Hello,I'd like to use this item as a present, so please ship it to me in a nice-looking package.Thank you.
We have received the item.Thank very much for your prompt response.We really appreciate your service.We do not mind if our order is delayed.We always look forward to receiving the works.We deeply appreciate you for satisfying our requests every time.We leave to the craftsmen all decisions on the patterns and colors, but it would be appreciated if you could refer to the following samples regarding patterns. It does not mean we request you to produce all patterns from the following samples. We would like to see various type of items using craftsmen's good taste.I am personally fond of cute items.
私は日本に住んでおり、アメリカから商品を購入しました。その際にPriority Mail Internationationalを使用しました。トラッキングナンバーは○○です。商品の到着が遅いように感じますが現在の状況を教えてください
I live in Japan and bought a product from the U.S., using the Priority Mail International.The tracking number is XX.The delivery seems to be delayed, and I'd appreciate if you let me know the current situation.