Katsue Angshuman (schlemiel21) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 ドイツ語
schlemiel21 英語 → 日本語

Fear of death is often conceptualized as merely manifest and not authenic.The relation of the life-review process to thoughts of death is reflected in the fact that it occurs not only in the elderly but also in younger persons who expect death-for example,the fatally ill or the condemned. It may also be seen in the introspection of those preoccupied by death,and it is commonly held that one's life passes in review in the process of dying.One thinks of the matador's''moment of truth''during the faena.The life review,Janus-like,involves facing death as well as looking back.Lot's wife,in the Bible,and Orpheus,in Greek mythology,embodied an association of the ideas of looking death in the face and looking back.



schlemiel21 英語 → 日本語

Our society is sick both on the exterior and within. Some examples of the first instance include the mountains of rubbish accumulating in every corner of some cities, and as far as interior illness is concerned, we need only consider the many kinds of negative social conditions that our failure to expose and examine in any depth censures and transforms into taboos.
The Ancient Romans believed in “mens sana in corpore sano”: a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Society could heal itself by becoming eco-friendly, and by respecting and looking after the outer world that surrounds us (through waste separation and a consumer outlook that abides by fair trading standards), and by aiming to safeguard our interior world.


古代ローマ人は言った。“mens sana in corpore sano”、すなわち 健全な魂は健全な肉体に宿る。

schlemiel21 英語 → 日本語

No you miss understood the case marine has a little tear where the seem of the two layers meet meaning the front and the back of the cover ( case marine) so I placed my phone on the water to probe the case marine already installed on my phone and because of the hole water got it and my phone got water damage

Send me an e mail where I can send you the pictures .

To send you the defective item it's costing me half what I paid for it why don't you give me 50% discount and I'll buy another one or maybe two ? You let me know

P.s. the pictures dont really show the little tear it's minimal but enought let water in its right on the top where the earplugs go abs the power button is.





追伸 写真ではそのわずかな裂傷が鮮明に見て取れませんが、そのかすかな穴のせいで

schlemiel21 英語 → 日本語

I'll invoice you now before I go off to sleep - please dont worry about anything - theres no rush!

Marshall's rep emailed me earlier saying "We are coming out with new products in the next few months as well, and we could work those sku's into the mix as well ! "

No hints were given - but I was told October for new models.

Marshall doesnt really closeouts .... (im anticipating your question) ... the last time there was a close out was the old model without the mic. There was somewhere around 2000 pcs and someone took them all - but I was told the price wasnt "amazing". But if something happens - Ill let you know. (you will have to break open the piggy bank though!)






schlemiel21 英語 → 日本語

Our Risk Control department has contacted us in regards to your below order placed.

We are requesting for you to send us a copy of the credit card front & back used to purchase the item for our security purposes so that we could confirm that this credit card does in fact belong to you. in addition, we need a copy of photo id

Please understand, we are doing this for both your safety as well as ours to prevent fraudulent orders.

We have no interest in delaying your order any further, so please email a copy of the card & photo id used to make the purchase to sales@eyewearorders.com

Customer Security is our primary concern and the copy of your card will be destroyed once we approve the order.





