marinesnow 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
marinesnow 英語 → 日本語

That Flipboard-like aspect is a neat idea, allowing users to catch up on news and gossip in the browser but without suffering the usually lousy mobile layout of most websites. And perhaps Chinese people love web portals – explaining the ongoing success of AOL-like sites in the country, just like Qihoo’s own efforts – the new 360 Browser for iPhone also incorporates preset reading categories such as fashion, sports, entertainment, and “beautiful girls.”

To access all that extra content, just flick to one side on the new tab homepage, and it’s all laid out there, with extra categories available to add:


そのフリップボードのような特徴は素晴らしいアイデアであり、ユーザーは最新のニュースやブラウザー内のゴシップ記事を、多くのウェッブサイトで採用されている携帯用表示画面にうんざりすることなく手に入れることができる。そしておそらく、中国の人々はポータルサイトをが大好きで、中国版AOLサイトの現在の成功がまるで奇虎自身の成果であるかのように説明されているのだが、新しい360ブラウザー for iPhoneもまた、あらかじめ登録ファッション、スポーツ、エンターテイメント、そして美女たちなどのしておいたさまざまなカテゴリーを取り込むことができる。


marinesnow 英語 → 日本語

This is as true for human beings as it is for inanimate objects. Manners- simple things like saying "please" and "thank you" and knowing a person's name or asking after her family-enable two people to work together whether they like each other or not. Bright people, especially bright young people, often do not understand this. If analysis shows that someone's brilliant work fails again and again as soon as cooperation from others is required, it probably indicates a lack of courtesy - that is, a lack of manners.
Comparing your expectations with your results also indicates what not to do. We all have a vast number of areas in which we have no talent or skill and little chance of becoming even mediocre.



marinesnow 英語 → 日本語

But bulldozers move mountains; ideas show where the bulldozers should go to work. This planner will have to learn that the work does not stop when the plan is completed. He must find people to carry out the plan and explain it to them. He must adapt and change it as he puts it into action. And finally, he must decide when to stop pushing the plan.
At the same time, feedback will also reveal when the problem is a lack of manners. Manners are the lubricating oil of an organization. It is a law of nature that two moving bodies in contact with each other create friction.



marinesnow 英語 → 日本語

Human resources professionals, by contrast, often pride themselves on their ignorance of elemen-tary accounting or of quantitative methods altogether. But taking pride in such ignorance is self de-feating.
Go to work on acquiring the skills and knowledge you need to fully realize your strengths.
It is equally essential to remedy your bad habits-the things you do or fail to do that inhibit your effec-tiveness and performance.Such habits will quickly show up in the feedback. For example, a plan-ner may find that his beautiful plans fail because he does not follow through on them.Like so many brilliant people, he believes that ideas move mountains.


対照的に、人的資源専門家はしばしば基本的な計算や全体を定量的に把握することに対して、無知であることを誇っています。 しかし、そのような無知に誇りを持つのは、自滅行為です。

marinesnow 英語 → 日本語

NM (Near Mint): Like new, looks unplayed.
VG++: A few very faint surface marks, nothing that will affect play
VG+: A few more marks than a VG++. Used but not abused.
VG: Light scuffs and light scratches, there will be light surface wear to the record. Expect some light surface noise in parts or a few clicks or pops here and there.
VG-: The record may have some scratches that will be deep enough to feel. Audible clicks and pops may be consistently present, but no skips.
G: A record that has been played and not taken care of. Constant background noise will be present. Buyer should view records with this grade as filler copies.


NW(Near Mint ほぼ新品):ほぼ新品で、未使用に近いと思われるものです。

marinesnow 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Summicron Dual Range Lens # 1706097:

The glass and coatings are perfect, with no observable haze. The lens body shows only the slightest signs of use with a few tiny surface imperfections in the satin chrome finish. The bright chrome finish of the lens mount shows some minor scratching in a few locations around the outer edge. Comes with Leica front and rear lens caps and a B+W UV filter.

The viewfinder lens of the eyes is cracked in the bottom right and left corners (see photos). Otherwise they are in excellent condition, showing little evidence of use. There are a few tiny scratches in the stain chrome finish. An original Leitz Tuck-Tite brown leather case in near mint condition is included.


ズミクロン/デュアル・レンジ レンズ
シリアル番号 #1706097

レンズとコーティングはとても良好で、曇りも一切ありません。レンズ本体のサテンクローム仕上げ部分に、ほんのわずかな使用によってできた傷があります。光沢クローム仕上げのレンズマウントおよびその外周部に、ほんのわずかな傷があります。ライカのフロントレンズキャップとリアレンズキャップ、B+W UVフィルターをお付けします。
