aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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But perhaps we will see cheaper Blackberry 10 handsets unveiled before the end of this year. Can that be the saviour of the Canadian company? Maybe. But by that time, quite a lot of people in Indonesia might have transitioned to other platforms and other messaging apps. They’ve waited long enough.

I’d advise messaging apps vying for a place in Indonesia to start convincing communities, both personal and professional, to build groups on their platform. It’s the messaging secret sauce in this part of the world. And we understand that this is exactly what KakaoTalk and WeChat are moving towards in Indonesia.


しかし、おそらくもっと安いBlackberry 10スマートフォンが今年じゅうに登場するだろう。果たしてこの新製品は、カナダを拠点とするBlackBerry社にとって救世主となるだろうか?おそらくはそうだろう。しかし、その時までに、インドネシアでは非常に多くの人々が他のプラットフォームと他のメッセージアプリに移行するかもしれない。彼らはすでにかなり長い期間、待っているのだ。


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A journalist friend of mine uses BBM every day, mainly because of the journalist’s BBM groups. Inside the group, they can get the latest news tips and other helpful information like sources’ contact info from colleagues and other journalists. A salesperson and an online merchant use it every day to communicate with their customers, as well as for advertising their products through BBM. Another friend of mine who works in an office uses BBM for business communication purposes.

They all tell me that their friends inside the same profession are using Blackberry phones for work. Even those who did not use Blackberry at first would eventually be forced to buy one to support their job.




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People who don’t like their Blackberry phones

Let me break down a few insights I got from the interviews:

・BBM has become deeply connected to people’s jobs, and it’s very hard to replace that anytime soon. Merchants and salespeople won’t ditch their exhaustive lists (which can reach over 1,000 contacts for some merchants) of customers on BBM, and journalists won’t ditch the chance to get valuable and timely information either. Those lists can’t be exported to the other messaging apps easily, and the network effect keeps people mutually bound to BBM groups right now.





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・A lot of Blackberry users are not satisfied with their phones. For example, my online merchant friend regularly resets his Blackberry phone twice a day, and my other friend’s phone crashes often, apparently because her call history is too full.

・There’s a growing trend where people use another phone (most likely an Android phone) for personal usage, while using a Blackberry phone for work purposes. Messaging apps like Line, WeChat, and KakaoTalk are popular, and are perceived as working a lot better on Android – giving users things like animated emoticons and video calling. These tend to be used more for personal circles rather than work purposes.




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The allure of Android

So what will happen? The new Blackberry Z10 in Indonesia is battling against the Samsung Galaxy S3 (soon to be the S4, which will be launched later this month) and iPhone 5 for the country’s wealthier users. But they’re the minority of the populace here anyway. The majority of the population, who are in the lower-income demographic,would opt to purchase more affordable Android devices because they see that the OS, together with its apps’ ecosystem and games, outperforms Blackberry handsets in the same price range. Or perhaps they’ll buy older Blackberry models since there’s nothing for BB10 available at the usual cheap prices of below $200.



では、これからどうなるのだろうか?国内の比較的裕福な人々にとっては、インドネシアに投入された新たなBlackberry Z10が、Samsung Galaxy S3(今月中にはS4がリリースされる)やiPhone 5との比較対象となっている。しかし、いずれにせよインドネシアではそのような人々は少数派だ。収入の少ない多くの人々は、より手頃なAndroid端末を購入しようとすることだろう。彼らは同一価格帯のBlackberryフォンとAndroid端末を比較して、利用できるアプリやゲームについて、OSについて考慮し、Androidのほうが優れていると考えるからだ。あるいは、BB10はいつもの200ドルより安く入手することはできないであろうから、おそらく古いBlackberryモデルを購入することだろう。

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Viber Has 3.5 Million Users in Vietnam, Way Ahead of Chat App Rivals

Viber’s got 3.5 million users in Vietnam. Besides Whatsapp, whose numbers are still not confirmed, Viber is crushing everybody else in the messaging app battle in Vietnam. We know that both Line and KakaoTalk have one million users each in the country, so Viber (which also does VoIP calls, like Skype) is well ahead.

To uncover their strategy in this market, we talked to the CEO of Cyprus-based Viber Media, Talmon Marco. He explains that Viber adds 20,000 users per day, and in the month of February it added another 500,000 users. So I had to ask Marco, what do you think is the reason for your explosive February growth? Turns out, it’s a trend:




この市場におけるViberの戦略を明らかにするため、我々はキプロスを拠点とするViber Media のCEOであるTalmon Marco氏と話した。同氏の説明によると、Viberでは1日に20,000人のペースでユーザが増えており、2月には50万人の新規ユーザが増えたとのことだ。それで私はMarco氏に次のように尋ねた。その爆発的な成長は何が原因だと考えておられますか?同氏の答えによると、これは突然増えたわけではないのだという。

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Joel York, executive director of marketing and product at Meltwater, has highlighted the challenges involved in monitoring engagement.

“Trying to monitor millions of social conversations and engage thousands of social influencers at a personal level is a huge challenge. As we move from traditional monologue marketing to social dialogue marketing, there is a clear need for an efficient, social mission control console. Meltwater Buzz helps marketers build social communities and create campaigns that drive viral word-of-mouth for real social ROI.”


Meltwaterのマーケティングおよびプロダクト担当エグゼクティブディレクターを務めるJoel York氏は、エンゲージメントの監視に関する課題について強調した。

「何百万というソーシャルメディア上で行われる会話を見守り、ソーシャルメディアにおいて強い影響力を持つ人物を個人レベルで何千人も引き込もうとするのは、非常に難しい仕事です。従来の一人芝居のようなマーケティングから、ソーシャルメディア上の対話を利用するマーケティングへと移行する際、私たちがソーシャルメディアにおけるミッションを管理する効率の良いコンソールを必要としていることは明らかです。Meltwater Buzzはマーケターがソーシャルメディア上でコミュニティを築いて、実際に高い投資収益率(ROI)をもたらす口コミの拡大を促進するキャンペーンを立案するのに役立ちます。」