インボイスを送ってくれてありがとう。本日計算して明日振込みをします。また、明日、振込みをした内容をメールでご連絡しますね。新しい住所の郵便番号は11434です。これからは、商品は新住所に送っていただけますか?他に何か 不備があったらご連絡くださいね。
Thank you for sending me the invoice. I will calculate it today and transfer the money tomorrow. Please check the result tomorrow as I report it by e-mail after the transfer. The zip code of my new address is 11434. I would appeciate it if you could send the products to the new address from now on. For any other errors, please contact me.
As I have very poor knowledge in this matter, I should refrain from making thoughtless comment, but I agree entirely with you. A very sad event.
4. Adjust fit to ensure clear view of front screen and rear camera window.5. Carefully apply the waterproof seal from top to bottom. Ensure the inserting hole is completely covered and not obstructing the camera lens. Check and rub seal contact to eliminate any air bubbles.6. Remove front screen protector and rear protector. Now the phone is fully dust&waterproof, whilst retaining full phone functionality.
日光東照宮などの極彩色はその下に塗られた胡粉の白によって際立っていると言われています。また身近なところでは、塩豆にも使われています。胡粉ネイルは、この胡粉を原材料の一部として開発されたユニークな商品です。酢酸エチルやアセトンといった有機溶剤を使わないで作られた水溶性ネイルのため、従来のマニキュアと違って、刺激臭がなく、通気性に優れ、速乾性があり、非常に軽い塗り感です。 また、水溶性だから、除光液の代わりに除菌に使う消毒用アルコールで落とすことができます。
It is said that the vivid colors used in the architecture of Nikko Toshogu Shrine are as distinct as they are due to the white color of the "gofun" undercoat, a white pigment made of scallop powder, which is essential in Japanese painting. It is also used in food, such as "shiomame", roasted green beans with salty white coating, a real Kyoto snack.Using the gofun as one of its material, “Gofun Nail Polish” is an original product. As it is water-soluble and free from organic solvent like ethyl acetate and acetone, it is superior to conventional nail polish in the following regards:●irritant odor-free●exhibits excellent breathability ●extremely quick-drying●very comfortable to fingernails When removing this nail polish, it is easily removable with alcohol instead of using conventional nail polish remover, as it is water-soluble.
私はあなたのwhite and blueの衣装を写真で見ました。とても素敵なデザインですね。私はあなたの作ったStockwhipを使用してみたいです。日本にはStockwhipを作る職人がほとんどいません。あなたは寿司を食べることができるのですね!?それは良いことです。私は多くの日本食メニューを考えておきますので、色々な日本料理にトライしてみてください。
I saw you dressed in white and blue on the photo and was impressed with the fantastic design.I want to try your original Stockwhip.Unfortunately we can hardly find a whip manufacturer in Japan.I am happy to learn that you eat sushi!? That 's wonderful.In the meantime I am gong to pick up a lot of Japanese dishes, so that you could be able to experience various kinds of food in Japan.
I am writing to you regarding the matter which I once notified you through the Company A at the exhibition held the other day. Let me remind you once again that the refund of my deposit amount €100 is still outstanding.Kindly please refund me in full immediately, and inform me when the money will be available in my account.Regards,
Looking back at the whispering voice, I noticed you standing there in silence, waving your hand. His lips seemed to move.
We thank you very much for patronizing our company.I am pleased to inform you that, due to the recent internal personnel changes, I have shifted to be in charge of Your company, succeeding Kato.I am willing to work with Your company to grow the sales in the Israeli market.Thanking you again in anticipation of your continuous cooperaion.