Quite unfortunately, someone has already won the bid on ○○.Here is the total price.If you are interested in some other items, please let us know.We will send you the photo of ○○.Thank you for doing business with us.This is a pre-ordered item. It will be in store on ○○ and we will ship it as soon as it arrives.
You can make separate arrangement for item price and shipping fee. We chose the fixed shipping fee.Because of this arrangement , our total price might be quite different from other sellers.I would like to answer your questions.This item is in store now. We will send it with tracking number.It will take 10 days to deliver it.However, there are some possibilities of delay when we deliver it to Paris because of the customs problems.We have accepted your request.We will take care of the problem about the item as soon as we can.We are sorry but we don't attach a tracking number to avoid raising the shipping fee.
東京女子流がサンフランシスコにて行われるJ-POP SUMMITに出演決定!同時に映画際での主演映画2本とも上映が決定!
TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE will be performing at J-POP SUMMIT in San Francisco! The two movies they are staring will be also shown at the film festival!
"女子流が米国初上陸!サンフランシスコで行われる米国最大級のJ-POPカルチャーフェスティバル、J-POP SUMMIT FESTIVALに名誉ゲストとして参加!女子流は、ステージパフォーマンスを行うのに加え、2本の主演映画(『学校の怪談…』『5つ数えれば…』)が、同フェス内にて開催されるJapan Film Festival of San Franciscoで上映されることになり、舞台挨拶等も実施、まさに同フェスを女子流一色に染める!
TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE will be visiting the States for the first time! They will be at J-POP SUMMIT FESTIVAL, one of the biggest J-Pop culture festival in the U.S., which will be held in San Francisco. They are invited as a honored guest! TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE will be at the stage as a performer. On the top of that, their two featured movies ("Thriller at school" and "If you count five.." ) will also be shown at the Japan Festival San Francisco during the J-POP SUMMIT. They will be greeting at the theater, too. All of them means that the festival will be hijacked by TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE!
I understand the situation regarding to ABC. Thank you for letting me know that it might be difficult to perform.The following script has been taken care. There for technically it could be possible.Please take a look at my site. I have customized a little. I am looking forward to the new design while I am quite satisfied with the current design. If you ask me some suggestion on the current one, I would be happier if you could install some function on the right side bar. It might be helpful if there is tag function as well.Please keep it mind that I am well satisfied with the current version. I would appreciate if you correct the bug for the time being.
We stopped putting the product on display because we are not sure we understood your question about "A" correctly.We have already sent the receipt o our tax account for closing our books. Because of that, it may take a couple of days to send you a copy of it. Do you need us to send you it even though we stopped displaying it?Would you let use know what was wrong with this product and why you wanted to take a look at the receipt?The wholesaler contacted us about product "A" and said that they have it in stock now.The package is somehow damaged but the product is in brand new condition.Its price is $○.If you are interested purchasing it, please let us know. We will manage to get it and put it on display.
I am returning all the products tomorrow.All the body parts will be returned. However. as for product "A", we will not be able to send three out of five because the government have strictly restricted the number of the items to be exported outside Japan. You should take all the responsibility for this trouble. First of all, if you had sent me the correct items, all this trouble would not have occurred. Because of this, [ I won't be able to return only two items of "A" while I will pay all the return shipping fee.] What do you think of this deal?I have one more thing to ask you. Please take necessary procedure of refund as soon as you receive the returned items.
”TV Dad Shrine, "is a mecca for TV Dad mania. It is at the observation deck of Sapporo TV tower. No other shrines are located as high as "TV Dad Shrine" in Sapporo City. I am scared of the height!( Don't you think so?)It is one of the latest spots born in 2013, when the city repainted the tower. They changed the window at South-east area into a huge one glass from ceiling to floor. The view directly from the feet and the outwardly slanted window gives you a great shiver.The view has gotten much better because of the renovation. They also made a pun when they named it.
Hokkaido Historical GalleryMap of Hokkaido(divided into 26 areas), created by Matsuura Takeshiro, the Godparent of "Hokkaido" is worth seeing. Built in Bricks Its roof and interiors were destroyed by a fire but its brick walls are still remained firmly. Later it was restored as its original form. The whitish stone is Ishiyama hard stone, mined inside the city.TV Tousan (TV Dad) Shrine"TV Dad" is one of the most popular Yurucharas, anime-style cartoon mascots in Japan. You can find wide varieties of TV Dad Family goods from stuffed dolls to mug cups at its souvenir shop.
あなたのご希望に沿うようにしたいと思っていますが、私は今まで a gouvernement postal serviceを経由して送ったことがありません。今、その方法を調べていますので、わかりましたらご連絡します。よろしくお願いします。
I am willing to do anything to live up to your expectation. The thing is, I have never used a gouvernement(*government?)postal service and am now looking over how to use it. I will let you know as soon as I am ready for it.Thank you very much in advance.
What happened was that I failed to understand the items that had something to do with property right. That was the cause of the trouble.To avoid further trouble, here I promise(swear) that I will never sell the items which might have something to do with intellectual property right. By doing so, I will not cause any troubles for Amazon.com, the manufacturers and the customers.I will promise to sell and ship the items as soon as possible with great care for my customers. I will use FBA to promote the sales as well.I hope Amazon.com to support me to expand our business together. Please reactivate my account. This is my sincere wish.Thank you very much in advance.
First of all, I have to apologize the trouble I caused to Amazon.com because of my account pending.I would like to let you know what happened clearly. The thing is, I was selling the items which had something to do with intellectual property right, which in return caused the doubt that I was selling the fake items.To solve the problem, I have canceled all the items in question which I was selling. I have turned in all the receipt to prove they were not the fake items.
東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~ 東京ドーム公演 当日引換特別先着販売決定!
TOHOSHINKI LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~ Tokyo Dome Live Special exchange tickets on the door (First-come, first-serve system) will be available!
このたびは「東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~」公演に非常に沢山の皆様からご応募を頂きましたことを、まずは心よりお礼申し上げます。ステージセットを組んだ上で、実際に現場検証を行ったところ、5/20(火)、5/21(水)、5/23(金)、5/24(土) 東京ドーム公演の機材席が開放出来ることになりました!5/19(月)21:00より、当日引換特別先着販売を受付スタート致します!
Thank you for applying for "TOHOSHINKI LIVE TOUR 2014~TREE~” We are grateful for receiving such a lot of application. We have built stage set and examined the stage condition and found out that we could open the space originally designed for music equipment for the audience at Tokyo Dome live on Tue., May 20, Wed.,May 21, Fri., May 23 and Sat.,May 24.We will start the application for the special exchange ticket(fist-come, first-serve) on the door!
検討して頂きたい以下の要望があります。1. カスタムページの追加(利用規約など)2. ユーザー登録するページに文字認証の追加3. トップページ、カテゴリーページなどにrel=next、rel=prevのタグの追加4. Cache機能の追加1と2に関してはこの機能がないとサイト運用が難しいので優先的に追加してもらえると嬉しいです。4は現状でも表示がとても速いので不要かもしれません。3に関しては以下のページを参考にしてみてください。ただ実装はとても難しいかもしれません。
We would like you to consider a couple of proposals.1. Add another custom made page( for example; user policy page)2.Add character recognition system to registration page.3. Add tags such as "rel=next" or "rel=prev" to top page or category page4.Add Cache functionWe would like you to # 1 and #2 as soon as possible for without them, it is difficult to run the site.We might not need proposal # 4 for the display speed is very quick right now.Please refer to the following page as for proposal #3. It might be difficult to add the function to our site though.
I would like to ask you to give me amex discount service two more years. If you kindly say yes to it, I would not leave MYUS account and keep it . http://www.myus.com/en/amexinternationaloptimized/More over, I would like you to promise me not to trouble me again for not shipping the products I ordered.I look forward to hearing from you with a good news.
今回の問題の原因は、あなたの事実と異なっていた説明です。あなたが正しい説明を記載していれば、私は購入しなかった。つまり、問題の原因はあなたにあります。だから、私は返送料(return shipping)はあなたが負担すべきであると主張しています。あなたが返送料を負担しないのであれば、返品無しの一部返金を提案します。一部返金の場合、合計金額の半分の$●です。ご検討ください。
I claim that you should pay the return shipping because you made explanation which was not based on the fact. If you had written the correct explanation, I would not have bought it. That is why you should owe the responsibility. If you are not going to pay the return shipping, I propose partial refund without returning the item. Partial refund is possible up to the half of the total amount of $●. Please think over it.
■Your seat might be "seating-only." If it is the case, you may not be allowed to stand up. Please understand it in advance.■The ticket will be sold at the door. It is based on "first-come, first-serve "policy. The available tickets are limited in number and will be sold out.■No refund,claim, or change of the seat will be accepted once you purchased the tickets. Please understand it in advance.■You may not be able to get the seats next to each other if you get more than two. Please understand it in advance.■To avoid reselling, we ask you to enter the dome after you purchase the tickets. Please make sure you are with your companion.
Please understand your seat might be where the effect sound is so loud and music is hard to hear.■"Restricted seat( so called MIKIRE SEKi) and stage side seat(MIKIRE-TAIKAN SEKi) are the seats where you might not see the members or the visuals because of the settings. "Stage side seat" have more limited view of the main stage than "restricted seat". More over, in the former seat, you might find harder to hear the sound because of the effectors noise.■All above inconvenience such as the view, sound, or noise are based on individual judgement. When you apply for the ticket, please note they will be not the problem with you.
東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~ フジテレビNEXTにて独占放送決定!!
TOHOSHINKI LIVE TOUR 2014~THREE~Will be broadcasted exclusively on Fuji NEXT!!