply. I can understand your concern with the shipping cost and receiving the discount and I can certainly clarify.If your order requires freight, our exports team will help you manage the shipping cost and receive the discount, but you will need to contact our exports team at and include your order number so we can apply the customer loyalty discount and begin preparing your order for shipment. Otherwise, the shipping cost will populate on our site when you add the items to your cart and the shipping cost cannot be negotiated.I hope this information helps. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.Ballistic BrandyCustomer Service Representative
Thank you very much for your reply to us. We also very much appreciate your offer for discount. We would like to do business with you on the following conditions. We would like to order 20pcs with 10% discount. Would it be possible for you to sell them to us for $400 including shipping charge to Florida, U.S.A.?We will use Paypal for payment. If you agree to the above conditions, we will immediately make payment.
Thank you for reaching out to us here at with your questions about bulk ordering.We're excited that you're interested in placing such a large order, and assure you that every aspect of your shipment is extremely important to us. We'll do everything we can to exceed your expectations and provide you with the most comprehensive advice from the moment you place your order.At, our prices are already marked at 20-30% below retail, but we'd love the opportunity to earn your business by offering a customer loyalty discount of 10% off the total product cost for any order over $1,000.00 (USD).
I hope I haven't been much of a trouble.While I have channels I've been using to make purchases from the United States while in Japan, I was looking forward to yours as I thought it might be easier especially given that I use Amazon Prime and prefer getting all my stuff from the States.For the backpack, the weight is actually 3.5lb or 1.5kg.I wish you have a shipping calculator on the website as it would have been easier and better to get this kind of information.
ご迷惑をおかけしてないとよいのですが。日本にいる間、米国からの商品購入に以前から使用しているルートがあります。しかしながら、アマゾンプライムを使っており、できれば全ての商品を米国から取り寄せたいですので、おそらくより簡単である貴方からのルートを待ち望んでいました。バックパックの実際の重量は3.5lb または 1.5kgです。ウェブサイトに送料計算機があるとよいのですが。このような情報を得るのがより簡単で便利ですので。
We would very much like to do business with you.Could you please answer the following 5 questions? 1. MOQ for yyyWe understand that the MOQ for xxx is 100pcs.Is there MOQ for yyy as well? 2. ShippingWould it be possible for you to ship items using our Fedex account? 3. PaymentWould you accept payment via Paypal regardless of amount? 4. Conditions for distributorship Is the monthly purchase amount 500 at the maximum or at the minimum? 5. Advantages for distributorship Is there any difference in the purchase price compared to dealers? Is there any other advantage?
Ich glaube, dass er den Artikel morgen abholen kann. Er heißt 〇〇. Ist die folgende Adresse richtig?
I am very sorry to have disappointed you. Please accept my sincere apology. I have confirmed your negative feedback. I will do my best to improve my business. As a token of my apology, I intend to give you a refund of $30 via Paypal. Is there any chance that you could change your negative feedback? If you agree, I will send you a request through ebay system after giving you a refund. I look forward to your reply.
Den Artikel werde ein Bekannter von mir abholen. Könnten Sie mir den Artikel für 120€ verkaufen? Das Geld wird vor Ort bezahlt. Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Antwort.
Könnten Sie bitte mit dem Verkäufer verhandeln?
Sorry, Diana. I washed your seat suit this morning without asking. If you have laundries, please put them in this basket. I do my laundry every day and dry them using dehumidifier in the bathroom. Laundries will dry in about 2 hours, so don't worry. Do you have any laundries that you want me to do right away? I should have told you earlier, but you can take or use anything you like in this house such as drinks in the fridge. If you need boiled water, just place a kettle here and press this button. Please also press this button to switch it off.
Did you have fun today?Where did you go with Yano-san? How about the dinner with Yano-san? Please show me photos of it if you have any. Tomorrow, Sarah will go to school earlier. She will leave at 7 a.m. as she will wear Yukata for the tea ceremony event. We will leave at around 7:50 a.m. like today. I recommend you go running in the Meriken Park in the morning.I can't go with you, though, as Sarah will leave earlier tomorrow. The entrance of this apartment will open automatically if you have this key. You can just go out and come back anytime you want.
この商品が欲しいんだけど、販売者の方がベルリンまで送ってくれなくて困っています。同じHessenだけど近いのかな?? 私は日本から数ヶ月ベルリンに滞在しているだけなので詳しい地理がわからなくてすみません。もし可能であれば代理で購入して欲しいんだけど可能でしょうか??代金は先にお支払いできます。
Ich möchte diesen Artikel kaufen aber ich bin ratlos, weil der Verkäufer ihn nach Berlin nicht verschickt. Sie wohnen auch in Hessen wie der Verkäufer. Wohnen Sie vielleicht in der Nähe von ihm? Ich komme aus Japan und bin nur seit einigen Monaten in Berlin. Deswegen habe ich leider keine Ortskenntnisse. Wäre es möglich, dass Sie den Artikel anstelle von mir kaufen können??Das Geld werde ich vorher bezahlen.
Porto schaue ich was es kostet habe auch ein PayPal Konto
I will purchase it from a person who purchased it on Nike Online and kept it unused. I will delete his personal information, but it seems that he has a certificate, so the item is authentic. If you'd like, please place an order.
・How many days will it take from ordering to shipping?It largely depends on the perfume and packing part. But not more than 1month. If it is unperfumed, it can be less.・What kind method will it be to pack products?As you like. And that is why I do not mention the price so far. How do you want? As far as I understand, if you can accept our perfume, you can alsoget the packaging done here as I suppose our cost will be cheaper than your costs. And more value addition you do here, you can buy more quantity and unlttimately, shipping cost can be brought down.If you are also thinking of doing packing here, we can discuss it simultaneously.
1. Die Adresse lautet wie folgt. Das Geld überweise ich innerhalb von einigen Tagen. Bitte sagen Sie mir den Gesamtbetrag inklusive Porto. 2. Ich würde mir die andere Artikel, die Sie in Familienbesitz haben, gerne ansehen. Könnten Sie mir bitte die Fotos von ihnen schicken, wenn Sie Zeit haben?
Ich möchte den Artikel kaufen. Welche Zahlungsart ist es möglich, via Paypal oder bei Überweisung? Außerdem, könnten Sie den Artikel nach Berlin versenden?
Das sind Originale, Mein Großvater hat für Gustavsberg gearbeitet und haben noch mehr im Familienbesitz
Ich würde den Artikel gerne kaufen.Könnten Sie mir bitte den Unterschrift auf der Fußsohle zeigen?Außerdem teilen Sie mir bitte mit, ob es Brüche oder Risse gibt.
Ich denke über den Kauf des Artikels nach.Könnten Sie mir bitte ein paar Fotos schicken, damit ich den Zustand des Artikels überprüfen kann?Außerdem sagen Sie mir bitte wie hoch er ist.