根据日本法律,必须保存护照信息并核实持有人身份。请于ipad注册您的护照,并开始进行验证您的身份。“请首先拍下你的护照。*根据地区的不同,可能需要输入职业和地址。 “与主持人的通话或客人拍摄约10秒钟的视频。“完成这项工作后,所有的登记工作都结束了。我们开始拿护照拍照吧! “
こんにちは。先日ebayでFalse Eyelashes Caseを落札していただきました。商品をお送りしましたが、あなたがあいにくご不在だったようで、郵便局で保管期限一か月をすぎてしまい、こちらに返送されてきました。この商品はキャンセルということでよろしいでしょうか?ご返信ください。よろしくお願いいします。
Hi there,It is about the ordering of False Eyelashes Case at ebay the other day. The goods has been delivered. However, the parcel were not delivered as you were not home. It had been kept at the post officer for one month it was returned here. Would you like to cancel the order? Look forward to receiving your reply. Thank you.
第2号議案 本店移転に関する件議長は、当会社の本店の所在場所を次のとおり移転したい旨を説明し、その承認と定款規定の可否を諮ったところ、全員一致をもって承認可決した。定款規定第3条 本店の所在地、当会社は、本店をA市に置く。本店移転の時期 平成27年5月1日本店の所在場所 X以上をもって本日の議事を全て終了したので、議長は閉会を宣した。
Agenda item number 2: relocation of head officeChairmen explained the address for head office location, acknowledgement and stipulation of Articles of Incorporation. The item has been approved with communal agreement.Agenda item number 3: The location of head office and present company will be located in A cityRelocation time: 1st May 2015Address of head office: XWith no more item for discussion, the chairman declared the closing of the meeting.
アメリカAmazonさまへこんにちは。私、おおいし みかねと申します。アカウントについて、教えて下さい。現在、アメリカとカナダで販売を行っているのですが、当初、アカウント登録を行った際、別々にアカウント登録を行ったのですが、今はアメリカとカナダで一つのアカウントでログイン出来るとお聞きしたのですが。アカウントの変更は可能でしょうか?また、アメリカとカナダではショップ名も別々に登録をしています。こちらも同じショップ名に変更をしたいのですが、可能でしょうか?宜しくお願いします。
Dear US Amazon,Hi there, my name is Mikane.I am writing to enquiry on the accounts setting.I am currently selling to United States and Canada base on the initial setting using two separate account sfor each country. Recently I have heard that it is possible to do it by logging in the same account. Is it possible to change the account setting?In addition, the accounts respectively for the US and Canada are currently registered under different shop names, is it possible to combine them into one?Thanks for your time and look forward to hearing from you.Regards,Mikane
I was excited for the trip to show pub which I had never been to before.I came to the pub 30 minutes before the beginning of the show. The pub was so fully booked. There were other customers coming along with their colleagues and some girls groups as well. Since we were a group of woman it might give others impression that the event is for women only.The dancers came to greet us after we sit down and had our drinks. Everyone was so friendly and we had a great time before the show began.
The dancers approached so close that you can almost touch their costume. It is somehow very impressive.The dancers on the stage feels like completely different people than those you talked to before.It has been such a pleasure to watch the show seeing how professional they performed with their facial expression and spirit. From the dancing detail, I can feel how much effort they have given.After the show the dancers even come to greet politely, we respect them, gaze at them and ask for a handshake. It is just so awesome!
I received another shipment of the glasses today. Here is what I still show open on our last order... 10 HD802 in stock1 HD803 in stock10 S4403 in stock10 S4411 in stock 10 S4413 still hasn’t arrived 10 RHD800K 10 $11.45 Not available. $114.50 total value I also have the following 10 S4410X and 10 S4411X if you want to substitute other glasses to complete the order? Thanks again
今日は眼鏡の別の出荷が届いていました。 こちらはこの前のオーダー状況でございます。在庫の10 HD802在庫の1 HD803在庫の10 S4403在庫の10 S441110 S4413はまだ到着していません。10 RHD800K10、$11.45は使用できません。 $114.50合計値もし、他のガラスを代入したい場合、こちらはまた、10 S4410Xと10 S4411Xがございます。再度感謝申し上げます。
Russell Collinsさん過日はDENONの件でご迷惑をお掛けしました。改めておたずねいたします。過日お願いしました米国の郵便局にたいしてのダメージレポートに関し手続きは完了されていますか?今日、日本の郵便局からいまだその確認が取れないと連絡が来ました。あなたからのダメージレポート提出に関し正確な状況をおしらせいただけますでしょうか?この件、非常に急いでいます。ご協力に感謝いたします。よろしくお願いいたします。
Dear Mr. Russell Collins,I apologize for the inconvenience caused by the DENON issue previously.I have checked the issue other day.Has the procedure been completed regarding the damage report of the US Post Office?Today, we noticed from the Japanese Post Office that the confirmation is not yet taken.Regarding the submission of damage report, would you please suggest the exact situation now?It is a urgent matter.Thank you in advance for your cooperation.Thanks and good day.
BBB purchase, a useful software for non-stock sales. Upon registering goods, information will be updated automatically.For goods that are no longer available, an email will be sent for notification.If no inventory to be sold in the country, you can purchase it from "AAA".If you register a good that has been exhibited in BBB, after the sale comes to the end a notification email will be sent. It will update the product information automatically.You can check the status of the items in the list.Recommended for those who like this function.I want to get the BBB ahead of rival.We are considering non-stock sale.I want to purchase goods from all over the world.I want to know the status of the goods using BBB.
For example, if you sell 1000 products with no inventory, you may need to confirm whether the purchase is possible by accessing 1000 times to purchase the original BBB. It is such a time consuming process.If you use "AAA", once the exhibition of goods registered comes to the end, an email regarding the goods will be sent and thus there is no need to go to see the "BBB" checking the exhibition situation.In addition, it is also possible to check the list of the status of the goods that have been registered.It will show all the registered goods in list.You can also directly go to the product page of the BBB.
For card recurring payments, please kick the "Buy Now" button.For monthly pay or lump-sum payment, please first select the item you want and then click the "Add to Cart" button.After clicking it, it will move to the page of Paypal (credit card payment company).When you make a credit card payment using Paypal, an email would be sent to your mailbox regarding the settlement from Paypal after the transaction is completed.If the email was not delivered to the mail box, there is a possibility that even the information about the item can not be sent.Is such case, please feel free to contact us for any inquiry.
He made me a nice ring using 5 yen coin. Yesterday, I had dinner with my father, mother and Kevin. Kevin had made us a lot of delicious cuisine. This is the brownie he made.You gave me a lot of happiness. I really like the ring that you gave me and I will cherish it.I am glad that you feel the same as well.
もちろん、今年もみなさんからの投票でベスト100を決定します☆是非投票してください!(投票は8/12 17:00スタート予定です)■あなたが選ぶAAA楽曲ベスト100 Part.1放送日時:9月15日(火) 19:00~http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv230573743■あなたが選ぶAAA楽曲ベスト100 Part.2放送日時:9月16日(水) 19:00~http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv230574076
當然, 今年也由大家來投票決定最佳的100名☆大家踴躍要投票喔!(投票將於8月12日 17:00 開始)■閣下所選出的AAA歌曲首100位 第一部分播映時間: 9月15日 (星期二) 19:00起http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv230573743■閣下所選出的AAA歌曲首100位 第二部分播映時間: 9月16日 (星期三) 19:00起http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv230574076
投票はこちらから↓http://avex-management.jp/campaign/aaa_best100/※8/12(水) 17:00オープン予定※投票期間:8/12(水)17:00~8/31(月)23:59※投票にはtwitterのアカウントが必要となります。※お1人様1票のみの投票となります。(2票目以降は受け付けられません)
從這裡開始投票:↓http://avex-management.jp/campaign/aaa_best100/※預定 8/12(星期三) 17:00 開始※投票時間: 8/12 (星期三) 17:00 ~ 8/21 (星期五) 23:59※投票者需要持有twitter 的帳戶※每人只可以投一票 (第二票及以後的將不受理)
さらに!2014年に放送した『ファンが選ぶAAA楽曲ベスト99!!』を8月22日(土)~8月23日(日)の2日間にかけて再放送します♪お楽しみに!■AAA ファンが選ぶAAA楽曲ベスト99!! Part.1 ※再放送放送日時:8月22日(土) 21:00~http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv230575816
另外2014年播放的「由粉絲們所選出最佳99首AAA歌曲 」節目將於8月22日(星期六) 至 8月23日 (星期日) 2日再次播出♪請熱切期待!■AAA 粉絲所選99首最徍AAA歌曲!! 第一部份 ※重播重播時間:8月22日(星期六) 21:00 起http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv230575816
Appli Newsと写真館にシェア機能が追加!いつもHello KYOTOアプリをご利用いただき有り難うございます。このたび、ご要望の多かった新機能として「Appli News(トピックス)」と「京都市写真館」にSNSに記事をシェア出来る機能が追加されました。Facebook、Twitter、LINE(アプリ・スマートフォン版のみ)に簡単にページをシェアすることが出来ます。※アプリ内からシェアする場合は初回のみ各SNSへのログインが必要です。
新增Appli News 與照相館的共享功能!感激閣下一直採用HELLO KYOTO程式。為迎合眾多用家所追求的最功能, 新增了「Appli News(楆題)」及「京都照相館」以SNS文章共享的功能。從Facebook、Twitter、LINE(只限蘋果智能手機版)就能夠輕易地共享文章。※於初次共享時, 蘋果用家需要要以SNS登入
The issue has been resolved, but unfortunately we could not yet correct all of the listings that were impacted.Also, know that you are covered: we will protect you from any defects incurred due to this error, and all applicable refunds will be reflected on your next invoice. For questions and concerns regarding this incident, please contact eBay Customer Service. We apologize for this error, as well as for any inconvenience it may have caused. And—as always—thank you for selling on eBay. Sincerely,The eBay Selling Team
こんにちは商品未着の件ですが、税関でチェック中としかWebでチェックできていません。本来なら、即 返送手続きが取られて 返金に応じられるのですが但し、普通は イーベイの手数料と送料は負担いただいていますなぜなら、説明に各国の輸入制限や条例をチェックして下さいと書いている当店は調査をして、報告書を確認したら全額返金に応じると伝えている。ペイパルにも、その様に伝えました。ここで言い争っても解決はしない、ペイパルに任せましょうよろしく
Hi thereIt is about the issue of good not being delivered. Since it is now being checked at customs and unable to be checked via the web.Originally, repayment would be carried out once the return procedure is taken.However, the service charge from Ebay and postage has been paid.Also, it has been written that the buyer shall check the import restriction and regulations of their country.Investigation will be carried out and refund will be done upon confirmation of the report.The same message has been passed to paypal.If the issue is not solved In this way, let's leave it paypal.Regards
Please tell me how to do it through I am not sure if I have asked that before.1. Please tell me the purpose of the activation code inside the refurbishment product box.Is it the temporary code to be used before completion of the transition of the license?2. What procedure would you recommend when there are customers reporting failure of AudioPod?Thanks for your time and look forward to hearing from you.---After all, how is the issue of the license?Sorry if there is any inconvenience and thank you in advance. --We will report the following error, kindly let us know the RMA number