This is Vietnam’s Web in 2012, As Facebook Overtakes Zing In the Country [INFOGRAPHIC]After last week’s Asia-wide report on the state of the web, mobile, and social media, comes the infographic from digital agency WeAreSocial that focuses on Vietnam. The big news is that Facebook has overtaken Zing as Vietnam’s social network of choice – now Facebook has 8.5 million Vietnamese users, surpassing Zing’s 8.2 million in the country.
2012年のベトナムにおけるWebの状況。FacebookがZingを追い越す。(解説画像)先週のアジア広域でのウェブ・携帯・ソーシャルメディアに関するレポートの後、その解説画像がWeAreSocial というベトナムにフォーカスしたデジタルエージェンシーから寄せられた。ベトナムで選ばれるソーシャルネットワークとしてFacebookがZingを追い越したというビッグニュースである。今Facebookは850万人のベトナム人ユーザーを抱えており、Zingの820万人を超えている。
The WeAreSocial team notes that Facebook had a mere 2.9 million Facebook users in Vietnam last summer, so it’s seeing stellar growth among Vietnam’s very young and mobile netizens. But a note of caution: Zing’s self-reported figures are a little older than Facebook’s, so there’s still a chance for the homegrown service to regain its crown. After all, Zing is still growing from its 6.8 million figure last year.Here’s the key slide from the infographic presentation showing Vietnam’s web scene:
Some highlights in Vietnam to look out for:・Social media penetration of nine percent shows there’s massive room for growth・127.3 million mobile subscribers in total, which is above the population figure of 91.5 million・19 million mobile internet users, which works out at penetration of around 21 percent・35 percent of those user their phones to access social media・28 percent of Vietnamese netizens now have a Facebook accountAnd here is the full deck for you to browse:For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.
HelloI contacted the postal services in France, and they tell me that the international postal services have two months to respond and declare the parcel lost or not.I find the very long period of time, the claim was made on October 2 so we can wait until December 2 .......I'm really sorry about this incident.You have already ordered items home before it and I'm even more sorry when it comes to regular customers.Would you try to make you pay by paypal???I think you can get a refund from them, it would be safer.What do you think?Cordially.
For both of these, all key indicators are on, or better than, their current target. However, child mortality rates remain high and the targets could be revised upwards.For Gender, these include literacy of adult women, wage employment in the service sector, and the proportion of women in top decision-making positions at all levels.CMDG8 (Global Partnership for Development), shows good progress in ODA and use of ICT, but needs attention to trade. It is not possible to assess progress in the absence of clear targets. These will be set in the revised framework.
双方にとって、すべての指標は既存ターゲットにミートする、もしくはそれ以上です。しかし、子供の致死率は高いままで、目標は上方修正される可能性がある。男女問題について言うと、女性の識字率、サービスセクターでうの雇用率、全階級での意思決定権を持つ女性の比率が指標となる。CMDG8 (世界開発パートナーシップ)によると、ODAとICTの使用に進歩が見られるが、トレードに気を配る必要がある。明確な目標なしに進歩を評価することは不可能である。修正されたフレームワークの中で目標は設定される。
More specifically, the 500-character comes from the fact that 140 characters in Chinese is as expressive as 500 characters in English. Compared to Twitter, weibo has a structured (e.g., nested dialogs) + media-rich (easy to enjoy photo/video/music without leaving the page) approach, which made it more approachable for the many amateur netizens in China. Finally, in a country where traditional media lacks of brand and expressiveness, weibo is particularly welcome as a breath of fresh air.
Justin says that any app or game can already integrate with WeChat to make it easy for users to share info via the messaging app. But that’s not quite the full social gaming platform that we at this blog reckon will eventually spawn from WeChat. But time will tell. Justin reckons that WeChat “will be more open next year to gaming,” though that’s not an admission that it’s a coming feature.As for the next update to the app, he promises it’ll bring new features – “We have new ideas every month” – so that the app will “become more comprehensive.”What features would you guys like to see in the app? What can persuade you to ditch Whatsapp, or Facebook Messenger, and get you and your friends onto a new service?
どんなアプリやゲームもWeChatに統合でき、メッセンジャーアプリを使って簡単にユーザー同士で情報交換できるようになるとジャスティンは言う。しかし、このブログで私たちが結果的にWeChatから派生すると考えているような、完全なソーシャルゲーミングプラットフォームではない。ただし、時間だけが教えてくれるだろう。ジャスティンは、それが来るべき機能と認めているわけではないが、”WeChatはゲーミングに対してよりオープンのなるだろう”と信じている。次のアプリのアップデートまでに、彼は新しい機能を生み出すと約束する。 -「私たちは毎月新しいアイデアを持っている」-だから、そのアプリは「より包括的」なものになるだろう。みんなはそのアプリのどのような機能を見てみたいか?What's AppやFacebook Messengerを置き去りにし、あなたや友人に新しいサービスを使ってもらうには、何が必要か?
Hi, I finally just received back those items that got returned to sender in September. I checked the shipping address and it was perfect, I don't know why they got returned to me. I checked on he tracking for your newest 24 items I sent out Tuesday and it seems the last movement on the tracking was on the 18th. I will keep an eye on it throughout the upcoming week. I don't know why this is happening, I triple checked the address again and it's perfect. You should check with your parcel service and see why things are getting returned to sender. I've never had this problem twice before. It has to be an issue on the receiving end.
He worked as an engineer then moved to Miyama to train as a carpenter 19 years ago.This place is available for a pair of guests to stay night. The guests can take a bath in Goemon style with a iron bathtub.Miyama Satoyamasha8, Ubokunoki, Miyama cho, Nantan shi, Kyoto
Thank you for your email. I regret to hear that you have not yet received an expected package. Please forward an invoice for this item and include the tracking number, seller, item description and weight so that we can research this matter further.Please also provide confirmation of the delivery address of this item.Please contact me if I may further assist you. I look forward to your reply.Best Regards,
メールでのご連絡ありがとうございます。配達予定の荷物がお届けできておらず、大変恐縮に感じております。お手数をおかけしますが、商品の領収書をトラックナンバー、商品の詳細概要、重量といった情報と併せてこちらへご送付頂けますと、状況を確認させて頂きます。併せて、再確認のため、配達先住所もご連絡くださいませ。その他にご質問がございましたら、お申し付けください。ご連絡お待ちしております。*no need to translate "best regards" into japanese in this context