You can forward it back to my paypal account.
it make several month that I see your kamisori and I would like to know, if it will be possible to purchase this kamisori directly. I have difficulty to see them on ebay.You seem to carry a lot of Heljestrand razors. I am looking for a specific one, I am looking for a brown patterned "natural" scale. I own a cream / white "natural material" scaled Heljestrand and would like to complete the "salt and pepper" set.a new Iwasaki Swedish steel is 166€ in "aframes Tokyo-shop".I'n interested in used Iwasaki to try out Kamisori. I would pay 80€ incl shipping, please make some offer.
ここ数ヶ月の間、貴社のカミソリをサイトで見ているのですが、直接購入することは可能ですか。eBayでは見当たりません。貴社では、多くの西洋製のカミソリ(Heljestrand razors)を取り扱っているように見受けられます。私は、特別なカミソリを探しています。茶色のパターンのナチュラルなカミソリを探しています。クリーム/白のナチュラルな西洋製カミソリを持っているのですが、それに会わせて「ソルトとペッパー」といったかんじでセットしたいと思っています。新型のイワサキのスウェーデン製スチールは、「aframes Tokyo-shop」では166ポンドします。カミソリを使うために中古のイワサキが欲しいのですが、送料込みで80ポンドお支払いするということでお願いできないでしょうか。
i see the picture and its unfortunate nose is broken ,this item was shipped international thru ebay shipping , item was packaged with industrial bubble wrap and cushioned and filled in with paper , , i don't know exactly what happens in this case because i ship it to Kentucky and then ebay international shipping picks it up from there with the shipping that you paid for thru them, have u contacted them or tried to , to see what happens , this is the 1st time this case has happened to me , please try to contact them or if u like i can try to contact them for you and see what they say , i'm very sorry this happened , and i assure u i will try to work this out with you to help you.
YTG is making a new show, and we need some more performers.The show will be performed in a private home in late July or early August. It will be scripted in rehearsal by the performers. There are 21 rehearsals before show week, so we're looking for people who can commit to those. Please visit XXX for more details on how the rehearsals work (English only, for now, sorry-- but contact us for more details!).We're not just looking for performers, but also artists of other disciplines (visual, dance, music, etc.) who want to be involved. English is not required, although a basic level will be useful.If there are a large number of applicants, there will be 1 audition day.Use our ::CONTACT FORM:: to sign up!
I have however noted your request that we do get some B in stock, so that may change in the future. As far as if you wish to pay by credit card. You may place your order by credit card on the site. However if you wish to get the bundle deals that I had offered you, it would need to be by bank transfer. Otherwise I can not guarantee you would get them at that price range. Moving forward, if you would like to place the order just kindly provide me with the information requested. I can then go ahead and place the order for you securing the stock at the price agreed. Please do note that it is a limited time frame on the price quotes. So it would be best to place the order as soon as you can.
In regards to your questions, there would be no shipping charges on Telephone 1. Please do note however, that we do not carry ◎, with or without the ◎. If you would like to continue with the order of the Jacob Jensen Telephone 1 we can place the order for you at the prices quoted to you before. Please also be aware that we can only ship to the billing address for security reasons. If you wish to place an order and pay via bank transfer, I can place the order for you if you provide me with the following:I shall then make an account for you, place the order in our system and issue you a pro-forma invoice. I shall also provide you our bank details in order for you to settle the order amount via bank transfer
お客様のご質問についてですが、テレフォン1の送料はありません。しかし、 私どもでは、◎と一緒か一緒ではなくても ◎は弊社で取り揃えてはいないことをどうぞご了承ください。ジャコブジャンセンテレフォン1をご注文される場合、以前お伝えいたしましたお値段でお取り寄せをすることができます。セキュリティ上の理由により、お支払いの際にご記入された住所にのみ商品をお送りいたします。もし、銀行口座からのお支払いをご希望の場合は、以下の情報をいただけましたら、こちらでご注文をいたします。それでは、私の方でお客様のアカウントを作成しシステム入力をし、見積書をお送りいたします。また、現行口座から直接お支払いいただく際の私達の銀行口座の内容もお送りいたします。
thank you for the pictures. I have to know if the model was separately packed in bubble air foil because I have checked the model and the box before shipment and they were in perfect condition. In the pictures you have send, the parcel looks compressed on all sides and the damage only could happen during transport. Please let me know if you are able to repair the box and keep it, if not you have to follow the text below.
Please pack the wing and the car for the return journey as you received it (with cotton or toilet paper inside the case to insure the model is not further damaged). Please put the wing, struts and it's side plate in a separate bag to make sure that it is not damaged, or that it damages the model itself further. Please also take care of the insurance claim (which has been sent to you, or will be arriving soon). so that all of this additional cost, I am not completely paying. I shipped a perfect model, and I am expecting to get some money back from the claim, again the Post is the culprit here.
I will refund the payment completely when I receive the model back in good condition (except for the detached wing, which you will bag separately). I will also refund your 32 dollar return shipping (again when I receive the model back in good condition).Again, my apologies for the damaged wing. I will take all of this when the model is returned.Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
You are able to choose the shipping destination of your choice, but may be asked to clarify these details by our financial department if it differs from the billing address. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Kind regards,
I received the models from Southern California where AutoBarn exists. I did not have them arrive from overseas. I am wary for a shipment to Japan again with an attached wing. If you want me to send the model with an attached wing, you will have to take responsibility for the wing. The re-glue of the wing that you have is very easy....Do you not want to do the repair and I will refund you 50 dollars for the bother? Trust me the wing is heavy White Metal on 2 photo-etch supports, and the shipping is the culprit, I am not. When the insurance claim comes to your e-mail please authorize it immediately. Thank you, I will await you answer.
Hello Kouta attached is the invoiceI am resending the Bank info again just in case.Please let me know when you are sending wire so I can tell accounting andalso send copy of the wire transferAs sometimes the first time if there is a mistake on the account informationthe wire will just still in cyberspace
It depends on the currency you want to send us.I noticed that you renewed in GBP so you should use the first account in London, please.
・The label i was providedwill not work i need it spelled out in english were its going post office does not regonize info on return label.・We've been contacted by a customer regarding the order identified below.・Details: The item has arrived, but it was damaged and its not working properly and when loaded the game is not working and asking to reboot. Shipping and handling is too high is it okay for the cu to keep the item and be refunded back with the money,. Please research the issue and contact the customer.
- ラベルに記載されているの文字が不解読です。英語でご記入ください。郵便局では不解読の差出人住所のラベルでは取り扱ってもらえません。- お客様から注文内容に関して以下の連絡を頂いています。- 詳細:商品は到着しました。しかし、破損していてちゃんと動きません。ゲームを起動すると動かなくなり、再起動するようにメッセージが出ます。送料と取扱費用はとても高額なので、このままこの商品をお客様が保管してもいいですか。しかし、この商品の代金は返金してもらえますか。この件について、調査をして、お客様にご連絡してください。
The two car set is the Orange Aventador and Aventador Spyder I send you pictures last week, and you asked me to reserve.For the white you mean the two car set?Problem is the Avnetador Couple White is sold out, if you want we can do a Aventador J and Avetntador Spider as two car set.As far as the Ebay auction let e know if you want the Aventador J Pink, and I will do a combined shipping
I just received a message alerting me you left positive feedback for Vinylmation 3" Pixar series 1 Aliens set from Toy Story Little Green Men .. Thanks for allowing us to fulfill your Disney addictions :). You can find us easier next time by adding us to your favorite sellers. Here's a link for your convenience:Add me as a Favorite SellerI visit the Walt Disney World Resort every week to get all the great items I offer. If there is an item you would like that I don't carry, please let me know and I'll be more than glad to get it for you. Whether it is a mug, a giant sculpture or artwork, I can accommodate you.Inquire on how to get a discount on your next purchase!Thanks again! and have an awesome day!
今、Story Little Green MenからAliensが設定した Vinylmation 3" Pixar series 1 に関する肯定的なフィードバーックをいただいたという良い警報が到着しました。お客様が熱中されているディズニーものコレクションの一部に、当店の商品を加えさせていただいてとても光栄です。当店をお客様のお好みの販売店に追加していただくことで、次回ご購入の際には、すぐに当店を見つけることができます。「お好みの販売店」に加えてください。私が提供している商品は、すべて毎週Walt Disney World Resortに出向いて購入しているものです。もし当店で出ていない商品でお客様が欲しいものがございましたら、どうぞお気軽にお問い合わせください。私の方で喜んでお取り寄せいたします。例えばコーヒーマグ、巨大な彫刻やアートワークなどでもお取り寄せできますので何なりとお問い合わせください。また、次回当店をご利用の際のディズカウントにつきましてもお問い合わせください。ご購入、誠にありがとうございました。素晴らしい日をお過ごしください!
Over the past few months, we've refined and perfected our hardware so it's the smallest and lightest design possible. Now we're mass producing hundreds of thousands of Leap Motion Controllers. We shipped 12,000 units to talented developers who are creating innovative apps. We're building Airspace™, a new app store where you'll discover and download these apps made for Leap Motion. So when your Leap Motion Controller arrives, you'll experience amazing technology and equally amazing ways to use it.Our vision is coming to life, but we're just getting started. Leap Motion isn't only about one single technological advancement. It's about everyone who moves ahead with us.
過去数ヶ月の間、弊社はハードウェアを精密の高いパーフェクトなものにするための努力をして参りました。この商品のデザインは、可能な限り小さくて軽いものになっています。今、弊社は、何千ものリープモーションコントローラー(Leap Motion Controller)を大量生産しています。すでに弊社は革新的なアプリを作っている才能あるデベロッパーへ12,000のユニットを送付しました。そして、弊社はリープモーションのためのアプリを見つけダウンロードできる新しいアプリのストアのサイト、エアスペース(Airspace)を立ち上げようとしているところです。リープモーションコントローラー(Leap Motion Controller)があなたの手元に届いたとき、驚異的なテクノロジーの体験と同時にその驚異的な利用方法をを体験することになります。弊社のビジョンが現実化しようとしています。でも今始まったばかりです。リープモーションは、単なる一つのシングル的テクノロジーの進歩ではありません。このテクノロジーと一緒に私たちは、皆さんと一緒に進化していくのです。
Yes, we took care of the shipping costs and you were not charged for them as you can see from your History section of your account. In order for us to know if we are able to ship an item, please confirm the ECCN for the item with the manufacturer before you make the order and send this information to us for confirmation. We only ship electronics listed under ECCN "EAR99" which means it is not regulated/controlled by US government for export. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to your reply.
はい、配送料は弊社でお支払いしましたので、お客様のアカウントの履歴をご覧頂きますようにお客様に配送料は請求されておりません。弊社から商品を発送するために、商品の注文をする前にその商品のECCNを製造業者にお問い合わせください。そして、その確認書を弊社まで送付ください。弊社では、ECCN "EAR99" に載っている電気製品のみの発送を受け付けております。それらの商品は、アメリカ政府により輸出が許可されていないことを示します。ご協力いただきありがとうございます。ご返信をお待ちしております。
Right now I am getting the 24 inches n daily. You have a first order of 8 that shipped another order of 24 inch coming in. These will be shipped individually as that is how I received them. You should start getting them anytime through USPS
Greetings from Alen here! Very recently we have reviewed the Japanese yen situation again, as it is becoming a little bit more stable now, effective 1st March 2013, we are going to resume back to 15% extra discount (on top of your usual discount) for exchange rate compensation. We will keep an eye on the exchange rate development and update our decision continously. If your order is placed within these 2 days (February 2013), we will still honour 20% extra discount.