hhanyu7 翻訳実績

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hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Based on the principle of freewill and equity, after friendly consultations, Party A and Party B
come to an agreement about products exhibition and promotion at Party B’s site. The details of the agreement is as below:

1. P B shall exhibit and promote the products of P A, P A provides the products to P B at preferential prices as attached invoice.

2. P B shall promise to exhibit P A's products in the showroom, shop and do demonstration for the customers, the cost in this process shall be afforded by P B.

3. P B shall promise not to sale, exhibit or promote the similiar competing products in the period of exhibition and promotion of P A's products.


自由選択権と公平さの原則に基づき、和やかな協議の後、Party AおよびParty Bは、Party Bのサイトでの商品の展示、販売促進に関し合意に達した。合意の詳細は下記の通り。



3. PBは、PAの商品の展示および販売促進の期間において類似した競合商品を販売、展示、もしくは販売促進をしないことを約束するものとする。

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

4. P A agrees P B to display the products’ exhibition and promotion on his website or Blog, at the same time, P A will also display the products’exhibition and promotion on his website or Blog to assist P B's advertisement,

5. When P A introduces dealers to visit P B’s showroom, P B is only responsible for the reception and products’ presentation, P B shall not tell dealers prices P A offered to P B or other distribution information. P B shall tell the visiting dealers to contact P A directly and shall not make any promises in the name of P A.

6. P B shall protect P A’s image in the period of products’ exhibition and promotion, P B shall not
have any behavior which dishonor P A’s brand image.


4. PAは、PBがPBのウェブサイトもしくはブログ上で商品の展示および販売促進にすることに同意し、同時に、PAはまた、PBの広告を支援するためにPAのウェブサイトもしくはブログ上に商品の展示および販売促進を行うものとする。

5. PAがPBのショールームを訪ね販売業者を紹介する場合、PBは迎え入れおよび商品のプレゼンテーションにのみ責任を持ち、PBはPAがPBに提供する価格もしくは他の流通情報を販売業者に話してはならないものとする。PBは、訪問している販売業者に直接PAに連絡を取るように話し、PAの名において何事も約束してはならない。

6. PBは商品の展示および販売促進の期間においてPAのイメージを守り、PBはPAのブランドイメージを汚すようないかなる行動をしてはならない。

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

7. P B shall take photos or videos to record the products’ exhibition and promotion process, and send the photos or videos to P A. (Optional)

8. P B agrees P A to use above photos or videos for legal marketing.

9. During the execution of the contract, if any party breach of contract, the defaulting party shall pay $500 liquidated damages to the other party.

10. The products exhibition term is from 20 NOV 2015 to 31 DEC 2015 , in this period the above products could be only used as the exhibition and promotion.

11. This Agreement applies to the laws of the People's Republic of China.

12. This Agreement shall come into force as of the date of signature and seal of both parties.


7. PBは商品の展示および販売促進過程を写真またはビデオに撮り、写真もしくはビデオをPAの送るものとする。(オプション)

8. PBは、PAが法的マーケティングのために上記の写真もしくはビデオを使用することに同意する。

9. 契約の遂行中、当事者のいずれかが契約に違反した場合は、不履行当事者は相手方に500ドルの予定損害賠償金を支払うものとする。

10. 商品の展示期間は、2015年11月20日から2015年12月31日とし、この期間における上記の商品は、展示および販売促進としてのみ使用される。

11. 本契約書は、中華人民共和国の法律に適用する。

12. 本契約書は、両当事者の署名および承認日に施行されるものとする。

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

but it does allow you to issue a full refund without requiring a return – doing this will close the case immediately. Please note that even if you and the buyer aren't able to agree on the best way to handle the return, it's still your responsibility to pay for the return shipping costs. We recommend buying a prepaid return label and sending it in the form of a web address, so that we can access and verify the information if needed.

Since our policies require you to facilitate this return, we'll close the case 9th of November, 2015.

I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but I hope I've explained the importance of working with your buyer to cover the return shipping costs.





hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

About contract, with the payment term, our accountant said that Vietnamese government don't agree the company receive foreign currency by cash with such that big amount. So please don't put it in the contract. All the payment will be paid by T&T

About sealing machine, it will be ready latest is end of next week, so the processing can start from the week after. As I informed before, for 5100 tons product, we need from 10-15 days to finish. The starting date will up to you. For the document, after ship departure, we need around 2 days to finish and send you. If it's ok, the delivery time of document will be aound 5 days.




hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

I’m sorry to hear that your buyer has opened a case claiming that the item they have received was damaged. I understand that you are not willing to accept the return as you have posted the item in good faith. Please allow me to explain how you can resolve this case
When an item is returned because it didn't match its description in the listing, the seller is responsible for the cost of return shipping. To be fair to our sellers, we require buyers to pay for returns for buyer's remorse. However, as a seller you are responsible for getting the item to the buyer without any issues, or for making things right if problems arise



hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

The Chinese company, which is founded by former Google employees, found a niche in its early days as a replacement for the banned Google services. The company is still relatively small, but is known for its voice search software as well as its own smartwatch OS and device called Ticwear.

Mobvoi was founded in 2012 by former Google research scientists, Li Zhifei, now CEO, and Mike Lei, who is the company’s CTO. They sealed a partnership with Google in March this year, also partnering with Lenovo’s Moto 360 to promote their voice search software this September. Their software is integrated with several of China’s most popular apps including WeChat, Dianping, Didi Chuxing and Weibo.



MobvoiはGoogleの元科学研究員Li Zhifei氏によって2012年に創立された。Li Zhifei氏は現在、最高経営責任者であり、Mike Lei氏は同社の最高技術責任者である。二人は、今年3月にGoogleとのパートナーシップを締結し、またこの9月にはLenovoのMoto 360とパートナーを組みボイスサーチソフトウェアの販売促進を行った。Mobvoiのソフトウェアは、WeChatやDianping、Didi Chuxing、Weiboをはじめとする中国で最も人気のあるアプリに統合されている。

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Executives from Telkomsel, XL Axiata, and Indosat today unveiled the plan with Project Loon’s point man Mike Cassidy and Google co-founder Sergey Brin at a press event in Silicon Valley. Indonesia is now the fourth country behind Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand, over which Loon will launch balloons more than a dozen miles into the sky and drop down internet access to smartphones.

Earlier this month, Indonesia’s telcos had mixed feelings about this proposed initiative. “Clearly, the project would harm not only Telkom, but also other telecommunication companies,” Indra Utoyo, Telkom director of innovation and strategic portfolio told the media. “That means Google would bypass us.”


TelkomselやLX Axiata、Indosatの幹部らは、今日、Project Loomの責任者Mike Cassidy氏およびGoogleの共同創立者Sergey Brin氏と共にシリコンバレーで行われた報道機関向けのイベントで計画を発表した。インドネシアは、現在、ブラジルやオーストラリア、ニュージーランドに続く第4番目の国となり、Loonによって気球が12マイル以上空へローンチされ、インターネット接続がスマートフォンに落とされることになる。

今月すでに、インドネシアの通信会社は、この提案された構想に対して複雑な心境を抱いていた。「明らかに、このプロジェクトは、Telkomだけでなく他の通信会社にも損害を与えるかもしれません」 とTelkomイノベーション・戦略的ポートフォリオ部長のIndra Utoyo氏はメディアに語った。「それは、Googleは私たちを抜きにすることを意味します」