It's a fine day.
iPodで料理注文 ファインフーズ、飲食店用システム開発
Order Your Dinner by iPod: Fine Foods Developed an Order-Receiving System for Restaurants.
I am sorry for emailing you so often.
Nobody answers a phone call to this number.
Last minute coding on the iPhone app version of 140 Characters - with post-ship updating
Translation test from Japanese to English
140Trans supports 47 languages. The client can place a translation order just by inputting the original sentences and selecting the the source and target language pair. The translation by human volunteers will be automatically sent in return to the client's twitter account in the form of “@username: the translation.”
Voila, es-tu toujours en vie?Hey buddy, are you still alive?# The original is not French but Japanese.# I am not sure which language you want, but the first line is French translation # and the second is English translation.# 原文はフランス語ではなく日本語ですね。#必要なのがフランス語か英語か微妙でしたので、両方に訳してみました。#1行目はフランス語、2行目は英語です。
In order to do that in the most transparent way and the least amount of outside communication
So, I can ask for the service as many times as I wish?
What on earth is this?
The file status can only be queried by premium users - Purchase a premium account now!
When you type in "FU-I-NN-KI", which is a common misspelling of the word "FUNNIKI (atmosphere)", it will be appropriately converted to the relavent Chinese characters.# Or if you can use Japanese characters, または日本語の文字が使える場合には、When you type in "フインキ" it will be correctly converted to "雰囲気".
It's such a pleasant day, today.
Maybe they're like the orfolei.
That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?"
We took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through.
採取した被検体はわれわれの探査船に運んで、徹底的に調査した。# It's Terry Bisson, again, right? I enjoyed it, too.
Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again.
why not? Imagine how unbearably, how unutterably cold the Universe would be if one were all alone...
Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the weddilei.