Did Atlantis really exist? If so, where is it ? Or was the whole story just made up as a moral lesson to other peoples not to become too arrogant? Unless an underwater civilization is found one day, with ruined buildings and of matching size, or some other proof is found, these questions cannot be answered conclusively. But as long as they remain unanswered more theories will be added to the thousands already proposed, because perhaps something deep in the human spirit wants Atlantis to be true.
However, according to Plato, the people of Atlantis became too proud and greedy in their desire for other lands, so Zeus, the King of the Gods, decided to punish Atlantis and its people. He sent terrible floods and earthquakes; the entire population of the island was buried in the earth, and the island of Atlantis was swallowed up by the sea in one terrible day and night. Plato's version of the story is the only source for believing that Atlantis ever existed;
for centuries afterward nothing more was written about the legend. Then, after Europeans found the Americas, the "New World", some people began to wonder if these newly discovered lands could have been the lost kingdom.The legend grew in popularity. Atlantis has been suggested as somewhere in Africa, Europe, even Russia, as well as possibly being in America.Until now over 20,000 books have been published about this land.
Cute icon. The flag on the mountain and the nose/flower(s) look very nice.
昼間は案内することができる人が見つからなかったので、プロジェクトのメンバーにおすすめの場所を聞いてみました。日曜日の観光の参考にしてもらえればと思います。夜はTomagoさんが案内してくれる予定です。[浅草]・浅草寺(浅草と言えばここ)・神谷バー(電機ブラン発祥のお店。日本のバー文化の草分けです)・合羽橋(いろんな変な道具とか売ってて、楽しいです。時間に余裕があるなら)おすすめ。[原宿]・Laforet 原宿, Takeshita dori(個性的なファッションのお店などが多いです)・オリエンタルバザール(日本の伝統的な製品が格安で手に入るいいお店)・ロータス(原宿のおすすめカフェ。ちょっと疲れたら)・原宿餃子楼(餃子のお店。安くて結構おいしいです)・キディランド(日本のおもちゃを買うなら)[秋葉原]・Radio Kaikan, Radio Depart(電子部品がたくさん売ってます)・電化製品のデパートはたくさんあります。オタクカルチャーのお店はTomagoさんが詳しいです。[三鷹]・三鷹の森ジブリ美術館→もしジブリアニメが好きなら
I couldn't find anyone who can show you around in the daytime so I ask one of the member of the project for a recommend place to visit. I hope you refer to the list for sightseeing on Sunday. As for the night of the day, Tomago'll show you around.<Asakusa>* Sensoji Temple (Most famous tourists attraction in Asakusa)* Kamiya Bar (The birthplace of Denki Bran, which is a kind of Brandy)* Kappa Bashi (They sell varieties of tools, utensils, dishes, etc. in this town. Very interesting town to shop around)<Harajuku>* Laforet Harajuku (Fashion Department store), Takeshita Dori (Crouded narrow fashion street lined with fashion related shops, various shops, cafe, etc. Very unique street where unique young cultures has emerged.)*Oriental Bazzar. (Nice shop where you can get trasitional Japanese products at very low prices. )*Harajuku Gyozarou (They sell delicious Gyoza dumplings here at low prices.)* Kiddy Land (This is a good place to buy Japanese toys.) <Akihabara>* Radio Kaikan, Radio Depart (They sell various electronic components here)* Here in this town, there are lots of electronic appliances department stores. Tamago knows a lot about stores related to Otaku cultures so you can ask him whatever to him.<Mitaka>* Ghibli Museum, Mitaka (If you're a fan of Ghibli Production movies such as Sprited Away)
彼の新作アルバムは日本先行発売 (海外でのリリース予定なし)
His new album is going to come out exclusively in Japan. (No releases overseas in sight)
・2 Sizes and 5 Color Options ・1/4-20 Mounting Holes ・Perfect for Inspection of Reflective Objects These Diffused On-Axis Lights are designed for the inspection and analysis of reflective components. Engineered to provide a bright, diffuse spot at greater than 25mm, these parts are ideal for assembly line inspection. With 2 aperture size options, the Diffused On-Axis Lights work for a variety of different part sizes, up to 2” across. Continuous and strobed operation possible.
・サイズは2種類、色は5種類・1/4-20の設置穴・反射物の検査に最適これらのDiffused On-Axis Lights(拡散軸上ライト)は反射部品の検査、分析用に設計されています。25mm以上の明るい光拡散スポットを提供するために設計されており、組み立てライン上での検査に最適です。Diffused On-Axis Lightsの開口部サイズは2種類で2インチ幅までなら様々な部品サイズにも対応。継続的なストロボ作業も可能です。
These High Intensity Area Lights were developed for machine vision and factory automation challenges. With 5 (4 for ring light) extremely bright LEDs, the intensity of these units will provide illumination to the most light starved applications. Available in red, white, blue, green and infrared, these units cover a wide variety of applications. Selecting the model with intensity control allows even more versatility through the fine adjustments of a potentiometer.
これらのHigh Intensity Area Lights (高彩度エリアライト)は機械視覚とオートメーションの課題を解決するために開発されました。5個(うち4個はリングライト)の高彩度のLEDを用いているため、これらのユニットの提供する照明は様々な用途に使用することが可能です。色は赤、白、青、緑、赤外線などをとり揃えており、様々な場面で使用できます。明りの強さを調整できるモデルでは、ポテンションメーターを微調整することにより、さらに様々な場面での使用が可能になります。
Drawings and pinouts available upon request. ・Ultra-Bright LEDs, Perfect for Use from 0.15m to Past 2m ・Available With or Without a Potentiometer for Intensity Control ・Optically Isolated Strobe Signal ・Illuminates a 24” Diameter at 1m ・5 Wavelength and 4 Lengths Options ・Continuous or Strobed Operation Selectable ・10° Lens Angle
図面と配列は御希望に応じて提供します。・Ultra-Bright LED(ウルトラブライトLED)0.15m から 2m 超までの使用・明るさ調整ポテンショメーター付きのものとそうでないものどちらも提供・1mの距離で24インチを照明・波長は5種類から、長さは4種類から選択可能・継続的、またはストロボ作業を選択可能・レンズのアングルは10度
These High Intensity LED Linear Arrays are ideal for illuminating larger areas with maximum intensity. Available with a clear acrylic window or an acrylic diffusing window, and a variety of color and length options, these High Intensity LED Linear Arrays are useful in a variety of vision setups. Compatible with standard DIN rail mounts, these High Intensity LED Linear Arrays are easily integratable in new and existing setups. Sealed IP68 versions of Banner Linear Arrays also available.
これらの High Intensity LED Linear Arrays (直線配列高彩度LED)は最大光度で広いエリアを照らすことに最適です。High Intensity LED Linear Arraysは透明アクリルウィンドウまたはアクリル光拡散ウィンドウと共に提供されており、カラーバリエーションや長さのオプションが豊富で、様々な設置に効果的です。DINレールマウントと互換性があり、新旧の設置状況に一体化されます。バナー直線配列の密封/気密IP68バージョンもお届けできます。
Windows Live Hotmai の使い方が私にはわからない。スカイプは使えませんか?スカイプでしたら使えます。それから、Webカメラは持ってますか?
I have to say that I don't know how to use Windows Live Hotmail. Can we use Skype instead? I know how to use it. One more thing. Do you have a web cam?
wishing ur dad a fast recovery from his surgery on monday-peace and love ori x
あなたのお父さんが月曜の手術から早く回復するように祈ってます。ピース アンド ラブ オリより キス
Hey! I'm live on Ustream from my iPhone
In this Holiday congratulate men. Todaynobody works. I will go soon To the parents to congratulate my daddyon this holiday. I I will arrive back home on Thursday. Do not loseme! :)I always with impatience wait your letters. They to me bring the bigPleasure! What plans at you these days?
l as hope, that tomorrow you again will answer me. l wait for yours the letter. care of itself! olga.
明日もまた返信くれるといいな。手紙待ってるから。元気でね! オルガ
I today recollected that day when we have got acquainted with you, mydear Atsushi. To me even it became a little ridiculous, in fact wewere so Cautious with each other wrong words also were afraid to tell.And Now we write only that now in a head. And I think, that itCorrectly. In fact the truth and frankness with each other is a pledgeThe big success in attitudes in the future. I wanted you to ask, andWhether you store my first letters?
Dear my, I do not know that such occurs to me, but in the last Time, Ibegan to think a lot of time of you. I think, that between us Alreadythere is an invisible thread which connects us.
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Kobe Bryant on his stamina upon his return: "I feel fine, like a gazelle."