I would like to apologize for asking many inquiries.Is that because I have not set up my laptop's settings as follows? If this is not related the problem, what can I do next?I am sorry for incessant questions. I am grateful for your help.
Hello. thank you for your message. With regards to this time's refund, I have done the refund procedure on the day you have purchased via PayPal.I will attach the screen shot of the PayPal just in case.Please proceed to the next procedure after confirmation.When I get the same item next time, I will give you a contact first.
なぜ、何回もメールを送ったのに、返信がないのですか?私は、あなたの会社と、今まで 何回も取引をしてきたはずです。なぜすぐに、対応してくれないのですか?そして質問に答えてください。サイズが違うのは、そちらのミスではないのですか?2時間以内に至急返信をください。
Why do I not get a reply from you?I must have traded with you several times.Why you do not handle the issue?Also please answer the questions I have asked you.Is not that your mistake that you have given me the wrong size?Please reply to me as soon as possible, hopefully within 2 hours.
I would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused this time.I will hand in the improved plan. I would be grateful if you can consider.1. Contents of the breach of the agreements happened this time. Exhibiting of the items which did not gain the sales approval.2. Reasons of the breach of the agreements happened this time. Mistake in confirmation of the items to exhibit due to carelessness.3. Plans to the improvement. Newly employed staff to check the items to be exhibited. Regular checks of the exhibited items. Suspention of the sales when the new exhibition made, and resuming the sales after the check has been done. Withdrawal of the cureent exhibited items as a first resolution.
4.改善策を実施した場合の効果人が作業するため完全にミスを無くすことはできないかもしれないですが、これまでと比べてポリシー違反の発生はほとんど出ないと予想されます。5.改善策の実施期日2013年10月20日から開始します。6.改善策の効果が見込まれる時期2013年10月20日以降7.改善策実施責任者氏名Kensuke Yamamuro今後はより良い売り手となれるよう努力いたします。何卒よろしくお願いいたします。
4. Effects of the Remedy.The possibility is that we can not remove all the mistakes completely because of a human error, however, we can expect that the occurance of the breaches of the policy would happen a lot less.5. Date to start the Remedy. 20/Oct./20136.When we can expect the effects of the resolution. 20/Oct./2013 on wards.7. Kensuke Yamamuro will be fully responsible of the putting the Remedy into the effect.We will endeavor to be a better seller. Thank you for your understanding.
Hello,Thanks for your message, Brian.As i am not sensitive to English however, as far as I have interpreted is that all of my orders have been cancelled, right? If all the items I have ordered are sold out, please regard it as cancelled. I am shameful that I could not take your kind offer.Thank you anyways.Waiting for your reply.
I havefinally received the item after tranrfering the item to Japan which I have bought from you.However I have receivedonly one piece. This seris are based on the concept of being used in pairs.The other six items on the same item page are clearly stated that if they are Each or Single.however with regards to this item, number is not mentioned. Also the items in the picture were in pairs. The reasonable price convincedme to make a purchase.If this is a single sale, is not this almost a flaud? I believe you have forgotton to pack the another piece. Please let me know what is going on.
ちょうどマクドナルドで朝食を買っていました。私は英語が得意ではないので、いつも同僚に翻訳してもらっています。だから話すことができません。セールの連絡ありがとう。進捗報告ありがとう。商品が発送されたらトラキングNOを教えてください。楽しみにしています。ただ今サイトのリニューアル中です。MM/DD から使用可能予定です。しばらくお待ちください。(↑ ホームページの連絡用文言)
I was just having a breakfastat MacDonald's. I always ask my colleague to translate as I am not good at English so that I can not talk to you. Thanks for letting me know about the sales.Thank you for the update for the progress. Once the item to be shipped, please let me know the tracking number. I am looking forward to receiving it.Now the site is under renewal. You will be able to use it from MM/DD. Thank you for your patiance. (Words to be used in a HP)
#William大変興味のある商品ですが、日本での販売データがなく、需要の見極めが難しいため、今回の注文は見送らせていただきます。#habitR1 shallow faceに興味があります。以前ebayに出品されていた「BRAND NEW TaylorMade R1 "TOUR ISSUE" DRIVER HEAD w/ TP SLEEVE」と同じ商品ですか?
WilliamI would like to suspend on making a decision to purchase this attractive products this time as there is no sales data in Japan which makes it difficult to see how big the needs are here in Japan.habitI am interested in R1 shallow face. Is that the same item as the BRAND NEW TaylorMade R1"Tour issue" Driver Head w/ TP SLEEVE, which has been updated in ebay before?
#Golf XcessRBZ 10.5は大変安くしていただき感謝しています。ただし、まだ先日の購入分があるため、次の機会に注文させていただきます。#Marcus BougardTour Issue R11S T3 Headを10個注文を予定しています。RBZ9度は新品が欲しいので今回は諦めます。Version2 Headは、Stage2ではなくて、旧RBZのVersion2の事です。もし注文可能であれば教えてください。
GolfI am appreciating that you have bargained the price of RBZ10.5 for me. However, let me order the items next time as I still have enough stocks available.MarcusI am planning to order 10pieces of Tour Issue R11S T3 Head. I would give up of buying RBZ9 as I want a new product.Version 2 means for the ex RBZ Version 2, not stage 2.If I can order, please let me know.
We would like to use this picuture as a product if the condition is agreed. How should we deal out with the rights? Couldyou kindly tell us how we should apply for theright as there is yet no licensing company and also the prices. Is the composor mentioned in song A credited as an arranger? Is thereany problem if we regard it is A? After making it sure the rights, we will decidethe picture we recordthis time. How is the making process going on? Please keep us updated as we would like to plan next year's schedule.
Please never handle the issue irresponsibly.According to your homepage, it is guaranteed for a one-year warranty. Where can I find information for the three-month warranty for a part? Please let me know where I can find this information. In case there is no information written, unfortunately I can not let you handle in the way you want to handle. If I can not see any improvement on how you deal out with the issue, I will take complains and claims to the ebay.Please send the defect part to the address mentioned below.Do you believe how you are dealing out can be an acceptable one? You can drop the trust in the society.
「オーディオ・ホームシアター展2013」が、10月18日から20日の3日間、東京・お台場のタイム24を会場に開催される。主催は日本オーディオ協会。オーディオ機器展示や多くのセミナー/試聴会に加え今回は、話題のハイレゾ音源体験やNHKによるスーパーハイビジョン(8K)映像デモンストレーションやCASIOPEA 3rdの新譜発表会、女性グループの弦楽四重奏、工作教室のほか、組合せコンポ試聴会やミュージックバードの公開録音など、多彩なイベントが用意されている。
Audio Home Theatre Expo will be held in Time24, Odaiba, Tokyo from 18 to21 of October, held by the Japan Audio Organization.In addition to showing the Audio machines and many seminars and listening experiences, many events are planned like people can enjoy the high resolution audio player which is highly rumored, the demonstration of supervision (8K) picture by NHK and new music introduction by Casiopea 3rd, a live music by female quartet group and handicrft class, and also the experience in the combination component, open recording of the music bird and so on.
■主な実績2012年●~●自社での通販サイトをマネジメント。仕入れ、販売手法、ともに変革し実績向上。新規仕入先増強、取引先数●社→●社(前期比%)商品ラインアップ増加 ●品→●品(前期比%)販売戦略において特売企画を多数立ち上げ「夜のタイムセール」運営効率化による収益改善「スマホ対応」「運営システム改修による効率化」「TEL廃止→WEB」健診予約に関する知識は誰にも負けません。また、オペレーター経験があることで常にお客様とオペレーターの立場にたった受付体制を考えています。
⚫〜⚫ 2012Managed the online shopping site in the company. Got a better results by improving the way of purchasing the stocks and the selling method.Enhanced the new stock suppliersNumbers of the orders made ⚫→⚫(⚫% compared to the previous year)Increased the numbers of the line-up items ⚫items-⚫items(⚫% compared to the previous year)Planned numerous Special Discount Sales Plans, including the Time Sale at night, improving the surplus by enhancing the more effective operation using the smartphones, developing the operation system and cancelling the telephone call service and simlifised it into only on the Web site.No one has enough knowledge with regards to making the Health Check Reservation like me. Also I always put it into a consideration to establish a comfortable system for the customers and the telephone operators,using the experiences as an telephone operator.
2010年4月1日 サービス部特別仕入チーム長2011年12月1日 ダイレクトマーケティング事業部長常に新部門の立ち上げに関与し、弊社センターの成長とともに歩んできた自負がございます。特には、個人に主役意識をもたせ更にナレッジ化することで最大効果をあげる仕組み造り等センター運営に欠かせないマネジメント力に関しては自信をもっております。健診予約に関する知識は誰にも負けません。また、オペレーター経験があることで常にお客様とオペレーターの立場にたった受付体制を考えています。
01/Apr/2010Been appointedto the Director of buying the stocks in Service Department.01/Dec/2011Director of the direct MarkettingAlways absorbed self in establishing the new department, enhanced the skills and gained confidence with the growth of the Centre.I am confident in the Management which is indispensable in running the Centre, especially by establishing the system which is aiming the biggest effects by making the individual workers at the centre of the stage to make them gain more knowledge. No other people than I would have sufficent knowledge in making the Health Check Reservation. Also I always bear in mind of putting self in the customer's shoes, using the experience as a phone Operator.
■コールセンター経歴2002年4月1日●●にオペレーターとして入社オペレーター新人賞を受賞2007年7月1日同社コンタクトセンターにてスーパーバイザーに就任国内宿泊部門を担当後、ライフサービス部門の立ち上げを担当2008年4月1日 同社コンタクトセンターにてチーフスーパーバイザーに就任国内宿泊&ライフサービスのマルチスキル化を推進2009年4月1日 同社コンタクトセンターにて副センター長に就任利用件数 ●→●件(前期比%)売上 ●→●円(前期比%)収支 →黒字化
history with a Phone Call Service Centre01/Apr/2002Joined the Phone Call Service Centre as an service operatorAwarded the Excellent operator award within Newlwy Hired workers.01/Jul/2007Been appointed to the supervisor in the contact Service Centre, established the Life Service Department, after being in charge of the Domestic Stay Department.01/Apr/2008Been appointed to the Chief supervisor.Encouraged the multi-skilled environment in the Domestic Stay and the Life Service.01/Apr/2009Been appointed to the Vice Director in the Contact Service CentreNumbers of the call made-⚫→⚫(⚫% compared to the previous year)Sold ⚫→⚫Yen(⚫% compared to the previous year)Balance Regained the surplus.
I would like to sincerely apologize for the inconvinience.I would like to refund the item if possible.I would be grateful if I can help you next time as I have caused an incovenience.You can exchange the new item.Money has been refunded.I will prepare any items from Japan.I hope you would be able to contact me soon.Again we are sorry for the inconvinience.
I have seen your package picture which you are working now. This is just to clarify, but you are still putting a beautiful blik case in the picture which I do not find in the new picture, right? This nail clipper really cares the good product image, so please bear in mind that you will put this blik case in the picture even after changes.Also I will follow your advice of handling the nail clipper itself first. Let me consider how the leather case will be after seeing the new package.Please enclose thecontract if you do not have any problems, as well as the payment method.
The contents of the Intermatiomal Meeting Exposition(IME) has been announced on 7 October in Tokyo. Thanks to the fact that to have utilized the promotional events by the Nikkei BP, which has contributed in planning and managing, the previous expo has recorded 3197 people, the biggest number to have participated. They have come up with the new programme and improved on the existing programme, aiming more peopre to participate and the increased effect in the expo with B to B colour.After the exhibition on 11, IME expositor and incentive show case key person opinion excange party, which has newly planned this year, will be held in Shinagawa Prince Hotel.