Thank you for your inquiry.We take care of your order so you aren't satisfied with our product that you had received at last time,,We buy in our products by domestic regular store and we guarantee and inspect quality you are anxious about it.Sorry for your inconvenience, but could you send us your product if we charge the shipping price?If you consult with ebay, I recommend that you do it.we cope well till the last in any case.Sorry for your inconvenience, but please contact us.
Thank you for your contacting us.About the price, we are doing pricing conparated tothe price of others stores and the price of goods, and retourned goods ratio.We examine it at any time and we are happy if you can refer to it.
Mais, mon compte est suspendu. J'ai l’intention à faire des 25000 euros de chiffres d'affaire en vente pendant des saisons de vacances cette année. J'aurai avoir énormément de dommage d’intérêt si mon compte restait suspendu.Je souhaite le déblocage au plus tôt possible. Bien à vous.Voici le suivi de la livraison.【】
Dear Sir/Madam,I received your email advising the package has been held in UK shipping company and you are NOT responsible for any delay in England.The package is with Parcel Force and is on hold until payment is received.Please advise if YOU have paid these charges? If you are responsible for payment the delay is your responsibility because that's why it is being held?Your early reply will be most appreciative to conclude this matter.RegardsMike Dean
#willSLDR Plateが今日到着しました。プレートが2個、ウェイトが5個入っていましたが、ウェイト3個はおまけしてくれたのですか?また、pro 70 Stiffのおまけもありがとうございます。売れ行きがよければ、再購入させていただきます。Tour Issue SLDR TS 14 3Woodについてですが、2個注文したいです。2個購入しますので、送料込で$280はいかがでしょうか?ご連絡をお待ちしております。
I receaved the product SLDR Plate today.There are 2 plates and 5 weights. Did you do me 3 weights an addition? Thank you for your addition for a pro 70 Stiff.If there wii sell well, I will order theme for the next time.I will order you 2 Tour Issue SLDR TS 14 3Wood and are you interested in 280& for the price of shipping?Thank your for your answer.
0について私はこの注文を自らキャンセルした結果Customer Metricsが悪化したこの商品は商品説明に誤りがあった為、アマゾンに商品ページの編集を依頼し受理された。その後顧客にその旨を伝えキャンセルしてもらえるよう伝えたが応答が無かった。このCustomer Metricsを修正して貰えますか?いつも丁寧にご連絡頂き誠にありがとう御座いますレシートの住所も今回は間違いなさそうですね商品が到着後、2~3営業で736.44ドルを返金しますので今しばらくお待ち下さい
About 0,Because of canceling myself this order, the Customer Metrics is deteriorated.There was a error in the product discription and Amazon accepted my demande for edithing of the product page.After I conveid this case to my client and I asked him for canceling this order but i had no answer.Could you make me modifications this Customer Metrics?Thak your for your polite communication always.It's seem that the adress that was listed on the receipt.Thank you for your patience for refound of 736,44 $ after arrival of the product.
Monsieur (Madame) ○○Je suis embarrassé comme je n'ai pas eu votre réponse.1. Vous souhaitez toujours même dès maintenant l'envoi de colis de nouveau.2. Vous souhaiter le remboursement du somme total.Veuillez prendre votre décision si-desus l'une ou l'autre.Si je n'airai pas votre réponse demain, je considérerai comme le remboursement du somme total .Veuillez m'excuser vraiment pour le dérangement cette fois-ci .
It's about a article at reference number xxx what i receaved.I checked the contents and there were just, some parts in a plastic bag and description, There were n't a power unit motor what i need. It's defect and i can't use it.And there isn't other cup in a small plastic bag what it must be with in this oder. You don't expleined avout this product already opend what you say that is a new article. I have to ask you retourn of payment all of amount money or 100 $ like a compensation for this defect article.Please send me your answer immediately about it.
Those still look like the ones I received. I went to your ebay site and picked out three that look a lot better. G-63, G-64, and G-65. Total weight is 1100 grams.These look like they are more solid and not filled with slag and cast iron. I will box up the two you send and contact you about shipping. If these three are suitable when they arrive, I will gladly pay the difference in weight.Liyo?--If i am satisfied then will buy more razor from you. Have already selected other 3 razors but will await to receive this one before place other order. It depends how sharpened is the rosette of R SAITO.Once you ship please let me have registred letter number for tracking purposes.
渡しが得た商品はあなたがebayサイトに出展していたものを見たものであると思います。G-63, G-64,またG-65,総量は1100グラム。より頑丈に見え、そしてかみそりの刃が使用後に刃のかすやそられたひげで覆われることはないように思えます。お送りいただいた2つの品は取っておきつつ購入のためのご連絡差し上げます。もし届いたその3つの商品が最適なものであれば、総量の料金の差額をお支払いいたします。もしあなたから送られる最初のかみそりが私が気に入るものでしたら、すでに3つのかみそりを選んでおりますが、それらの注文の前にまずは最初の商品受け取りを待っております。斉藤氏のロゼットがどのようにとがれるかによります。調査目的のため商品登録ナンバーを一度お送りください。
Je vous ai envoyé un document il y a 1 mois, mais comme c'était une lettre sans recommander, je vous envoi de nouveau une copie. Je vous remercie de la vérifier.