monagypsy 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Strive for excellence, not perfection. Don't get it perfect - just get it going. We waste a lot of time trying to make something perfect and then end up not finishing it. Excellence is much more cost efficient than perfection. Spending that extra time and money to make something absolutely perfect is rarely worth it from a payback stand-point. It is easy to get caught up in a project, trying to make it perfect; however, we soon find our budget for time and funds is running out. If instead we aim to make our product or service "excellent," it still gives us a big advantage over most of the competition. We can use the time and money we would have spent to make it perfect to go on to another project



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Give your ideas wings.You have a number of great ideas every day, but most of us let them go by without taking any action.Take the next great idea you have, and start the steps needed to make it happen, as soon as you have the idea. Don't let the great ideas fade away without action. Use the momentum you have when you are excited about the idea, to propel you into implementing it.
You need to take action when an idea strikes you. Your emotional involvement is highest at that point and it can help propel you into action. If you wait, your urgency starts to diminish, and your great idea is lost. So start to act on your big idea as soon as it hits you and you will find you accomplish a lot more quality things.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

But we were quick to act on the feedback, realizing that if we really wanted to solve the problem at hand we had to move away from existing platforms. A number of late nights went by and in time for our interview, we had the beginnings of what is ShopLocket today; a stand alone platform for selling individual products. No storefront. No upfront fees.

Like most teams interviewing at Y Combinator, we spent hours before the interview running through every possible question they might throw at us. While it helped a bit in the interview it was actually far better preparation for every conversation I’ve had about ShopLocket since. It was like pitch boot camp.



Y Combinatorで面接をしているほとんどのチームのように、私達は面接前の数時間を、投げかけられる可能性のある全ての質問をリハーサルした。それは面接において少し助けになったとはいえ、実際 ShopLocket についての全ての会話のための準備は万端であった。それはピッチ訓練所のようであった。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Become an overnight success. Ever notice how some people become overnight successes and wonder why you can't be as successful? Well, let me let you in on a secret. Most of those people who became an "overnight success" have worked for years, getting the education they need, the experience they need, making plans, focusing on their priorities and quietly going about their business. Then the day came when they were ready, they saw their chance, they took action and presto, they were OVERNIGHT SUCCESSES. So if you want to be an overnight success too, keep your nose to the grindstone, get ready, and when you see your opportunity, TAKE ACTION, and you will be an overnight success as well.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Physical: Baby has developed the “pincer” grasp and is able to pick up objects and food with thumb and forefinger. Baby drinks from a cup.

Cognitive: Baby begins to understand object permanence, the knowledge that an object is still there, even though he can no longer see it. Baby begins to form first words.

Social/Emotional: Although it may have been soothing to baby in the first few months of life, the vacuum and other loud noises may scare an 11-month-old.

What You Can Do:

Have fun in the tub with activity sets, such as the Sassy Scrub-a-Dub Car Wash. These toys offer opportunity to imitate, lessons in object permanence, imaginative play, organization skills and a chance for baby to vocalize.





Sassy Scrub-a-Dub Car Washのような玩具を使い、タブで楽しむ。これらの玩具は、模倣、物体場ポー万すにおいてのレッスン、想像的な遊び、技能の構成、そして赤ん坊が声を出す機会を提供する。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語


Most babies say their first word (not counting "mama" or "dada") around their first birthday.

Sight: Vision is quite well developed and a fine distinction can be made between hues. Babies of this age still prefer bright colors and also enjoy photographs, especially pictures of people who are close to them.

Hearing: At this age, Baby can distinguish not only intonations, but also words in a sentence. Baby begins to try to reproduce word sounds he hears. Great pleasure is derived from hearing his own noises and music stimulates baby to move his body.

Touch: Everything goes in the mouth! Baby has progressed from “reflex” touch to deliberate reach and touch movements.





