hitomi-kumai (hitomi-kumai) 翻訳実績

5.0 233 件のレビュー
10年弱前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
ビジネス 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー
40 時間 / 週
hitomi-kumai 英語 → 日本語

For me additional putting fb page on the item listing on olx on the description area will be great and can help also the customers to be more convenient in terms when they want to know what are the others product that the seller sell. Personally when I look for the item on olx then I saw they put they fb page on it, I'd rather click and view fb page because it's more convenient on me, fb page is more organize when you put your products. Especially if the fb page have a proof of transaction from the customers, like shipping receipt and money remittance proof. It's more convincing to the customers if they satisfied with the proofs, we all know they are a lot of scam especially online business.



hitomi-kumai 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

We will try our best to provide you any support. Meanwhile, please kindly understand that our mediation is on the basis that you provided enough evidence for your claim. We noticed you bought over 1 piece of products, to support your claim, please tell us how many pieces are defective and provide us sufficient pictures to il! lustrate all the defective pieces within 3 calendar days. (Please don‘t provide pictures instead of video if video is requested).

If you have settled the dispute with seller, please response in the complaint centre so that we can be informed and follow this dispute according to the settlement.



hitomi-kumai 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Share Room Inquiry


My name is OO. I am a 27 year old American living and working in Tokyo.
I am contacting you today about the share room listed on OO.com.
I will come to NYC for a two month business trip from January 5th , and I am interested in renting the room you listed starting from that time.
I have been living in Japan for 7 years and speak Japanese. I would really like to stay in contact with Japanese people during my business trip, which is why I am sending you this inquiry.
If you are willing to rent the apartment to me, please contact me at this mail address.
Thank you for your time and consideration.




hitomi-kumai 英語 → 日本語

The TPP part of the summit must be vexing to the original TPP members Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore. A good question is their opinion as well as newer countries involved in the negotiations such as Australia about relaxation of strict adherence to a completely tariff free agreement. It undoubtedly is difficult for them to understand since the U.S. joined later, quickly assumed the leadership role and has espoused a hard core complete free trade policy until just recently, now that TAFTA has emerged as the focal point.It is difficult to conceive of any quick finalization of the TPP if, indeed, the negotiating protocol does change to allow some exceptions for sensitive products.

