Kaguraとは、いつもおなかをすかせている元気な女の子です。(実は、ヤト族と呼ばれる宇宙人です)GintokiとShinpachiと一緒に「万事屋(よろずや)」をやっており、彼女は持っている超人的な怪力で、戦いになるととても活躍します!基本的に大人びた印象をですが、愛犬のSADAHARUには笑顔を見せたり、大きな虫が苦手など、女の子らしい可愛い一面を持ち合わせています。彼女の同人誌はライバルであるOkita Sougoとの物が圧倒的に多いです。
Kagura is a girl who is always hungry and cheerful. ( In fact she is an alien calls the Yato )She is doing " Yorozuya " with Gintoki and Shinpashi and plays an active part in fights with her superman strength!Basically she has adult impression but also has a girlish aspect that she smiles at her doggy SADAHARU and hates big warms.Her coterie magazine is almost magazine with Okita Sougo as her rival.
Chiba internatinal convention burea did the renewal of its homepage nowadays..The perpose of this burea is showing people Chiba where is suitable for MICE as the campaign that promotes to gathering costomers who are attracted by MICE. The success of gathering many people will be expected because we can easily know the imformation that people who are related to MICE want to know,Main points of change are an arrangement of reading frequency, a searching function and an introduction of twitter.These change are only Japanese version but we try to do same renewal contents to English and Chinese version that will be introduced newly.
Sakata Gintokiはこのアニメの主人公であり、侍の心を持った青年です。基本的にやる気はなく、日々だるそうに過ごしています。ですが神楽や新八など、身内に限らず初めてあった人でも困っている人は放っておけない優しい性格です。会えばいつも喧嘩をしている土方や桂からも信頼されており、交友関係はとても広いです!彼のグッズはとても多く、文房具やStrapも豊富にあります中でもおススメなのは、Badgeに描かれているミニキャラクターです。普段と違ってとても可愛いので、おススメです
Sakata Gintoki is a character of cartoon and man who has a heart of samurai.Basically he doesn't have a motivate mind and spends time lazily in daily life.However he has a tender personality that he always helps not only relatives like Kagura and Shinpachi but also people whom he meets for the first time.Whenever he meets Tsuchikata and Katsura, he always quarrels with them but they trust him so he has a large circle of friends.There are many his goods and even stationery and strap enough.Especailly what we want to recommend is a mini character that is painted on Badge. It is a good of recommendation because it is more lovely than normal one.
チョコレートの輸入について問い合わせました。以下の件について詳細を知りたいとのことです。a.spices,fruits etcのetcとは何でしょうか?b.Aに含まれるsesami,strawberry,raspberryの原産国を教えてください。c.Bのgingerの原産国を教えてください。(産地により検査命令が出ているそうです)またこの後注文をした場合、賞味期限はいつのものになりますか?
I have an inquiry about import of chocolate.They want to know the details under the cases,a. spices, fruits etc but what is etc?b. Please tell me the original country of sesami, strawberry and raspberry including A.c. Please tell me the original country of B's ginger.( I heard it has an inspectional order in original areas. )And in the case of ordering after that, when will be the best time for taste?
沢山のプレゼントを有難うございました。DVDの印刷には感動しました。2012 Henderson250の映像はすごいですね!!本当はシビアなんでしょうけど、観てる僕にはドライバー同士の会話が面白かったです。特にピットアウトしてからのドライバーの怒り具合が(大笑しかし・・・・Mikeさん!ピットアウト後に車両を抜き返すあたりで・・・・・データが壊れているようでフリーズ(大笑もしかしてMikeさんがわざと仕組んだんじゃない?爆笑してしまいました
Thank you for giving me many presents. I was impressed with print of DVD.The image of 2012 Henderson250 is so great!! Though it was serious, it was very interesting for me to watch driver's conversation themselves.Especailly driver's madness after doing pitout(LOLBut・・・・Mike! when the driver passed back the car after doing pitout・・・・・the scene was freezed because it seemed the date was broken(LOLI bursted into laugh because I guessed Mike did like that on purpose.
Recently I did net shopping on this internet site.I don't receive sending mail yet so I think it doesn't be sent.I am sorry but could I change 9EEE of shoes's size I already ordered for 9.5EEE?I would like you to handle this matter as you think fit.
Thank you for your reply politely all the time.I will order above item next month December.I will send you mail again whether there will be in stock or not at the time.