Mars16 (mars16) 翻訳実績

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mars16 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

When I was young, I thought that many people were too steady, dry, and boring when they spoke. Without even a shred of personal perspective, these people often spoke formally, grasping their speech and reading it aloud politely and seriously… but now I understand a lot of the reason [behind that approach].

Speech isn’t about how you say it, it’s about how other people hear it, or even scarier, how other people write, edit, quote, understand, and transmit it. The saying “trouble comes from the mouth” seems especially scary on today’s technologically-developed web. If you make a small mistake, the results can be disastrous.




mars16 英語 → 日本語

Alibaba’s AutoNavi Refocuses from Location-based Taobao to Business Solutions

AutoNavi, the Chinese mapping company Alibaba has fully acquired, has decided to put aside the idea of building a Taobao marketplace based on maps and refocus on business-facing solutions. Yu Yongfu, the new lead of Alibaba’s LBS division, said at a recent event that AutoNavi had shifted focus to technical solution development from user-facing applications.

At Alibaba’s annual developer conference last month, AutoNavi unveiled Smart LBS, an initiative to enable mobile apps to embed Amap and other location-based features (Amap is the digital map product of AutoNavi.).



Alibabaが全株を取得したAutoNaviという中国のマップ企業は、地図をベースとするTaobaoマーケットプレイスを構築するというアイデアを脇に置いて、企業向けのソリューションに再フォーカスすることに決めた。AlibabaのLBS部門を新たに率いることになったYu Yongfu氏は最近のイベントにて、AutoNaviがユーザ向けのアプリケーションから技術的なソリューション開発にシフトしたと語った。

先月開かれたAlibabaの年次デベロッパ会議にてAutoNaviは、Smart LBSというモバイルアプリにAmapやその他のロケーションをベースとする機能を組み込むことのできる取り組みを明らかにした (AmapはAutoNaviのデジタル地図製品)。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

For the time being, Facebook and Tencent more-or-less peacefully coexist and haven’t posed any major threats to each others’ market share. Tencent sits cozy, protected by China’s Great Firewall, while Facebook sweeps up most of the rest of the world. That could soon change, though, as WeChat’s growth in China slows due to market saturation. Expect Tencent’s expansion beyond China’s borders to get more aggressive in the future.

Other honorable mentions from China on the list include Baidu Tieba, a social forum from China’s biggest search engine, and Weibo, the closest thing China has to Twitter. They have 200 million and 157 million monthly active users, respectively.



中国発のものでほかに特筆すべきは、Baidu Tiebaという中国最大の検索エンジンから出たソーシャルフォーラムと、WeiboというTwitterの中国版がある。前者は2億、後者は1億5700万の月間アクティブユーザがいる。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

Tencent claims the user data generated across its products are far more in-depth than any others. But it is easy to see the user data collected by Tencent cannot be as useful to financial institutions as Alibaba’s. For instance, I use Tencent’s products only for chatting with friends on QQ and capturing screenshots with a tool developed by the company. I don’t see a credit report based on that will be accurate.

Recently, WeChat’s payment service and money transaction functions have become increasingly popular. With more data from WeChat, Tencent’s credit rating system may improve as time goes by.


Tencentによると、同社の複数の製品の間で生み出されるユーザデータは、他のいかなるものよりもかなり徹底しているという。しかし金融機関にとって、 Tencentによって収集されたユーザデータはAlibabaのデータほど有用にはなり得ないことは簡単にわかる。例えば私はTencentの製品をQQ上での友人とのチャットや、同社開発によるツールを使ってスクリーンショットをとらえるためだけに使用している。それに基づく信用レポートが正確であるとは思えない。


mars16 英語 → 日本語

Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi might have the word “little” in its name, but the company is anything but tiny. According to IDC, it shipped 17.3 million devices in the three month period ending in October 2014, up 211 percent from the year prior. The company now sits behind Apple and Samsung, respectively, as the third biggest smartphone vendor when measured for device shipments.

IDC attributes Xiaomi’s strong quarterly performance to the release of the Mi4, the company’s latest flagship, which went on sale in August. Given that that device remains available only in mainland China, the company’s surge underscores how Chinese consumers’ buying power can influence a company’s bottom line.




mars16 英語 → 日本語

Tencent plans to support 100 startups over the next 3 years, but not with money

If you’re a successful Chinese mobile startup, I’ve got some good news: Tencent wants to help you. As part of a recent event celebrating the 5.0 release of its mobile app platform Yingyongbao, the company has announced what it calls its “double-hundred plan.”

According to Tencent social media services group VP Lin Yongtao, the double-hundred plan stipulates that over the next three years, Tencent will direct 10 billion user visits to 100 Chinese startups via its open platform, although the startups in question must be valued at RMB 100 million (US$16 million) or more.




TencentソーシャルメディアサービスグループのバイスプレジデントであるLin Yongtao氏によると、ダブル百プランでは今後3年にわたって、Tencentがオープンプラットホームを介して100億のユーザ訪問を中国のスタートアップ100社にもたらすという。しかし、対象となるスタートアップの時価総額は1億人民元 (1600万米ドル)以上でなくてはならない。