Makiko (makichan) 翻訳実績

8年以上前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
makichan 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Co-founder Kiren Tanna tells Tech in Asia there was a pressing need for a curated, branded marketplace like Zenrooms. Domestic and regional travel is immensely popular in Southeast Asia but consumers face difficulties in discovering clean, tidy hotels at reasonable rates. The current practice is to either use Agoda, or, but the majority of budget hotels are either not present on those platforms, or simply get crowded out due to sheer volume. Fancy hotels sometimes pay for the privilege of ranking higher in search results, and the net impact is that consumers suffer.


共同創設者のKiren Tanna はZenroomsのような管理されブランド化したマーケットプレイスの必要性が差し迫っていることをアジアのテック業界に訴える。東南アジアでは国内旅行や地方への旅に非常に人気があるが、消費者は、納得の行く値段で清潔で綺麗なホテルを見つける際には困難に直面する。今のところはAgoda、またはBooking.comを利用するのが普通だが、ほとんどの格安ホテルはそのようなプラットフォームに存在しないか、もしくは圧倒的な数により単に閉め出されてしまっている。上級ホテルはよく検索結果でより良いランキングを得るため代金を払うのだが、そのようなネットの影響は、すなわち消費者の痛手になる。

makichan 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Ebay is such an anonymous place...especially when purchasing from someone thousands of miles away. I'm afraid I owe you an apology as I had no idea somebody could be so quick in Customer Service to have mailed that quickly...but you did...and should be commended for it. It was my mistake that I purchased the wrong were just following through in excellent customer service. I'm afraid I just assumed the seller (you) were just not wanting to cancel the sale. My big mistake. Please accept my apologies...and even though this is not the version I intended to will sit proudly in my collection to remind me not to jump to conclusions. Ha!


eBay は相当得体の知れない場所、、、特に何千マイルも離れた誰かさんから買い物をする時にはそう感じます。サービスセンターから、こんなに速く連絡をもらえるなんて思っもいなかったことを謝らせてください。あなたが迅速に連絡をくださったことは称賛されるべきことです。間違ったバージョンの品を購入したのは、私の誤りで、あなたは単に素晴らしい接客サービスを貫いただけです。残念なことに、私は売り手のあなたが単に売却をキャンセルしたくないだけなのでは、と勘ぐったのです。とんでもない私の誤りです。どうか許してください。集めようとしていたバージョンの物では無いのですが、それは私のコレクションに誇らしげに囲まれて、これからは結論に急がないことを私に思い出させてくれるのです。はは。

makichan 日本語 → 英語



I have been patiently responding to your instruction, submitting the documents that Amazon requires, but now I feel that I cannot see the purpose of opening an account at all.
Rather than giving me the same instruction over and over again, please give me the whole instruction at one time. Do you know how many documents I have submitted so far? Each time I send mail of inquiry, a responding person is different, which I get confused because of their responses are not right on what I need to know. The process of approval is not a game. I feel that I have lost whole 3 months handling this, and wish you take some responsibility on this issue. Please let me know the contact information of your manager whom I would like to talk to directly. Otherwise, I really feel this is not going anywhere.

makichan 日本語 → 英語






I am wondering if you would introduce the company that sells the same embroidery machines as your company uses, since we are thinking to purchase one.

I think our customers will be more satisfied if we work on embroidery in Japan so that customers can receive their orders faster. And that will help us to have more business with you.

I am considering to place another order of the product A, Japanese size, that you have once made for us.
When could we expect the order to be arrived, if we order them now.
The sizes and the number of each order are as follows. Also please let me know the prices of each size.

I have heard that Michelle who was taking care of us have left your company, and I am wondering who would take over her. If it is possible, please let me know her/his contact information.

makichan 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

In a recent report examining the impact of California’s paid family leave policy from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the authors wondered about the impact of the policy on paternity leave.

They concluded that so few men were taking advantage of the option in a meaningful way that they couldn’t measure it: “This may have occurred because low rates of paternity leave use imply that we did not have the power to detect statistically significant effects,” the authors wrote. The policy did, however, double the average maternity leave from three weeks to six weeks. So, it was certainly a victory that families felt they could make this choice, economically.


