ご連絡,お心遣いありがとうございます。また諸々ご迷惑をおかけし申し訳ありません。アパートの契約書の署名ですが,⑴ PDFに直接電子署名をしたもの,(2) 一度プリントアウトし,署名後,スキャンしたものの2種類を本メールに添付致しました。契約書に直筆で署名しておりませんが,問題はないでしょうか?ご確認いただければ幸いです。どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for your regards and getting in touch with me. I'm sorry for the various trouble I've caused you.In regards to the signature for the apartment lease, I have attached two documents to this email: (1) a PDF with my e-signature and (2) a version I printed, signed, and re-scanned. It's not a problem if my signature is not handwritten on the lease, correct?I'm looking forward to your reply.
It's the area facing Tokyu Hands if you come from Shibuya Center Town.By the way, Shibuya Center Town's name was changed to Basketball Street in 2011, but people still mostly call it Shibuya Center Town.
Thank you for your question.The plastic case around the rocket is damaged. The rocket itself is not damaged. It is an older product so parts of the plating have some chafing or have started to come off, but in general it is in very good shape. Please consider it.
【お問い合わせ】エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ株式会社 カスタマーサポート課0120-85-0095(受付時間 平日のみ11:00~18:00)
【Inquiries】Avex Music Creative Company Customer Support Department0120-85-0095(Monday - Friday 11:00~18:00)
アクションパズルゲームMigmO!単細胞生命体ミグモを誘導してゴールを目指せ。 誘導アイテムは「はしご」「橋」「方向転換」「ハンマー」の4つ。これらを駆使してミグモを黄色いドアへ導くのだ。 「シンプルだけど奥が深い」なんて思わず星5レビューしちゃうのにピッタリなパズルゲームだよ。 エディットモードでオリジナルマップをデザインして友だちにシェアして遊ぼう。プレイに必要なハートが10個ももらえちゃうよ。 Facebookにコネクトして日々友だちとの進み具合を競っちゃおう!
Action puzzle game MigmO!Lead the single-celled life-form Migmo to the goal!The 4 guiding items are the "ladder", "bridge", "change of course", and "hammer." Use these items freely to lead Migmo to the yellow door.It's a puzzle game that will have you leaving 5 star reviews like, "It's simple, but complex!"In edit mode, design original maps and share and play with your friends. You'll even receive 10 hearts needed to play.Connect to Facebook and best your friends' daily progress!
ButtonsOKやめておく閉じるよろしいですか?ハートをチャージAlerts購入失敗購入処理が失敗しました。時間をおいて再度お試しくださいハートが足りないよハートをチャージしてもっと遊ぼう!プレゼント受信失敗このプレゼントはすでに使用済みでした...プレゼント受信失敗このプレゼントは無効なものでした...新着情報!Facebookへコネクトしてくださいレベルエディターは[FB Connect!]をしないと使えませんマップをクリアしますマップをリセットします
ButtonsOKQuitCloseIs this ok?Buy heartsAlertsPurchase failureThe purchase processing failed. Please wait a moment and try again.You don't have enough heartsBuy hearts and play more!Failed to receive giftThis gift has already been used...Failed to receive giftThis gift was invalid...New information!Please connect to FacebookThe level editor can't be used without FB Connect! Clear the mapReset the map
You've cleared the beginner level!Now you can use the level editor. If you design an original map and upload it, you'll get 10 hearts.Your Facebook account is not registered.Go to Settings->Facebook to add your accountYour account permissions are turned off.Go to Settings->Facebook->Authorized Apps->MigmO to turn them onYour hearts have been restored. Let's play! MigmO!
<商品概要>2014.8.27 ReleaseLIVE DVD & Blu-ray「東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2014 TREE」■DVD3枚組【初回生産限定盤/BOX仕様(予定)】品番:AVBK-79208~10 価格:¥8,000(本体価格)+税
<Merchandise Summary>2014.8.27 ReleaseLIVE DVD & Blu-ray "Tohoshinki LIVE TOUR 2014 TREE"■3 DVD set【Limited First Edition Discs/Box (expected)】Stock number: AVBK-79208~10 Price: ¥8,000(base price)+tax
Thank you for checking the inventory. Thank you for the 10% off as well.What kind of packing does "A" have?During shipping, won't it become dirty?You also have stock of all the ivory "A" as well, correct?I'm very sorry for the late reply. We reviewed things on our side, and as I thought, could you please lower the $500 first order minimum? Also, would it be possible for you to lower the price of the goods a little bit more?If not, there would no reason for us to change from what we are already purchasing now.
There is a request and question from Japan's Resona Bank.Could you please send 2 original copies of either your insurance policy or insurance certificate?
【チケット一般発売】発売日:2014年7月13日(日) 10:00~詳細はhttp://www.diskgarage.com/artist/detail/no010232※枚数制限:発売初日はお1人様1公演ごとに4枚まで※1ドリンク代別途¥500必要※整理番号付き※3歳以上有料※ピクチャーチケットのご用意はありません。
[General Ticket Sales]Sale date: Sunday, July 13, 2014 from 10amDetails are here: http://www.diskgarage.com/artist/detail/no010232※Sales restriction: On the first sale date, up to 4 tickets to one performance can be bought per customer※For one drink, an extra 500 yen is needed※Comes with a reference number※Children under 3 are free※Picture tickets are not provided
Please send your returns to the below address. Once you send the package, please make sure to tell me the tracking number.Once they arrive here, there is a chance confirmation will be slow.After the goods arrive and their condition is checked, we will then proceed with the refund.If the goods are different than when they were sold (for example, they have been opened or already used), we cannot give you a full refund.Thank you for your cooperation.
握手会に関するお問い合わせ先エイベックス・マーケティング株式会社0120-85-0095(平日のみ11:00~18:00)■舞台挨拶チケット販売詳細はこちらをご覧くださいhttp://l-tike.com/d1/AA02G03F1.do?DBNID=3&ALCD=1&PGCD=197513「学校の怪談 呪いの言霊」オフィシャルサイトhttp://www.gakko-no-kaidan.com/"
Contact for Inquires Related the FanmeetingAvex Marketing 0120-85-0095 (Weekdays 11:00 - 18:00)Stage Greeting Ticket SalesPlease find the details herehttp://l-tike.com/d1/AA02G03F1.do?DBNID=3&ALCD=1&PGCD=197513"Gakko no Kaidan (School Ghost Story)/Noroi no Kotodama(Kotodama's Curse)" Offical Sitehttp://www.gakko-no-kaidan.com/
5月17日(土) 【福岡】イムズホール開場 17:30 / 開演 18:00チケット:[全席指定]前売 4,000円(税込)お問い合わせ: キョードー西日本 092-714-0159一般販売:3/15(土)~■ローソンチケット 0570-084-008(Lコード:84074)■チケットぴあ0570-02-9999 (Pコード:224-595)チケットSOLD OUTにつき、当日券の販売はございません。
May 17th (Saturday) [Fukuoka] IMS HallDoors open 17:30 / Performance 18:00Tickets: [General seating] Advance purchase 4,000 yen (tax included)Inquiries: Kyodo Nishi Nippon 092-714-0159General sale: from March 15 (Saturday)■LAWSON Ticket0570-084-008(L Code: 84074)■Ticket PIA0570-02-9999 (P Code: 224-595)In the event tickets become sold out, same-day tickets will not be available.
・ Negative Feedback Rate とFiled A-to-z Claim Rate について①バイヤーからのコメントをすべて確認致しました。バイヤーが満足していない多くの原因は商品が届かない、商品が届くのが遅いということです。私は以下の対応および改善をします。・今まで通りすべての商品に対して追跡番号を設置して出荷します。これでリアルタイムにバイヤーからの商品の所在の問い合わせがあった時に対応できます。
About Negative Feedback and Filed A-to-Z Claim Rate1. I have checked all comments from buyers. The reason why many buyers are unhappy is because the goods arrive late or do not arrive at all. I will deal with and improve the following:In the same way as before, all goods will be sent with a tracking number. With this, I will be able to answer buyer's inquiries about the location of their package in realtime.