I'm preparing for a presentation for japanese companies.Therefore, I'd like to know certainly, which products I could purchase from you.I'm very glad, if you would answer immediately, because it's an emergency.To be sure, which products to purchase, could you attach the price list, which you sent first time, to photos of products? I want to know furthermore, which colors of every product are available.If you would have another available products out of price list, please tell me these details including name, photo, and price. **or**, for example.I'm ready to monopolize your products.I'll send you ultimate order list in this week.Best Regards
The razor you bought might have been manufactured 30 or 40 years ago.It must be difficult to find new one, now you might be the only one in the world, who owns the razor.Therefore, please understand its condition.If it rusts, please peel off the rust with exclusive solvents.Shall I send you solid rust removal stuff made from rubber, if necessary?--The knife is new one, and its edge is well sharpened.However, we can ship it you after that knife sharpening craftsman sharpens its edge again, with additional charge of $30. What could we do for you?
133das meine bestellung 10 tage ,ohne nachricht an mich bei dhl lag, dafür können sie wohl nichts. das ich aber bei der abholung nach 15 km anfahrt auch noch 13 euro zoll zahlen muss, stezt dem ganzen die krone auf. so vergrault man sich die kundschaft!!!!!! 504Leider erfolgt die Lieferung zu spät...
I'm sending this e-mail to enquire you about a possible partnership that I believe, might interest you.I'm a young cook that is doing his best to have a brilliant future. During the past year I've been working in some of the best restaurants in Lisbon and London including Feitoria Restaurant & Wine Bar (1 Michelin Star) and Viajante (1 Michelin Star, The World's 50 Best Restaurants) and worked at some of the most prestigious events in Europe like International Gourmet Festival in Vila Joya (2 Michelin Stars, The World's 50 Best Restaurants).For the next 16 months I'm going to work at Noma, Copenhagen (2 Michelin Stars, 2nd Best Restaurant in The World, Most Famous Restaurant In The World),
私は、あなた方に興味を持っていただけると思い、メールにて、我々が結びうる契約について問い合わせをさせていただきました。私は、今自分の輝かしい未来に向かって努力をしている若い調理師です。過去に数年間、Feitoriaレストラン&ワインバー(ミシュランの1つ星レストラン)や、Viajante(ミシュラン1つ星レストラン、世界のレストランベスト50にも選出)を含む、リスボンとロンドンの著名なレストランで働いてきました。他にも、Vila Joya(ミシュラン2つ星レストラン、世界のレストランベスト50にも選出)で催されたインターナショナルグルメフェスティバルのような、ヨーロッパの一流のイベントにも数々携わってきました。今から16ヶ月間は、コペンハーゲンのNoma(ミシュラン2つ星レストラン、世界2位であり、世界でもっとも有名なレストラン)で勤務予定です。
In De Wulf, Belgium (1 Michelin Star, The World's 50 Best Restaurants) and Restaurant Frantzen, Stockholm (2 Michelin Stars, The World's 50 Best Restaurants). Besides that I'll finish my degree in Culiny Arts in Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, work in some of the most prestigious gastronomic events in Portugal and take part in many important events in Portugal and Spain. I'm also associated with some brands to make show-cookings in professionals fairs and developing a charity project where I make workshops and cook with kids that are fighting cancer.
ベルギーの De Wulf(ミシュラン1つ星レストラン、世界のレストランベスト50にも選出)、ストックホルムの Franztenレストラン(ミシュラン2つ星レストラン、世界のレストランベスト50にも選出)でも業務経験があります。Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estorilで(割烹料理)の調理師としての資格を得る傍ら、ポルトガルで最も名高いグルメイベントに参加したり、その他ポルトガルとスペインで開かれた重要なイベントにもさまざま参加してきました。また、私はプロの料理ショーイベントの実行のために、いくつかのブランドとも契約しており、慈善事業として、がんと闘う子供たちに料理を教えるワークショップを立ち上げています。
I'm starting a blog where I will post some recipes with beautiful photos of the finished dishes and I would like to ask if you would be interested in being associated with me. What I would ask would be for you to provide me with knives and you would have your brand advertised in the blog, in the restaurants and events I'm going to work in, and if you desire you could use my photos to show how better food looks when people have your products. I can also provide you with some recipes if desired.
You're really helpful. How much does it cost including postage, if I would order you directly?I'm sorry for further question, but I have a trouble with my self-made baby bottle. Milk spills out of the bottle. I can't find any adhesive to fix tap of the bottle in Japan. I'd like to purchase appropriate one by colly, if you sell. Could you advice me, which liquid is preferable as fake milk? It would be also helpful, if you could tell me that. I'm grateful to you for your helpful support.
①9915Das ist ja wohl das Letzte!!!!Weil Ihre japanischen Verpacker nicht in der Lage waren, außen an der Sendung eine für das Zollamt zugängliche Rechnung über den Wert der Sendung anzubringen, liegt mein Paket jetzt auf dem Zollamt in Memmingen, wo ich es abholen soll.Das sind 57 km einfach, also 114 km mit dem Auto und der dazu erforderliche Zeitaufwand. Auf solche Geschäfte kann ich gerne verzichten. Ich werde auf jeden Fall jetzt immer genau schauen, ob ich einen Artikel irgendwo anders auch bekomme, bis ich je wieder etwas bei B bestelle!!!!!②359Liebes 24 Team,so klangsam mache ich mir Sorgen um meine Bestellung!? Die Lieferung sollte um den 3. Dezember herum bei mir sein. Gibt es irgendwelche Probleme?
③142ich habe die Zollgebühren selbst bezahlt und die Ware abgeholt. Ich schicke Ihnen die Rechnung(2 Seiten) und die Quittung(2 Seiten) vom Zollamt zu. Wie funktioniert die Erstattung? Zahlen Sie direkt auf mein Konto, soll ich Ihnen meine Bankverbindung schicken oder erstatten Sie durch Amazon?