ken_yama 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ken_yama 英語 → 日本語

shipment has arrived to me. I have called the area over in San Francisco, California and asked them about the package. Their reply was that the specific person in charge of it made a mistake and sent the item back due to overlooking a customs related issue. They said that, with all customs forms and correct specifications on the form, that everything should clear without a problem as wit the other packages(I gave them the old tracking numbers too).

Also, can you add the "Biohazard Mansion Keys" (Shield, Armor, Helmet, Sword) to the list of things you are looking for, for me? I saw a couple of sets sell for $500-600 on ebay but I was 3 days too late into searching for them. Thanks



また、あなたが探している物のリストに"Biohazard Mansion Keys"(盾、鎧、兜、剣)を追加してもらえませんか?ebayで$500~600の値段で2セットほど売られているのを目にしたのですが、見つけるのが3日ほど遅過ぎました。よろしくお願いします。

ken_yama 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0



I did research in A and B this time. Both of these authors wrote interesting books, but they have different courses of action. A is good at writing books that can be supported by many readers rather than putting strong, hidden messages into each of his works. I also understand very much that A was wavering between the book that could be liked by readers and the book that he wanted to write. B lived a magnificent life, and the influence appeared in his works many times. I could see his clear intention that he wanted to send off strong messages to readers. The difference between these two is the difference between the books that focus on readers' needs and the books written with the author's meticulous care that was highly regarded by readers.

ken_yama 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0

希望の洋服は、季節商品で販売枚数が限られ、とうに売切れで再販はありません。高額の商品であれば注文は出来ましたが、以前代金受け取りでの嫌な経験が思いを過り… 海外発送をしていない為、私が全て立替え、EMSで発送しました。小切手を送ってくれましたが、日本のどの銀行も取扱い出来ないものでした。その後、銀行口座へ振込んで貰いましたが、引出し手数料として、送金金額の三分の二以上必要でした。再度振込んで貰うのも、手数料を考えると頼めなかったのです。高額であればこそ、今回は躊躇しました。


The clothes the customer wanted were a seasonal item, and the number was limited. They'd been already sold out and that was it. Since the clothes were expensive, I could give an order to a firm, but a memory of a bad experience in receiving money arose in my mind... We don't send out our products abroad, so one time, I sent out an item with EMS paying by myself. Later, the customer sent me a cheque, but I couldn't withdraw money by that at any Japanese banks. Then, I asked the customer to transfer the shipping fee to our bank account, but I needed to pay more than two thirds of the shipping fee as a withdrawal fee. Considering the withdrawal fee, I didn't want to ask the customer to transfer money again. This time, since the clothes were expensive, I felt hesitant even more.