K_Co. (k_co) 翻訳実績

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k_co 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

For people lacking motor skills, touch screens are more intuitive devices. There is no mouse, keyboard or pen intercepting their communication with the screen. Larger platforms, like iPads, are preferred over smaller iOS and Android devices for ease-of-use and, of course, the cool factor.

Here are four ways that touch devices are changing the lives of people with disabilities:

1. As a Communicator

Before the iPad and other similar devices, using touch-to-speak technology was incredibly expensive, costing around $8,000. Now, it only costs $499 for an iPad and $189.99 for a thorough touch-to-speak app like Proloquo2Go.






k_co 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

That relative affordability has made the technology more available for children and adults that can’t use their voice. With the simple touch of an iPad, a hungry non-verbal person can communicate exactly what he or she would like to eat. Those apps can then be customized with photos or features to suit an individual’s life and needs.

Another option is Assistive Chat, which predicts several sentence completion options. For the most severely disabled people, Yes|No is a simple app that allows individuals to voice their preference in yes-or-no responses.



もうひとつ別のオプションとしては、Assistive Chatがある。Assistive Chatはいくつかの文章完成オプションを予測するものだ。最も重度の障害のある人々にとっては、Yes|Noというアプリがある。Yes|Noはシンプルなアプリで、はい・いいえの返事について障害者の好みを声にすることができるものだ。

k_co 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

“It gives dignity back to people who are more disabled,” says Vicki Windham, a special education teacher in the Clarkstown Central School District who trains people of all ages to make the most of their iPads. Windham reviews apps for people with a variety of special needs.

For hard-of-hearing iPad users, soundAmp R amplifies sound in a variety of situations. Users can also record lectures or presentations they want to listen to again later.

2. As a Therapeutic Device

SNApps4Kids co-founder Cristen Reat’s son Vincent was born with Down syndrome, which can also lead to low-muscle mass. While he can walk, Reat describes his son as a Buddha that prefers to sit still most of the time.


「それによって、障害のある人々に尊厳が復帰するのです。」とVicki Windhamはいう。彼はClarkstown Central Schoolの特殊学級の教師で、iPadを使って全年齢の障害時の訓練を行っている。Windhamは様々な特殊ニーズのある人用のアプリのレビューを行っている。

聴覚障害のiPadユーザーにとっては、soundAmp R を使うと様々な状況の音を増幅することができる。ユーザーは講義やプレゼンテーションのうち、あとでもう一度聞きたいものを録音することもできる。


SNApps4Kids共同創設者であるCristen Reatの息子、Vincentはダウン症をもって生まれてきた。ダウン症によってもまた筋力低下を引き起こしうる。彼は歩くことはできるが、Reatは彼の息子のことをブッダだという。というのも彼はほとんどの時間、じっと座ってすごしているからだ。

k_co 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Throughout his life, Vincent’s therapists and parents have tried to help him be more active. It was not until his physical therapist placed an iPad on a treadmill that Vincent was motivated to walk. He now stays on for nine and a half minutes, interacting with his iPad while he’s in motion.

In addition to increasing his gross motor ability to walk, Vincent’s iPad has helped his fine motor skills. For Vincent, computers and older technology required visual shifting — between a mouse or keyboard and the screen. On an iPad, Vincent can watch as one of his fingers writes directly on the screen to make selections.




k_co 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Similarly, Noah Rahman has shown motor improvement. After playing the Elmo Loves ABCs app on his iPad, he can write the entire alphabet, requiring sophisticated finger isolation. As a three-year-old, this puts him well above his grade level. “First it was ‘do it for me,’ then it was ‘do it with me,’ now he does it by himself,” says Noah’s father.

3. As an Educational Tool

Years ago, one of Jeremy Brown’s autistic elementary school students picked up his iPhone off his desk and began navigating the iOS with ease. “It’s like a fish to water,” says Brown, a teacher for autistic elementary school students, of his students’ interactions with touch technology.


同様に、Noah Rahmanも運動機能の改善を示している。Elmo Loves ABCsアプリをiPadで遊んだあと、彼はアルファベットという複雑な指単独の動きを要求するものが全部書けるようになった。3歳児として、このことで彼は彼の学年レベルを上回ったといえる。「最初は『私のためにこれやって』からはじまり、次に『私とこれをやって』になって、現在は彼はひとりでそれをやるようになったのです。」とNoahの父はいう。


何年も前になるが、jeremy Brown自閉症小学校の生徒がiPhoneを机から出して、簡単にiOSをナビゲートしはじめたという。「水を得た魚のようだった」とBrownはいう。Brownは自閉症児向けの小学校の教師であり、彼の生徒にタッチテクノロジーを用いている。