monagypsy 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

1. Achieve Expert Status
Use social media to help build a strong brand and then let the top talent come to you. The ideal situation is to have others wanting to work with you, whatever the conditions, so by simply being great at what you do and building your brand around that, you shouldn’t have any trouble drawing in top talent (then make them happy they contacted you!).

2. Tweet with Hashtags
When promoting any new openings at your startup, tweet out with special hashtags for #hiring, #startupjobs and whatever industry or trade you’re hiring from to get the attention of the right candidates.



あなたのスタートアップで新しい事を始める宣伝をする時、 #hiring、#startupjobs のハッシュタグを使いツイートし、どんな産業や職業であれ、適切な候補者から雇用する。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

3. Twitter Is Your Best Friend
Scout for startup talent using Twitter search with hashtags and terms relevant to your industry. Compile a list of potential candidates and evaluate their Twitter activity by looking at their number of followers as well as the quality of their tweets. Use Follower Wonk‘s “Compare whom they follow” to compare candidates with industry leaders and look at shared connections and “Wonk Score”.

. Pick the Folks You Want
When you’re still early in the startup process, you have to make sure that you’ve got the right team. That means knowing as much as possible before even suggesting that you’re looking … social media makes it easy to find out all sorts of [information].




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

7. Listen, Converse and Engage
Besides LinkedIn being amazing for recruiting startup talent, I’d say monitoring job trends on Twitter and keeping your job board updated is also a great pull strategy. If you have a current job board and are sending your opportunities through your social media channels, then your message will be heard and re-posted in all the right areas.

8. YouTube Your Vision
You have to get people to believe in your story. Especially when you’re in startup mode. So record a short video where you describe your vision, progress and motivations. Help prospective talent connect with your deeper story. What’s the next chapter they can help to create? Share that video across social media.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Ryan breaks out key examples from the top 10 to 12 game developers that Facebook pays special attention to. Aside from the usual suspects of Zynga, Playdom, Crowdstar and Playfish, there were shoutouts to 6waves (now 6waves Lolapps), Kabam, Kixeye, PopCap, GSN, Digital Chocolate, Wooga, Double Down Casino and Playtika. Ryan characterizes most of these — with the notable exception of PopCap — as young companies that didn’t even exist four years ago, and now many of them are making successful exits or raising large amounts of capital. So clearly, he argues, there’s still a lot of growth to be had on Facebook and other platforms for developers looking to enter the social games space.


Ryanは、Facebookが特別に注目するトップ10-12のゲームデベロッパーから主要な例を挙げている。Zynga、Playdom、Crowdstar、Playfishの在来の邪推は別として、6waves(現在6waves Lolapps)、Kadam、Kixeye、PopCap、GSN、Digital Chocolate、Wooga、Double Down Casino、Playtikaは大声で語られていた。Ryanはこれらほとんどを-PlpCapを除外して-4年後には存在すらしていないが、現在成功を手にしているか、資本を大きく引き上げている会社と特徴づけている。そして明確に、Facebookとその他のプラットフォームは、ソーシャルゲーム分野に参入する事を目論むデベロッパーのために、まだ多くの成長の余地があると論じている。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

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まず、私達の返品方針をお読みください。私達は発送時の商品の破損のみ返品を受け入れます。あなたは私のお得意様なので、工場欠陥品を修理するための返品を受け入れ、新しい交換品をあなたにお送りします。Soeksの保証はロシアでのみ有効です。国際的な保証ではありません。なので、どうか保障番号を気になさらないで下さい。工場欠陥品の場合は、いつでも私に修理の旨の連絡を取って下さい。ところで、私はSOEK 01Mが200個、Radex 1706が9個を、新しく入荷しています。SoeksのPaypal価格は量によりますが、$265~$290です。興味がお有りならお知らせ下さい。私達は価格の交渉をすることができます、そして、このオファーをあなたのためにeBayに投稿します。私のSkypeはastalavistonです。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

For people lacking motor skills, touch screens are more intuitive devices. There is no mouse, keyboard or pen intercepting their communication with the screen. Larger platforms, like iPads, are preferred over smaller iOS and Android devices for ease-of-use and, of course, the cool factor.

Here are four ways that touch devices are changing the lives of people with disabilities:

1. As a Communicator

Before the iPad and other similar devices, using touch-to-speak technology was incredibly expensive, costing around $8,000. Now, it only costs $499 for an iPad and $189.99 for a thorough touch-to-speak app like Proloquo2Go.






monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

“It gives dignity back to people who are more disabled,” says Vicki Windham, a special education teacher in the Clarkstown Central School District who trains people of all ages to make the most of their iPads. Windham reviews apps for people with a variety of special needs.

For hard-of-hearing iPad users, soundAmp R amplifies sound in a variety of situations. Users can also record lectures or presentations they want to listen to again later.

2. As a Therapeutic Device

SNApps4Kids co-founder Cristen Reat’s son Vincent was born with Down syndrome, which can also lead to low-muscle mass. While he can walk, Reat describes his son as a Buddha that prefers to sit still most of the time.


「それは、より障害を持つ人々に尊厳を取り戻させる」と、Clarkstown Central School Districtで特別学級の教師をし、一般の人々にiPodのトレーニングを行うVicki Windhamは述べている。

聴覚に障害のあるiPadユーザーのために、soundAmp Rは、様々なシチュエーションの音を拡大する。ユーザーはもう一度聞きたいレクチャーやプレゼンテーションを録音することもできる。


SNApps4Kidsの共同創立者、Cristen Reatの息子Vincentは、ダウン症で生まれ、前サルコぺ二アの進行も見られる。彼が歩くことができる間、Reatは彼の息子は多くの時間をじっと座って過ごす事を好んだブッダとして記述している。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Throughout his life, Vincent’s therapists and parents have tried to help him be more active. It was not until his physical therapist placed an iPad on a treadmill that Vincent was motivated to walk. He now stays on for nine and a half minutes, interacting with his iPad while he’s in motion.

In addition to increasing his gross motor ability to walk, Vincent’s iPad has helped his fine motor skills. For Vincent, computers and older technology required visual shifting — between a mouse or keyboard and the screen. On an iPad, Vincent can watch as one of his fingers writes directly on the screen to make selections.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

MTV’s 30th Anniversary: Has YouTube Killed the Video Star?

At 12:01 a.m. on August 1, 1981, the words “Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll” were spoken over a montage of the first space shuttle launch. And with that, the cable network MTV was born. Originally accessible by a few thousand people on a northern New Jersey cable system, MTV is now in hundreds of millions of households across the globe.

Over the past 30 years, MTV has evolved from a small cable network that broadcasts broadcasts music videos into a true lifestyle brand that encompasses television, the Internet, the motion picture industry and even comic books.



