主力の人材派遣・アウトソーシングに加え、障がい者雇用支援、シニアの顧問派遣まで、働きたい人に就業機会を作り出す<a href="https://www.spool.co.jp/" target="_blank">株式会社エスプール</a>。
In additoin to go-to temporary staffing, outsourcing, employment support for disable people and dispatching senior consultants, create the recruiting change for the people who want to work<a href="https://www.spool.co.jp/" target="_blank"> S-Pool, Inc. </a>。
<br></br> 同社の現在から目指す姿まで、IRを担当する社長室の荒井さんにお話をうかがいました。
<br></br> I have talked with Arai san who is the person in charge of IR in the president room with regarad to the current company policy and its goal to reach for.
こんにちは。メール有難うございます。出張に出ておりまして、ご返信が遅れました。申し訳ございません。メールいただいた、ファイルとなりますが、開く事が出来ません。zakkafan@gmail.com でログインしておりますが、送信していただいた方の、承認が必要になるようです。お手数おかけいたしますが、ご確認をお願い出来ますでしょうか?宜しくお願い致します。
Hello.Thank you for your email.I am sorry for my late reply as I was on the business trip.I could not open the file attached in your email.I logged in as zakkafan@gmail.com but it seems that I need to get the approval from the sender.Please advise me how to open the file.
[Contents guaranty by users]It is stipulated that the contents posted by the users do not infringe the third party’s copy right, trademark, other property right, authorship, moral right, right of privacy, privilege right and other moral right. [Prohibitions]Users shall not act those activities or not encourage to lead those activities. Infringing other party’s privacy and image right. Discrimination and mental abuse. felonious assault in whatever form. Any posting of barnyard, baleful, abuseful graphic depictions. Other activities that the application operator sees as inappropriate.
わたしは10月17日に、jp.BeatsbyDRe.comで、以下の注文をしました。注文番号: JP10000170商品名: Beats PROスタイル: レッド本日、商品が届きましたが、注文したものと違います。届いたのは「レッド&ブラック」で、私が注文したのは「レッド」です。写真を添付しましたのでご確認ください。商品を交換していただきたいのですが、どのようにすればよいですか?
I have ordered following item on 17th OCT at jp.BeatsbyDRe.com.Order number: JP10000170Product name: Beats PROStyle: RedI got the item today but the item I got is different from what I have ordered.The item is “red and black” and what I have ordered is red.Please find the photo of the item.Can you advise me how I can exchange the item to the correct one?
You visited at Nakano station sometimes. It would be fun if I pass you on the road!I was really scared by that earthquake. The area I live is the landfill area so I suffered from liquefaction but I heard that the land under my house was the island, not the landfill area. So I was safe. There is no need to worry.I divert myself in Tokyo area such as Shibuya, Ebisu, Shinjuku and Roppongi.I go for drink, go to Karaoke, play darts with my friends. I go to bars in Roppongi to study English by chatting with Americans. As I am not good at speaking English, I am bit scared to speak with people I don’t know.
It seems that you have a misunderstanding so that let me explain the situation.I have ordered 4 cases first.After this, I changed my order that I need 7 cases as I got a new ad spot.---------------------------------Total numbers of ordered cases are 7 cases.----------------------------------As you mentioned that you cannot ship them at once so 3 cases are delivered but how many cases I have ordered are 7 cases hence I have requested to change the unit price of the product. I am sorry for my insufficient explanation which caused the misunderstanding in your side.
募集内容はebayへの商品リサーチと登録作業です。よく読まれた上で応募して下さい・仕事内容リサーチはebay内で直近一か月で複数売れている商品のリサーチ登録amazonで人気商品をリストアップし私のebayアカウントに登録して下さい。・条件 ebay、amazonの経験者、未経験者は不可。terapeakが使える方歓迎。ツールはマーチャントランかサッツコマースを使用出来る方。サッツコマースが使ったことがない場合はPDFや動画のマニュアルを用意します。途中仕事投げ出さない方。
The recruitment information is to research and register the products on ebay.Please apply for this position after the careful reading.Recruitment informationTo research well-selling proiducts within the last month in ebayTo list up the popular products in Amazon and register them in my ebay.Experienced ebay and Amazon users. Non-experience person are not allowed to apply.Experienced terapeak userAble to use Merchantrun or SAATS CommerceI will prepare PDF or the video manuals in case the candidate cannot use SAATS Commerce.The person who does not abandon his/her job in midstream
I see that the video quality is highly improved though the mood is slightly different. It is interesting as the video is well created entirely. I assume it is because of some inspires from your director. The corroboration with A is also awesome. Are you going to select the lead song within them? Japanese people may prefer his position as little POP but I give support to your stance. I would like to sell it in ○. What is your opinion on it ? He will contact you when the conditions are consolidated as I would like to do the negotiation.
I have looked at your invoice.I would like you to reduce the unit price of the product as 70 dollars as I ordered 7 cases in bulk.Please invoice me for remaining 4 cases when you ship them.Looking forward to hearing from you.
We have received your request.Is the product not yet delivered first of all?If not, please do not accept the parcel when it arrived.Shipper name is Taro Yamada.You do not have to pay for the return charge if you do not accept it.Regarding the refund, you will be paid the entire amount of the goods.Please be forewarned that I cannot pay you back the delivery fees as I have already paid it to the delivery company. As the international delivery fees are very costly I appreciated your kind understanding.If you have no issue with above, please get back to me after your non-acceptance of the parcel and I will do the refund process.
Hello.I have contacted with DHL and confirmed that they pack all products.Our discussion will never finish if we keep communicating this so my company absorb 25 dollars.Would you please absorb remaining 20 dollars? If you agree on paying us 20 dollars, I will handle the subsequent tasks.I am not supposed to pay like this but I see the relationship with your company is much important so that I proposed this compromise.