hhanyu7 翻訳実績

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hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

In stock portfolios, not every stock is a winner. Similarly, not every decision you make will be correct. But an entrepreneur who understands that time is a key, finite resource and applies it in a way that maximizes the odds and size of the upside will have a winning portfolio of decisions.

2. Raising Capital Is Only Half the Value from Venture

During our bootstrapped days, I averaged two new contacts per month to grow Cie’s business. After Cie Game’ first raise, that increased to two to three new contacts per day. I learned that funding isn’t just about tapping into capital, it’s also about tapping into connections. The right VCs give entrepreneurs a vast network to grow an idea into a company.



2. 資本金を調達することは、ベンチャーの価値の半分に過ぎない。

私たちが自力でやっていた頃、私は平均すると1ヵ月当たり2件の新規契約でCieの事業を成長させていた。Gie Gameの初めての調達後、それによって1日当たり2件から3件の新規契約に増えた。資金調達というのは、ただ単に資金を活用するということだけでにとどまらず、つながりを活用することでもあると学んだ。ふさわしいVCは、アイデアを企業へと成長させる巨大なネットワークを起業家に与える。

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Silicon Valley Is Ill-Suited to Financial Services

Silicon Valley has a great track record with unregulated markets like the Internet and software, but its firms haven’t done well when trying to disrupt highly regulated industries.

Remember when Silicon Valley was going to be the savior of our energy dilemma by innovating clean energy technology? Remember the black eyes that followed for investors and regulators when clean tech companies went bankrupt? Those failures cost taxpayers dearly.

Fintech disruption can only move as fast as regulators are comfortable. Yet the Valley tends to treat everything like the unregulated software or Internet industries. That is not the road to success.






hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Successful Disruption Embraces Regulation

The financial services industry will be disrupted. Traditional lending fails too many people to continue in its current form.

But to be sustainable in the long term, fintech disruptors must:

・Respect industry regulations and work proactively with regulators to ensure that disruption benefits both the company and the consumers.
・Be strategic about challenging the status quo, as regulators will only adapt as fast as the market does — if fintech innovation outpaces the market’s willingness to accept it, regulators will react negatively.
・Be economically viable independent of government regulation or subsidies — just as regulation must be respected, so must the free market.






hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Samsung says startups are its secret sauce

Samsung said on Monday that its evolution as a company depends on “cultivating deep relationships” with startups and startup ecosystems, not just in the U.S. but around the world.

The South Korean tech giant, probably still best known for its hugely successful line of Galaxy smartphones that go head to head with Apple’s iPhone at the premium end of the market, said that startups are the “secret ingredient” in its innovation.

“The future is about the thoughtful integration of hardware and software. And that means startups,” said David Eun, EVP of Samsung’s Global Innovation Center (GIC), in a blog posting.





「未来はハードウェアとソフトウェアの慎重な一体化にかかっています。そしてその意味はスタートアップです」 と SamsungのGlobal Innovation Center (GIC)のEVP, David Eun氏はブログの投稿記事の中で述べた。

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

More broadly, Samsung said that for it “to evolve its software and service presence, and continue building compelling consumer experiences, [we are] cultivating deep relationships with startup ecosystems in Silicon Valley, New York City, and around the globe.”

“[We] build these relationships through four vehicles: investments, partnerships, acquisitions, and [an] accelerator program in San Francisco and New York City. By working with startups at any stage of development, GIC engages with entrepreneurs in a variety of ways, offering them more opportunities than investments would alone,” it added.


さらに広く見れば、それが「ソフトウェアやサービスでの存在感を進化させ、しっかりした消費者経験を築き続けていますが、(私たちは)シリコンバレー、ニューヨーク、そして世界各国でスタートアップ・エコシステムとの深い関係を築いているのです」 とSamsungは述べた。

「(私たちは)これらの関係を4つの手段を通して築いています。それはサンフランシスコやニューヨークシティにおける投資、パートナーシップ、買収そして加速度プログラムです。どの段階であれスタートアップと連携することにより、GICはさまざまなやり方で企業家たちと関わりを持ち、投資だけで提供できる機会以上にさらに多くの機会を彼らに提供しています」 と付け加えた。

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

While this is not the first we’ve heard of Samsung’s apparent obsession with startups — others have done deep dives on the topic — it’s always nice for the ecosystem and founders to be reminded of the company’s continued appreciation for what they do.

Last week, Samsung pledged to step up its efforts to better support local startups at home in South Korea.

It said it would do this by encouraging entrepreneurship (sounds pretty broad), helping founders reach overseas markets, and creating synergies for the regional economy, according to The Korea Times.




The Korea Timesによると、企業家たちを励まし(かなり大まかに聞こえるが)、設立者が海外市場へと拡大する手助けをし、また地域経済に対し相乗効果を生み出すことによってこれを行いますと、当社は述べた。

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

“We have seen the achievements in fostering a venture business ecosystem which we aimed for when the [Center for Creative Economy & Innovation] was established,” Samsung’s president Lee Sang-hoon was quoted by the Times as saying, at an event last week. “We will strengthen support programs for the creative economy to vitalize the regional economy.”

Samsung’s new center in Daegu was jointly created with South Korea’s ministry of science, ICT and future planning.

Meanwhile, the company’s venture investment president, Lee Seon-jong, said at the event that Samsung “will continue to provide support to build a startup environment which starts from ideation and establishment, and leads to an expansion of investment.”


「私たちは、[Center for Creative Economy & Innovation]が設立されたときに、私たちが目指したベンチャービジネス・エコシステムの促進において成果を見てきました」 と、先週のイベントでSamsungの社長Lee Sang-hoon氏はTimes誌に述べたと伝えられた。「私たちは、創造経済が地域経済を活性化するための支援プログラムを強化します」


それと同時に、当社のベンチャー投資社長、Lee Seon-jong氏は、Samsungは、「新商品のコンセプトを考案する作業と事業所からスタートし、投資の拡大へとつながっていくスタートアップの環境を築く支援を提供し続けます」 とイベントで述べた。

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Clinical Efficacy on Hair Loss
Test Protocol

30 volunteers with androgenetic alopecia (average age 46)

no iron deficiency anemia, no thyroid related conditions or any other possible pathology
Must had 200 hair on the treated zone & 70% in anagen phase

15 treated with the Capixyl™ lotion (5%) and 15 with a placebo
Formulation composed of water 75% and alcohol 20%

Once a day application at night time of 20 drops of the Capixyl™ leave‐on lotion or
placebo for a period of 4 months

A digital trichogram (TrichoScan professional) was taken at D0 and 4 Months.
‐ Quantification of number & the growth of hair in anagen & telogen phases
‐ Quantification of the variation of number of hair after 4 months

How to perform TrichoScan







